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Author Topic: Caldari pilots looking for an RP corporation  (Read 6756 times)


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Caldari pilots looking for an RP corporation
« on: 09 Mar 2011, 16:48 »

I've played Eve for a year now and would like to start (actually did so last night) a new Caldari character who will role-play from the beginning.

I'm looking for a role-playing corporation to join.  I think my biggest wish is that the corporation be active.  I'd much rather find a 100 person or 1000 person corporation than a 10 person corp.

Anyone have any recommendations?

PS - I'm doing this with my wife, so she'd obviously want to join the same corp.


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Re: Caldari pilots looking for an RP corporation
« Reply #1 on: 09 Mar 2011, 17:03 »

You'd rather be faceless numbers than part of a smaller, less formal Corp that you'll likely end up being on first-name basis with?
Well, it's not up to me to decide people's play styles. Hope you find what you're after, good luck, pilots. o7
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Re: Caldari pilots looking for an RP corporation
« Reply #2 on: 09 Mar 2011, 17:17 »

I've got another character in a 100-man corp right now and it's a perfect size.  There are usually 15 - 25 people online at any given time which is great.

When I've been in 10-man corps there's a good chance that when I log in, no one else in the corp is even there.  Or maybe there are 2 people, etc.

So I guess I'd restate that my ideal corp size would be 30 - 150 people.


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Re: Caldari pilots looking for an RP corporation
« Reply #3 on: 09 Mar 2011, 17:22 »

I've got another character in a 100-man corp right now and it's a perfect size.  There are usually 15 - 25 people online at any given time which is great.

When I've been in 10-man corps there's a good chance that when I log in, no one else in the corp is even there.  Or maybe there are 2 people, etc.

So I guess I'd restate that my ideal corp size would be 30 - 150 people.
Yah, currently, my Corp is me & 1 other active[ish] person. I'd count my partner, but she only logs in to do PI then logs off.
Only 100+ member Corps I've been a member of were all vollspasti and should be avoided at all times. Mind you, being part of the NC at the time, it's a wonder I was ever cajooled into joining. Anyways, I'm used to being in smaller Corps - upto 50 members - and prefer that kind of play style. It's hard enough for me to remember my own name at times, let alone 30 bajillion others.
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Milo Caman

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Re: Caldari pilots looking for an RP corporation
« Reply #4 on: 09 Mar 2011, 18:04 »

When I started out, I took a similar approach to corporations. Certain number, usually 30+ after a bit of playtime, I came to the conclusion that the actual number didn't matter, just who was active and willing to work/play together in your timezone.

Example, Anshar Incorporated is a 12-man corporation. Bar two of those ten who are currently on leave, everyone is active during broadly the same times, giving  similar (perceived) activity stats to the last 100-man corporation I was in.

What you might consider doing is stating what times you're active, picking a corporation *then* gauging their activity. In going after a 'big' corporation, you miss out a lot of the smaller-scale but nevertheless fun and active RP that does go on in EVE.


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Re: Caldari pilots looking for an RP corporation
« Reply #5 on: 09 Mar 2011, 18:21 »

Milo's got it right, and I've (personally) had better times with corps of 5-20 rather than 50-100 due to the reasons he said. But that's partly just my preference, too

You might also post about what kind of activies you're interested in, and where you and your wife would like to fly? High, low or null? If you're interested in null sec I can confirm that Caldari Independent Navy Reserve are a competent bunch, having flown alongside them on a previous character a number of months ago. They are not a small corp, but I have no idea what their recruitment policy is like either.

As far as Caldari RP goes they are the only name I can drop, I know there's others here involved in it who will probably have better pointers than I.


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Re: Caldari pilots looking for an RP corporation
« Reply #6 on: 09 Mar 2011, 19:46 »

In answer to the OP, if you are looking for Caldari RP in particular, I would recommend Ishukone-Raata Enforcement Directive. The executor corp is Revenent Defence Corporation. The alliance is about 400 strong or so.

Alternatively, there are a number of FW corps to try, but I don't think many of them heavily RP. CAIN is one, but only Hamish rp's I think.

If you're more of an industrial type you might look at Lai Dai Infinity Systems or Construction Cabal (part of aformentioned I-RED). They'd look after you.

If you like the dodgy side of State RP - The Guristas, the obvious answer is Veto.

Hope that's kinda helpful.


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Re: Caldari pilots looking for an RP corporation
« Reply #7 on: 09 Mar 2011, 19:51 »

Alternatively, there are a number of FW corps to try, but I don't think many of them heavily RP. CAIN is one, but only Hamish rp's I think.
Ohhh I wasn't aware they went back to FW.

Vincent Pryce

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Re: Caldari pilots looking for an RP corporation
« Reply #8 on: 09 Mar 2011, 21:09 »

If you like the dodgy side of State RP - The Guristas, the obvious answer is Veto.

Veto Corp however is not suitable for new characters as they would be quite useless in the style we operate unfortunately. Veto doesn't take alts, barring the rare possible exception by Verone.


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Re: Caldari pilots looking for an RP corporation
« Reply #9 on: 09 Mar 2011, 21:46 »

There you go then. Don't choose Veto.


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Re: Caldari pilots looking for an RP corporation
« Reply #10 on: 09 Mar 2011, 22:05 »

So, there is an interesting problem of becoming a "100-member" (/ 30-50 active) corp.  You have to start with a smaller "30-member" (/ 15-20 active) corp and grow it.

To the OP; I-RED has a variety of corporations with different focuses and I will assume active membership.  CAIN is likely the largest of the the FW corporations who have members active in RP (more than Hamish RP, Hamish seems to be their remaining active connection to this community).

Sadly, LDIS (my corp) is working the critical member mass issue at the moment and doing so in different TZs.

Which leaves an important question - what is our preferred TZ?

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Re: Caldari pilots looking for an RP corporation
« Reply #11 on: 09 Mar 2011, 22:05 »

I would personally advise against two things:

1). Don't go for a corporation with big numbers just because they have big numbers. You'll be sorely disappointed because there's only a few options of mass-scale RP corporations. Depending on your RP style, you may or may not find an agreeable group. For that matter, not every - hell, not any - large RP group I know has ALL RPers, so you might still end up with a small percentage of RP friends despite being in a 1000 man setting.

2). Don't expect larger corps to take in a novice character. The reason I joined AI was that although I was only at about 2mil SP, the corp gave me a chance to learn and have some freedom. I learned more in the first months of my time with the corp than I could have asked for, and I've grown close to the other pilots.

Larger corporations aren't looking for friends, they're looking for assets. Unless you have the 5mil, 10mil or 15mil classic barriers, you're not going to have anything to offer them, and they don't want or need you. Call it a lack of perception of how useful an eager noob can be, but it's the way of the world.
An important reminder for Placid RPers

One day they woke me up
So I could live forever
It's such a shame the same
Will never happen to you


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Re: Caldari pilots looking for an RP corporation
« Reply #12 on: 10 Mar 2011, 10:27 »

Larger corporations aren't looking for friends, they're looking for assets. Unless you have the 5mil, 10mil or 15mil classic barriers, you're not going to have anything to offer them, and they don't want or need you. Call it a lack of perception of how useful an eager noob can be, but it's the way of the world.
A lot of the major non-RP Corps only want you for what you can offer them - another lil worker drone to be added to their collective.
Check out the other Corps in this section of the forum, they wont be huge, but they'll be more helpful than mode Corps/Alliances.

Veto are great, but 2 noob chars aren't of much use to pirates. It's unfortunate, but I'd keep them in mind if you decide to go Yarr after 10mil SP.
TGA were pretty good once upon a time, but management & RL issues have caused it to fall over, their academy was a great idea.

CKY - my Corp - are in Gallente FW, but it's not very active at the moment.

If you want highsec carebeary st00f, I'd suggest I-RED of LDIS for you. I wont suggest dragging a < 100k SP char into null, I've been there and it wasn't much fun.
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Quote from: Raynman37
Go down to the end, take a left at etc and you should see usr right there in front of you.


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Re: Caldari pilots looking for an RP corporation
« Reply #13 on: 10 Mar 2011, 12:26 »

If you want highsec carebeary st00f, I'd suggest I-RED of LDIS for you.
Now, now, we in LDIS do lowsec carebeary stuff, too!

On topic: I prefer small corporations ( I have the same attitude in any MMO I ever _really_ played ), too. I don't like the "Just another cog in the wheel"-feel of bigger ones. I can realistically get to know each member both IC and OOC as well as really help shaping the future of the corporation, e.g. "playing a meaningful part".

edit: DosTuMai, I never heard the word "Vollspasti" being used by any non-native-german. You get one point for that unexpected reason for chuckling.
« Last Edit: 10 Mar 2011, 12:29 by Desiderya »


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Re: Caldari pilots looking for an RP corporation
« Reply #14 on: 10 Mar 2011, 12:42 »

edit: DosTuMai, I never heard the word "Vollspasti" being used by any non-native-german. You get one point for that unexpected reason for chuckling.
Blame my gf; she's a native German speaker, I just stole it because it's a great word. =P
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Quote from: Raynman37
Go down to the end, take a left at etc and you should see usr right there in front of you.
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