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Re: direction of eve storyline ?

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Jev North:

--- Quote from: Mizhara on 21 Jun 2018, 09:52 ---Oh cry some more. Maybe RP within the same game everyone else plays in, instead of trying to invent a new one?

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Why bother? It'll get shouted down with more of this galaxy-brain "if I tell them they're doing it wrong in-character, they can't tell me that's doing it wrong" bullshit.


--- Quote ---The game as-is is an extremely limited platform for storytelling. It's like trying to write an engaging character-driven epic using nothing but rock, paper, scissors.
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Is it, though? It's a damn near unlimited universe, where you can go to incredible places, see incredible things, and do absolutely amazing things yourself and with others. You can invent the most gritty cyberpunk section of a station or planetside, you can invent sights and events that rival every sci-fi setting in history. Hell, without breaking even the slightest of the rules we toil under, we can set up gargantuan space cities and do incredible things with them.

In game or in fiction, we have so much room to work under and we can do so much awesome shit.

With this in mind, I genuinely don't understand why following these barely noticeable limitations we labor under is so hard. I'll grant you, I haven't shared more than a fraction of it publicly, but I've written enough stuff about worldbuilding and events Miz is connected to or have experienced, solo or with others, to fill a small book. Hundreds of others have done the same.

Look at what people have written about their clans and their homes. Look at the stories they've written about their characters in New Eden. Look at the staggering volumes of writing you'll find on these boards alone.

Are you calling them "extremely limited"? Are those fantastic stories 'rock, paper, scissors'? No, they're amazing! Well, some of them. Some of us stay mediocre by dint of being mediocre at this shit, but Eve is demonstrably an amazing platform for storytelling. You can do so much, you can see so much, you can have entire fucking epics written and performed in Eve Online that you could only fucking dream about in any other game.

It really isn't at all difficult to produce amazing RP and fantastic fiction in New Eden without breaking the world and setting we are in. The game mechanics of Eve Online has never managed to limit my RP or my fiction and while I'm far from great I know I'm good at it.

I will in fact go so far as to assert that if you can't RP or write within these very light constraints we're put under you might not be very good at it.

I'm very curious as to why there is a need to bash on the fun of others. I enjoy my RP with the people I have chosen to RP with. We stay within the setting, but a lot of our RP is very character driven, with only a few touches on the lore elements.

Honestly, at the end of the day, if the RP doesn't involve you, you have no right to comment.


--- Quote from: Mizhara on 21 Jun 2018, 09:43 ---The problem there then becomes "If he can, then I can, and everyone else can" and then suddenly I should theoretically be able to crash Amarr Trade Station onto the damn planet by just dumping enough Marines in there. Or take on other people's citadels in ways we really bloody can't. An even playing field is a necessity not just to maintain the immersion etc, but to avoid breaking everyone's RP. Yeah sure I can agree with Samira that we do X and Y with Citadel Z and then what happens when that goes public?

Why wouldn't PIE then be able to do that with my Citadels? Why wouldn't I be able to do it to theirs? Or SFRIMs? Or completely unrelated people having read the IGS?

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This is where generally accepted standards and people not intentionally being shit to each other comes in.

"Being able to crash the Emperor Family Station into the planet" is beyond the parameters of what's reasonable or realistic to even try and claim, so nobody is going to try and declare that they've done that.

If you and Samira RP'd the capture of a citadel through marines, then when it went public I'd imagine most people would be happy to accept that as it is reasonable, pre-agreed, and doesn't break anything in the established game world.

--- Quote from: Mizhara on 21 Jun 2018, 09:43 ---The problem and blessing of Eve is that it's one shared universe. There isn't just "involved parties", it's everyone. What we do is done within the exact same setting and under the exact same ruleset, and when someone starts pretending it doesn't apply to them and their particular thing, while publicly claiming this is how the universe now works, other characters then either have that exact same capability or you start fragmenting everything into house-ruled camps.

House rules are awesome. House rules which in this kind of game then would have to propagate across every house the game comes onto the table... less awesome.

This is why I am a proponent of 'gameplay trumps all'. That still leaves immense amounts of wiggleroom to do all kinds of shit with your characters, but if it happened in space? Do it in space, under the exact same ruleset everyone else plays by, or it just makes interaction nonsensical in the end.

You can do damn near anything in Eve as it is. If you push for breaking the rules we all play under, RP collapses entirely.

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Again, I don't disagree with this in essence.

The bit I have a problem with is if two (or more) people get together and agree that "x is going to happen in their arc", and it's not something that the game allows to be played through, it is not up to uninvolved people to jump in and shit on them for it.

It doesn't actually harm anyone if people decide to play something "impossible" as long as they keep the impact of said event within those involved, and the community in general recognise that what might be "allowed" for one person isn't automatically "allowed" for someone else.

A tiny bit of communication literally solves all your issues.

Also, I think this mentality is toxic to the community as a whole. There's no right way or wrong way to RP if it provides enjoyment to the player.


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