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Author Topic: [SFRIM] Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque open for recruitment!  (Read 24690 times)

Lunarisse Aspenstar

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*bump* we're recruiting. I am specifically looking for miners to fill out our mining fleet and for people wanting to help with the drifter expeditions being run by the Consortium of which SFRIM is supporting.


  • Wetgraver
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If (when) my heroic quest to grow a shrubbery on Nauplius's dead body comes to an end, do you mind if I park Tammy in SFRIM?

- has positive image
- mostly harmless
- can fly stuff (about 8M SP at the moment)
- likes to write flowery posts on IGS
- not a corp thief or a spai (rly, i'm too lazy for this stuff!)

- like totally inactive (this may change)
- unclean minmatar alts
- no active mic present (and won't be present, in any game, ever.)

Also, free bump.
« Last Edit: 19 Nov 2015, 06:02 by Tamiroth »

Lyn Farel

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1) Can't be less active than me, at least in space..
2) Tami is awesome.
3) Nothing stops you from being in SFRIM while still hunting Nauplius...

Karmilla Strife

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SFRIM members who successfully hunt down Nauplius get a medal and freshly-baked cookies. 

Also, I'm not a recruiter but I'm pretty sure minmatar alts and lack of a microphone are not problems (I have a Brutor alt and every SFRIM fleet I've flown with relays commands by text in fleet chat.)

Lunarisse Aspenstar

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Tami, comm Luna in game or mail her. I suspect you don't need to wait for anything :)
« Last Edit: 19 Nov 2015, 10:39 by Lunarisse Aspenstar »

Lunarisse Aspenstar

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Still recruiting, still having fun in the stars :)

Looking to fill out some more EU people if possible as we're light that timezone. 

Also looking for people wanting to help with the drifter expeditions being run by the Consortium of which SFRIM is supporting

But open to any appropriate and interested applicants!

Utari Onzo

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If Carlseburgh did Hisec corps...

It'd probably look like SFRIM.

Nicoletta Mithra

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Foremost non-militia, non-nullsec Amarr corp, I think?

Mitara Newelle

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Foremost non-militia, non-nullsec Amarr corp, I think?
Section 3) Shitposting. "The cluster would be a much better place if all Amarrians were set on fire"

Lunarisse Aspenstar

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SFRIM recently started a new membership category, Legionarius, to fly with and to support ARC. This category is for those who may not be strictly of the faith or loyal to the Empire (as is our usual criteria for membership), but who wish to put aside any differences and stand with us against the existential threat to all humanity - the Drifters. I am please to welcome Jennifer Starfall into our ranks as our first Legionarius. A more official announcement or explanation will put elsewhere.

(please note that they must not be hostile to the empire, it's laws or the faith, but they don't need to be of it either).

SFRIM pilots that I am aware of that have flown in the recent hive ops include:
Alizabeth Vea (fc), Aria Jenneth, Jennifer Starfall, Lunarisse Aspenstar, Ibrahim Tash Murkon, Lucas Raholan, Rhoxy Runekine, Medory, and Garion Avarr.

Part of my effort to encourage that our rp also be demonstrated with in space activities :)

« Last Edit: 06 Apr 2016, 20:16 by Lunarisse Aspenstar »


  • Egger
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SFRIM recently started a new membership category, Legionarius, to fly with and to support ARC. This category is for those who may not be strictly of the faith or loyal to the Empire (as is our usual criteria for membership), but who wish to put aside any differences and stand with us against the existential threat to all humanity - the Drifters. I am please to welcome Jennifer Starfall into our ranks as our first Legionarius. A more official announcement or explanation will put elsewhere.

(please note that they must not be hostile to the empire, it's laws or the faith, but they don't need to be of it either).

SFRIM pilots that I am aware of that have flown in the recent hive ops include:
Alizabeth Vea (fc), Aria Jenneth, Jennifer Starfall, Lunarisse Aspenstar, Ibrahim Tash Murkon, Lucas Raholan, and Garion Avarr.

Part of my effort to encourage that our rp also be demonstrated with in space activities :)
You guys and gals are doing a great job for the RP community in EvE.  I have had the opportunity to RP with several of your members and its always, 'a fun time for all'.  This new endeavor is a clever idea, best of luck!!


  • Wetgraver
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Wonderful corp, lovely group of players. :)

Lunarisse Aspenstar

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We have an industry program and do all things in space!

Our corp channels are all IC except for an ooc channel. Sometimes even fleets! So give us a try if you want to mix RP and eve in all aspects!

We do also have corp forums and will be trying to establish a forum rp section on it.

Obviously, we're amarr loyal and faithful, but we do have legionarius program and industry contractors for those willing to abide by the Empire's laws and not disparage the faith/Empire.

Looking for more people for EU and USA afternoons. We are pretty busy US timezone evenings! 

« Last Edit: 26 Jun 2016, 19:01 by Lunarisse Aspenstar »

Lunarisse Aspenstar

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And.. per the Society's membership!

Our Serious IC/OOC Top Ten List As to Why You Should Join SFRIM
(1) Take a first step into a greater Amarr society, Religion and community.
(2) Become more than just a pod, become a flesh and blood capsuleer
(3) Move at your own pace and forge yourself a place as a citizen of the Empire
(4) Join in a wide range of regular community activities (Mining ops, Drifter Fleet ops, Etc.)
(5) Opportunity to participate in regular RP events (e.g. Amarr Championships watched live in character at the Holy Grape restaurant)
(6) Experience is at hand in the society to help guide you in New Eden both in and out of character
(7) Be more than just a member of the Empire's congregation become a part of its choir.
(8) We are a sanctuary in the heavens, calling out to faithful souls and guiding them home.
(9) The society can be a friendly stepping stone into the wider Amarr capsuleer community
(10) God wants you to to join his community!

A Society Prayer:
"Watch your children as they sleep,
We pray thee Lord, their souls to keep.
Cloak them through the cold long night,
and wake them with your guiding light,
Take from them their hurt and pain,
Restore in them their faith again.
We thank you, Lord, and pledge to roam
to seek and bring your childern home"

Our Not So Serious OOC Top Ten List As To Why You Should Join SFRIM!

(10) Icecream, we have ICECREAM!
(9) Because, unlike PIE, we are gluten-free. (Could also be low-carb.)
(8) No other CEO in Eve receives Director E-mails quite like Poor Luna (Example A - "Have a staff member steer him to the Assisted Infirmary Recreational Lounge, Observatory, Conservatorium, and Kinesthetics center. It is marked AIRLOCK."
(7) station-diving spelunking trips because what could possibly go wrong?
(6) Because we are the most radical moderates in the Cluster.
(5) Sailing and fishing expeditions because what could possibly go wrong?
(4) Because we are the most conservatively liberal people in the Cluster.
(3) Lively RP channels well-stocked with alcohol
(s) An internal OOC network filled with long-time friends
(1) Pets! We have pets! Sarum Shepards, Domesticated Slaver Hounds and the Invisible Singing Chamelons of Nahyeen VI...

And a bonus!
(1-A) And last but not least....Ibrahim Tash-Murkon's Monacle
« Last Edit: 26 Jun 2016, 19:01 by Lunarisse Aspenstar »

Utari Onzo

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