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Author Topic: Your Most Horrible Experience In EVE  (Read 22463 times)

Katrina Oniseki

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Your Most Horrible Experience In EVE
« on: 11 Jun 2013, 23:34 »

The purpose of this thread is to post your most unpleasant or upsetting moments in EVE. I mean the ones that really shake you, the ones that make you feel horrible... or if you're too laid back for any of that emotion, just the ones you rather regret.

I hit mine tonight. Easily.

Goonswarm was slamming our mining towers in Syndicate, taking the high value moons from us. We didn't really have any way to fend them off. That isn't what bothered me, nor was it that I lost a ship. It was actually a turn of good luck that spelled the horror of my evening.

We had Pandemic Legion ready to back us with a Tempest fleet, with fairly significant numbers. All we needed was a bubbler and a cyno to get the drop on the goon dreads. Someone x'd up for bubbles, I x'd up for cyno. I knew we had plenty of cynos and fuel in the stock hangar as always, so it was a simple matter of going to station and reshipping into a trash cyno. Meanwhile others were getting into interdictors. So I dock up.

Only... there were no cynos. Or fuel. I searched frantically for the cynos, checking my hangar, checking the corp hangars, checking the containers in the corp hangars, and the market. Oh there was one on the market.

1,750,000,000 ISK for a cyno.

I was so upset as I listened to John continue to call for the cyno to hurry up, asking where's his cyno, seconds ticking by, the fleet getting killed out there trying to hold the goons in place. I'm in fleet with PL, and I can see them asking eagerly for it, asking when can they jump... waiting. 70+ people all waiting on me. Expecting me to pull through. I moved to buy the cyno for that price just to make sure I didn't fail... but I was 100 million short on ISK.

The next cyno was 4 jumps out, so I grabbed a ship and filled it with fuel. As I undocked, I heard John talking about how the goons were escaping, how we lost. We failed.

I'd like to say I got kicked off the game by the server crash that happened within the next 5 minutes... but I didn't. I ragequit in tears, having felt horrible for being that one guy who fucked it all up. I had bad fights before, bad arguments, bad experiences. I'd had a lot of upsetting experiences, but I had never failed my friends on that magnitude before. I'd never actually been that bad at EVE. It was humiliating.


But it seems dawn shines after the darkest nights, right? Turns out someone else decided it was a good idea to go get a cyno too, just in case. He pulled through within seconds of my departure, landing the PL fleet and obliterating several of the enemy caps. It was a victory in the end... but somehow, it seems so bittersweet.
« Last Edit: 11 Jun 2013, 23:49 by Katrina Oniseki »


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Re: Your Most Horrible Experience In EVE
« Reply #1 on: 11 Jun 2013, 23:46 »

Awww, Kat. There, there, you did good hun, you did good.  :cube:
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Re: Your Most Horrible Experience In EVE
« Reply #2 on: 12 Jun 2013, 00:04 »

I am sorry to hear that Kat; sounds really bad.

My night wasn't all that great either, but nothing quiet like that.  Been dealing with constant connection issues, which are on going and a ship/cargo lose that shouldn't have happened.


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Re: Your Most Horrible Experience In EVE
« Reply #3 on: 12 Jun 2013, 00:04 »

 :cube: I love Kat.

The whole night was pretty fucking terrible for me.

I assumed you D/Ced, but hearing what happened, I now feel rather self-centered given with the pity-party I threw myself when we spoke after PL left.

Things to remember:
1. We were actually there.
2. We won.
3. We will learn from our mistakes and do better next time.
« Last Edit: 12 Jun 2013, 00:08 by Makkal »
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Katrina Oniseki

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Re: Your Most Horrible Experience In EVE
« Reply #4 on: 12 Jun 2013, 00:08 »

You two should share your stories too!


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Re: Your Most Horrible Experience In EVE
« Reply #5 on: 12 Jun 2013, 02:36 »

My worst EVE experience? Hmm...hard to say, had quite a few bad ones lol.

I guess some of the ones that top the list include:
- not monitoring my overheat and thus burning out my guns in my Mach while the enemy Maelstrom I was "1v1ing" had hit structure
- another, more recent example of the above is when I was "1v1ing" a Drake in a Brutix and burned my guns out when he just hit 0% shields
- getting yelled out by a crazy guy in my corp when I first started playing EVE that really hurt my feelings :(

Umm, yeah. Also, speaking about that fleet tonight, getting my Phobos in I0AB and not being able to help tackle the Goon cap fleet because stupid Yama and his buddies were camping the 6-U gate in S-U in Tech 3's. It's almost as if they knew I was reshipping...damn spais
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Re: Your Most Horrible Experience In EVE
« Reply #6 on: 12 Jun 2013, 03:13 »

I think everyone knows my worst eve experience *grumble*  :bash:


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Re: Your Most Horrible Experience In EVE
« Reply #7 on: 12 Jun 2013, 07:03 »

I think it was when Goons kicked my old alliance out of our region and we couldn't do a damn thing cause people were too scared to swarm with caps we had in system to take them out before they killed the cyno jammer.

Aside from that? I...just don't care. I just rage, but long term, I don't care much :S...

Silas Vitalia

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Re: Your Most Horrible Experience In EVE
« Reply #8 on: 12 Jun 2013, 08:53 »

1. Failing at basic remedial math during Alliance Tournament by having too many points on field on live television... meaning we had to suddenly chop people from fleet before we could fight, ruining our composition about 2 minutes before the match, and getting ROFLstomped in about 30 seconds when the fight started in front of thousands of spectators. Not a happy way to end our tournament run which had been super fun until then.

2. Losing an entire null region and failcascading several alliances in about 4 days.  So much fail from so many people.  Not upset but was not fun at the time, great learning experience in sheep herding though. I was limited to running coalition fleets and was trying to stay out of the fail politics, but learned just how much I dislike coalition work and null sec ego shittery with a quickness.

3. Other than that it's been peaches :)



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Re: Your Most Horrible Experience In EVE
« Reply #9 on: 12 Jun 2013, 10:00 »

Looking back with more objective eyes, I'd say I haven't really had any particularly bad experiences within EVE itself. Sure, I might get ragey about a ship-loss now and then, but they're just spaceships.

My worst experiences in EVE usually revolve around people, and interacting with people. The game itself is easy!

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Re: Your Most Horrible Experience In EVE
« Reply #10 on: 12 Jun 2013, 10:45 »

Waking up some mornings and being told players I met and knew, "Hey, [person] died from cancer..."

Ghost > So yes, she was Ghost's husband-
Ashar > So Ghost was a gay Caldari and she went through tranny surgery
Ghost > Wait what?
Ashar > Ghosts husband.
Ghost > No she was - Oh god damnit.

He ate all of them
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Re: Your Most Horrible Experience In EVE
« Reply #11 on: 12 Jun 2013, 11:43 »

All my bad experiences in EVE involved people and dramabombs, so I think I'd better not name names in regards to things.
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Re: Your Most Horrible Experience In EVE
« Reply #12 on: 12 Jun 2013, 12:14 »

My worst experience revolved around a formerly prominent Amarr RPer who I had a huge amount of respect for (and will not name).

I used to be combat director for Jericho Fraction. My main goal at the time was to ensure we had reasonable targets to fight. During one dry spell, I decided to check out what was a rapidly growing Blood Raider presence based in near nullsec. I fitted out a Crucifier with a MWD, passive targetter, and ship scanner and flew it down to the station the BRs were basing out of. It was a long flight, as we were based in Pure Blind while the BRs were based in the South - something like an hour to get there. My plan was to sit on the station and passive-scan all the BR ships, to see what sort of enemies we'd be facing. At the time, we had reasonably good relations with some of the Amarr RP groups, who were also planning on attacking the BRs, and so I'd discussed my plan with the guy who was trying to put this Amarrian coalition together, and he'd given it a thumbs up. This was a little bit touchy, as JF had gone to war with the Amarrian RP bloc before, and the differences in our respective views of RP war led to a lot of very real OOC anger. I was in favor of working with the Amarrians this time in order to smooth things over, because I was fond of many of their players.

Soon after I'd arrived at the station, a group of pilots from one of the Amarr coalition corps arrived. Figuring "We're all here for the same reason", I didn't give them much mind. We both sat off the station, waiting for BR fighters to undock, when suddenly one of the Amarrian battleships destroyed my stationary frigate. After getting my pod to a safe spot, I convod the Amarrians. Turns out they thought I was a spy, and thought for some reason that it would be best to use evemail to warn me that I had 60 seconds to leave or they'd shoot me. We exchanged heated words, then I left for the extremely long trip back home.

Once I was back in high sec, I convo'd the coalition organizer and told him what happened. He confided that the pilot who had shot me was a total asshole, that they only kept him because he was a decent fighter, and he promised he'd resolve this to my satisfaction. It evidently took quite a bit of work on his part to get this pilot to even admit that he was at fault, but he finally did, and then offered the standard "We'll replace your loss."

I was still pretty pissed about the incident, mostly about the waste of time on my part. I told him that the offer was insulting, that while the loss was only about 400k the inconvenience on my part was extreme. I said that I wanted the aggressing pilot to experience some punative inconvenience, therefore I insisted that I wanted a replacement ship with exactly the same fitting and name as my lost ship, and I wanted it personally delivered to our home base in Pure Blind by the pilot in question. An asshole move on my part, but like I said I was angry.

This, of course, went over poorly with the aggressing pilot, and turned into a big diplomatic incident that threatened to tear apart the coalition this guy was trying to build. Jericho Fraction, as a matter of policy, was ready to go to war with anyone over any ship loss. Meanwhile, some of the smaller corps in this coalition were threatening to pull out over the prospect of fighting the BRs and the Minmatars and JF, while other corps were starting to question the coalition organizer's ability to actually put together something that works. Additional heated words were exchanged before he cut connection.

I don't think his coalition lasted very long. I decided that the loss wasn't worth JF going to war with the Amarrians. Unfortunately, the coalition organizer and I never worked things out and a nicely budding friendship was lost.

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Re: Your Most Horrible Experience In EVE
« Reply #13 on: 12 Jun 2013, 15:04 »

Not many great terribad experiences for me...

Maybe that time when I was still in my first year in Eve (near the end of it) and was still learning a lot about the game, pvp, FC-ing, alliances, sovereignty, nullsec, diplomacy, and most of all, the social aspect of the game, especially when it came to leading people, organizing things, dealing with human players, etc. With a friend we had a very small corp that we mostly dedicated to intelligence warfare, being part of Aegis Militia, and we just started to develop the new shiney little home constellation we were entrusted by CVA in Providence. AM was at the time a very poor pvp alliance with very few means at its disposal. Even our own novice corp of dedicated/devoted players (5 active max) was probably doing a good amount of money with our invention and trade. We also learned about the Istvaan heist, among other things like that. AM had a bloody cursed history with spies, thieves and sabotages. But it was just a story among many.

Someday we logged in to see that the whole alliance was in a mess and learned that most of the AMC POSes had been sabotaged, among other harmful things. In our own corp we were pretty safe since we all worked in full autonomy, alone. We learned that a player had left the AMC corp as soon as he got access to the POS director roles and other accesses as well. So the whole sov on our constellation was pretty much on the verge of collapse since only our corp in our single system still had functional POSes anchored. AM lost a lot this day, but not in terms of money. What were a few POSes and other materials ? All T2 BPOs and the likes were already gone since the first heists. And as I said the alliance was poor. Not even sure what the spy attempted to do, since we were not at war either. I think it may just have been a way for him to "prove" himself.

The real damage was done to the morale of the group. AM had always been an awesome group of nice people helping selflessly each other. Probably the alliance with the nicest people I have been in (Soratah, Kra Ra, Bastables, the people in OPIM, RaataTech, etc, except Graelyn because he was not here  :evil: ). They just never completely recovered from the series of heist they had to face. It is understandable, when you work so hard to get all these T2 BPOs and else, and that disappears into smoke in a matter of minutes. So, this betrayal was just another hit on the morale and cohesion. It was only too obvious when a few weeks after the AM executors came to hand it over to us, since they were so washed up that they were unwilling to do anything anymore.

I was not even directly the victim of this since it was not about my corp, but nevertheless I felt bad for the alliance. It is also the thing that made me utterly despise corp heists and thefts. It's the game, and would I have had to deal with that while being older, I would certainly not have taken it so badly. Though what I think of that is mostly disgust. It is not the act in itself, but more the fact that you know the guy for a certain amount of time, spend time with him, the guy is nice and fun to talk to, you share good moments and have a project together, and suddenly you eventually understand that all of this was just a lie, a face among other faces, a fake. I wouldn't like it to happen IRL, and I didn't like it either in a game. Like somehow a game excuses all of this.

(It was not done ICly, between characters. It was done between players)
« Last Edit: 12 Jun 2013, 15:09 by Lyn Farel »

Silas Vitalia

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Re: Your Most Horrible Experience In EVE
« Reply #14 on: 12 Jun 2013, 16:11 »

Soon after I'd arrived at the station, a group of pilots from one of the Amarr coalition corps arrived. Figuring "We're all here for the same reason", I didn't give them much mind. We both sat off the station, waiting for BR fighters to undock, when suddenly one of the Amarrian battleships destroyed my stationary frigate. After getting my pod to a safe spot, I convod the Amarrians. Turns out they thought I was a spy, and thought for some reason that it would be best to use evemail to warn me that I had 60 seconds to leave or they'd shoot me. We exchanged heated words, then I left for the extremely long trip back home.

Was this warning ooc or ic? If it was all IC why were you angry just curious?
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