General Discussion > Web Development and Site Suggestions



Ashar Kor-Azor:
You know what I need? A toggle on my account preferences that allows me to automatically never use smileys when postan.

What I'd like a little less, but still a lot, is a second toggle to not only never have a smiley in my poasts, but never see one on the whole board.

Mind you, text emoticons are my bag, but I just have an irrational dislike of smileys. Or, well, just a preference to not encounter the goddamn things. God only knows why.

When posting, in the Additional Options, there's a checkbox for "Don't use smileys."

I'll see if there's a plugin to allow individual users to disable the display of smileys altogether, but for now I can change the code of smileys so that instead of :) producing a smiley it would require :): or something else... but it'll be a time-consuming, tedious pain in the ass so I'll work on that Laterâ„¢ :p

Ashar Kor-Azor:
Well, I don't think the latter solution is useful, as it'd screw with the experience of other people who are accustomed to or like using smileys.

Besides, it'd be way too much of a PITA.

But yeah, after clicking 'do not display smileys in this post' a couple thousand times on the old forum, I'm not really relishing it on here.

Zuzanna Alondra:
This is amusing to see - your not the only one. 

I hate them accidentally showing up in my posts and hate using the myself.  Other people do as they please.

Hence long ago using *insert emotion* and non-conventional smileys like ~_~ to get around them.

Hope that helps Ashar - instead of always clicking the "don't use similes" when I post I just got decent at spotting what might cause them and not using those to start with.

Now to make a bot for every program I own to change "lol" into emotes and words... mind you I've started using shorthand myself more from being forced to type one handed while holding the squirt.

Ashar Kor-Azor:
Trouble is,

1) I like certain emoticons, in their text forms, and
2) It would be a relatively straightforward matter (perhaps not simple or quick, but straightforward) to code in an option to simply not use them if a certain checkbox was appropriately marked in a given user's profile settings. Or not to LOAD them when viewing threads. Preferably both.

Hell, the improvement in loading time for a given thread might only be marginal, but it WOULD save data.


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