EVE-Online RP Discussion and Resources > EVE Character Development

Amarr Capsuleer Training of Slavery Abolitionists

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Do you think that the Amarr Empire would put an avowed slavery abolitionist through capsuleer training?

If so, under what circumstances?

I'm working on an agnostic slavery abolitionist, but I can't come up with a reason why the Empire would even allow such a person to go through capsuleer training.

Even though in-game you go through the training within your own "race" would it be an accepted role play to say he/she went through the training elsewhere? For example, an Amarr receiving capsuleer training in the Gallente Federation.

Your characters starting school doesn't have to represent where they actually went to school, although some people will point at it and claim otherwise. There are Caldari RPers whose characters are Minmatar for example.

Capsuleer training can be sponsored by private groups too, not just the major empires. So you have a lot of leeway.

Thank you for the reply. I guess I have been looking too narrowly at things. This helped a lot.

Samira Kernher:
For Amarr schools, it would depend on a couple of factors. For one, how vocal is the character? Two, are they from the nobility or are they a commoner? While abolitionist mindsets are not approved of in Amarr, even declared heretical, the schools aren't likely to care as long as the capsuleer-to-be is able to pay their tuition and doesn't make a scene. Being nobility also ensures that even if a fuss is made, they might be unwilling to take action because of your connections (though it would probably be reported to the family, and the family might take action in order to maintain its reputation).

When I created the character, he is True Amarr and the school is Hedion University. I was considering him being a professor at the school who after being a visiting scholar at the University of Caille he began adopting the Gallente lifestyle. He returned to Hedion for capsuleer training. I haven't really developed anything much beyond that other than him being a humanitarian.


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