Archives > Katacombs

Re: OOC Discord Server

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What nebulous, unsubstantiated, well-poisoning, false-flag bullshit is this?

Silas Vitalia:
* copies link before thread is torpedo'd into oblivion *

Kasuko; whatever any one of us thinks, let's avoid potentially aggravating or insulting statements until we find out more. I'm actively trying to at the moment.

Julianni Avala:
Should further posts be made that are inflammatory, I have been notified to temporarily lock the thread until another moderator can handle it who's not directly involved with the accusation.

This is very much a frustrating situation to the people involved. Please keep your posts civil and remember the rules.

Thank you.

[admin]Having owned two Discord servers previously (one for a corp, one for an alliance), I am well aware that the server owner and moderation staff do not have any more dangerous access to your personal information than I do here as an admin on the forum.  Discord as a software platform has done just about everything one can do to ensure the security of a software that enables VOIP communication.  If you believe that someone on the OOC Discord staff has found a way to exploit a vulnerability in the app's security features, address those concerns at the link below, not on[/admin]


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