General Discussion > Web Development and Site Suggestions

Verification image when sending messages

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I am trying to send a message (even to you Havohej :P) but it won't send unless I fill out the letters from the verification image "shown above". Except there is no image, neither Explore, Firefox or the EVE browser can open any image. Neither on my machine running Windows XP or the other running Vista.

I am bit hampered here. :(

Was this via PM? I just sent one and didn't see any CAPTCHA style filtering setup. Though perhaps there is some post threshold for it.

I pressed "reply" on a PM send to me. Maybe that makes the difference?

EDIT: It is gone! Somebody is messing with me. :evil:

Nah, you were right.  There's a small feature enabled where if a user has less than 5 posts on the board, it requires a verification before sending a PM.  The occasional spammer will get past our reCaptcha registration plugin, so that's meant to spare our members from getting e-mail notifications of PMs full of porn links :)

Ashar Kor-Azor:
So, are the captchas loading for this post-low subset of the userbase?

I'd make a test account, rly, but I might be tempted to make more than five posts on it >.>


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