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That PIE capsuleers do not only supply their comrades with spiced wine, but also with dark, maltey ale and fine brandy from their planetside holdings?

Author Topic: Did You Know ... Resource  (Read 8396 times)


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Did You Know ... Resource
« on: 20 Apr 2010, 05:20 »

This thread is to provide an easily accessible list of the "did you know" snippets. I will update it as time allows.
Silver Night > I feel like we should keep Cia in reserve. A little bit for Cia's sanity, but mostly because her putting on her mod hat is like calling in Rommel to deal with a paintball game.


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Re: Did You Know ... Resource
« Reply #1 on: 20 Apr 2010, 05:22 »

Slaver-hounds aren't a type of dog? For more information see here.

Rimpon, an ovoid, golden coloured fruit with a tart taste, was invented by player Matariki Rain, and has since made an appearance in a number of player-created fictions?

Your clones have your DNA, but not until you've been in them a while? For more information see the Cloning Scientific Article

Ships in EVE have crews?  Really.

Ship crews spend most of their journey in their escape pods, and are awoken with adrenaline only as needed?  Source: The Burning Life novel by CCP Abraxas.

Vitoc is the antidote to a deadly toxin, not the poison itself?  For more information see Vitoc.

Quafe is so popular it once prevented a war? Read more in the Chron

The language of the Amarr empire is spoken by more people than any other language? Read more in this Chronicle.

That capsuleers' implants translate languages for them? Read more here: Translators

That the top-heavy, curved, vertical design of the Naglfar was copied from Minmatar totems? Read more in the Eve Wiki

That high-orbit shuttle deployment is the most popular method of passenger and freight transportation from planets to space? Read more here.

That each of the five empires technically has an equal say in all CONCORD matters? Read more in the Chronicle.

That many tattoos in EVE are nano-tattoos created with microchips implanted in the skin, programmed to react to the wearer's emotional state? Read more here.
Silver Night > I feel like we should keep Cia in reserve. A little bit for Cia's sanity, but mostly because her putting on her mod hat is like calling in Rommel to deal with a paintball game.


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Re: Did You Know ... Resource
« Reply #2 on: 20 Apr 2010, 15:23 »

The Blood Raiders are part of an ancient cultist faction called Sani Sabik, which first appeared on Amarr Prime thousands of years ago? Read more here.

The Ammatars regard themselves as the true rulers of the Minmatars? Read more here.

The Sukuuvestaa Corporation, or SuVee as it is commonly known, is the head of the self-proclaimed 'practical' faction within the Caldari State? Read more here.

The Lutin lights are sometimes seen by ships approaching the Iyen-Oursta stargate. Many Minmatar slaves believe that seeing the lights means their firstborn son will be blessed with freedom. Read more here.

The voice of the AI on capsuleer ships was recorded by Excena Foer? Read more here

Faster than Light Communication is regulated by CONCORD? Read more here.

Boosters are banned because they cause a deadly, incurable brain disease?  Read more here.

You fly your ship from inside a pod, not from a bridge?

That Evanda Char started life as humble mechanic?

That Evanda Char's voluval mark is the "Track of the Wolf"?

That Evanda Char once gave Kaleigh Doyle a lamb as a pet?

That KillJoy Tseng's first season racing rifter later sold for 75 million ISK?

That some Minmatar pilots have a tradition of gifting Rodj Blake's corpse to newly-weds?

That "gods and spirits" is a popular Minmatar expression of disbelief?

That Electus Matari lost over 400 members at the start of its war with PIE Inc?

That the war between Electus Matari and PIE Inc started when -EM- pilots destroyed a slaver vessel in The Bleak Lands?

That the Wolves of Pator rescued and freed 5,000 slaves as a wedding gift for Evanda Char?

That 'Ancestors choke!' is a Caldari expression of disbelief or astonishment?

That some Gallente swear by Fortune?

That Blood Raiders have grandmothers? (The Burning Life)

That at least some stations have very distinct areas where people of different professions and social status live? (The Burning Life)

Elsebeth, of clan Rhiannon, was born on Matar in the heartlands of Mikramurka continent in the year 81? Read her official biography here.

Aldrith Shutaq was once court poet and author in the service of the Etranhi Holders on Mishi IV? Read more here.

Kyoko Sakoda interned with Omerta Syndicate? Read more here.

Myrhial Arkenath was born and raised on Saisio III? Read more here

Ghost Festival is an Angel Cartel loyalist corporation? Read more here

The 1st Praetorian Guard is an Amarrian Imperial Navy-affiliated Special Operations unit? Read more here

Gradient (GRD) is an independent elite capsuleer unit affiliated with the Minmatar Republic?  Read more here

Lai Dai Infinity Systems is a capsuleer partner of the Lai Dai Corporation? Read more here

PIE Inc. (also known more formally as Praetoria Imperialis Excubitoris) is the oldest pod-pilot corporation loyal to the Amarr Empire? Read more here

Silver Night > I feel like we should keep Cia in reserve. A little bit for Cia's sanity, but mostly because her putting on her mod hat is like calling in Rommel to deal with a paintball game.


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Re: Did You Know ... Resource
« Reply #3 on: 22 Apr 2010, 04:37 »

Placid Reborn is a corporation dedicated to the self-determination and prosperity of the Intaki home system and its immediate surroundings? Read more here

Re-Awakened Technologies Inc is a Minmatar Republic loyalist corporation? Read more here

Ishukone corporation manufactures the mind altering Transcranial Microcontroller? In the news recently and a few years ago.

Naqam (A Sansha aligned capsuleer corporation) manufactured the Naqam Heavy Bioindustries Ultra Happy Chip™? It was player created - see advertisements on the Eve Wiki!

The Caldari State is made up of eight mega-corporations and has three major political factions?

The number of young, idealistic scientists found in Verge Vendor is disproportionately high? (Region Description)

The Jove Empire is isolated from the rest of the world to all but a selected few? read more here.

The Serpentis Corporation was initially a Gallentean research firm that evolved into a drug cartel? Read more here.

That "Perfection ain't all it's cracked up to be"
is an Angel Cartel saying? (Region Description)

"Suuolo" is Caldari for friend? For more, read here

That Gallente Federation loyalist and [EL-G] CEO Seriphyn Inhonores is originally from Caldari Prime?

That Federal member states retain control of their home systems, as seen exercised here?

Signatories to the Federal Charter retain the legal right to regulate shipping and security in their original territories, among other things? Read more here.

That the Jin-Mei homeworlds of Lirsautton III and V are called Chakaux and Chandeille respectively?

That the Eleutherian Guard, a capsuleer organisation, is a semi-independent paramilitary unit that answers to the Federal Security Council?

That Mordu's Legion was formed of Intakis exiled from the Federation for their support for the Caldari? For more read here.

That the Intaki who supported Caldari independence from the Federation were first exiled from the Federation, and then attacked by Caldari radicals demanding the expulsion of all foreigners? For more, read here.

That not all slaves are subjected to the Vitoc treatment?  Read more about the Vitoc method here.

That being a cruel slaver is actually a fitting description for Angel Cartel members as well?

That the Blood Raiders are a sect of the Sani Sabik who spend their lives in space hunting down and harvesting non-believers for their blood? Read more here!

That Sabik's Sepsis is a blood disease that rarely lasts into adulthood, but is considered sacrilege when it does? (The Burning Life, pp. 20,21)

The Sani Sabik sectarian law-enforcement organization is called the Bleeders, and is a combination of priests and policemen? (The Burning Life, p. 18)

The True Slaves are loyal, implant controlled slave troops of Sansha Kuvakei? Moar here.

Sansha Kuvakei was an industrial mogul before founding his Nation? Moar here.

Silphy enDiabel of the Syndicate used to be one of the Sisters of EVE? For more, read here.

Starsi tastes like revenge?

Samuel Rackham Premium Caldari Ale is made with aroma hops from the widely recognized agricultural facilities of Haatomo III? For more, see here.

The main ingredients in Protein Delicacies were in fact organic waste, processed station sewage and second grade biomass? For more, read here.

That capsuleers frequently communicate by means of dataprojectors? (The Burning Life, p 30)

That the connections inside a pod serve as both communications pathways and security wiring? (The Burning Life, p 30)

That ship crews only perform cleanup, maintenance, and lower-order operations on ships? (The Burning Life p 31)

That dataprojectors have 3D gesture-based interfaces?  (The Burning Life p 31)

That cleaner bombs can remove small messes, including lingering aromas?(The Burning Life p 33)

That the DED and the Sisters of EVE cooperate on audits of megacorps? (The Burning Life p 35)

That Mindflood, a sedative booster, is taken by pouring liquid from a vial onto a cloth, placing it over one's mouth, and inhaling the fumes? (The Burning Life p 38)

That communicators can synthesize and render projections of the involved individuals? (The Burning Life pp 38, 39)

That greasy, deep-fried Caldari takeout food is eaten with tongs and remains popular in the Federation?  (The Burning Life pp 40,41)

The Vherokior tribe is a splinter tribe from the Starkmanir tribe? For more, read here.

Achura has been part of the State for three centuries? For more, read here.

The nation of Jin-Mei is the latest addition to the Federation? For more, read here.

The Khanids were fellow settlers alongside the Amarrians on Athra, better known today as Amarr Prime? For more, read here.

Epitoth Guard is the only corporation in CVA that flies only Amarr hulls and accepts only Amarrian pilots?

Evanda Char once stole a priceless artifact from Admirals Tharrn's office and made it into ear rings precipitating a year long war?

Epitoth Guard is home to some of the founders of Amarr loyalist RP as it exists today, including Takumi Vetinari (founder of PIE) and Tharrn (founder of 1PG)?

Both Black Ops and Titans create artificial wormholes with their respective jump portal generators?

The Blood Raider elites do not generally mix with the rest of the Sani Sabik? (The Burning Life, p. 50)

Lighting in planning a space colony comes in second only to spaces and ceilings? (The Burning Life, p. 53)

Many medical services are provided by AIs rather than human doctors?  More on AIMEDs here.

Maroon is the color of death for the Sani Sabik? (The Burning Life, p. 45)

That Blood Raider recruits are trained in close-quarters combat before tactics and starship combat? (The Burning Life, p. 54)

That all Blood Raider commanders receive substantial theological training as well? (The Burning Life, p. 56)

That Blood Raiders as a faction are motivated principally by the desire to draw closer to the Red God? (The Burning Life, p. 56)

That crews from destroyed capsuleer ships make up a substantial part of Blood Raider harvests? (The Burning Life, p. 59)

That PIE has been at war with enemies of the empire ever since its foundation?

That the corp with the most holders of the Kourmonen Campaign medal, handed out by Yonis Ardishapur himself, today reside in PIE?

That PIE capsuleers do not only supply their comrades with spiced wine, but also with dark, maltey ale and fine brandy from their planetside holdings?

That Scagga once had a bodyguard by the name of 'cuddles'?

Silver Night > I feel like we should keep Cia in reserve. A little bit for Cia's sanity, but mostly because her putting on her mod hat is like calling in Rommel to deal with a paintball game.


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Re: Did You Know ... Resource
« Reply #4 on: 24 Apr 2010, 19:27 »

That travelling to planets takes quite a long time?  For more, read here.

That one of the primary exports of the Amarrian Theology Council is booze? (Theology Council in-game info, Market Activity tab).

That there are minmatar who willingly serve the Amarr empire? More here

That there was a total information blockade during the Caldari occupation of Placid, only lifted when the Caldari Navy in the area was destroyed or driven out?

That the Intaki Assembly responded directly to Julianus Soter's and other's request for information regarding Ishukone and Mordus Legion around Intaki Prime? For more, read here

That Moira. Corporation, a capsuleer corporation, is a non-governmental military organization determined to destroy Tibus Heth?

That there was a Constitutional Convention sponsored by prominent Federal capsuleers, held in the Villore system? See more here

That Julianus Soter founded Synenose Accord, a capsuleer corporation dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of w-space and the Sleeper AI?

That  following several months of dedicated research, the Synenose Accord held a public and widely attended conference in the shattered Seyllin system, site of the tragic Seyllin Main-Sequence event? See more here

That Julianus Soter first stated his intention to liberate Federation space on December 4th, Year 111? See the announcement here

That the Federal Defence Union has liberated all but six systems from Caldari occupation, precipitating a power struggle within the State?

That naturalist cafes on space stations go to great lengths to create the illusion that one is not in space? (The Burning Life, p. 62)

That the higher levels of space stations are restricted to the elite, with capsuleers occupying the very top decks? (The Burning life p. 73)

That small robots called "cleaner bugs" are used to keep space station areas free of refuse? (The Burning Life p. 74)

That Saxon Hawke has the inscription "A man travels the universe in search of what he needs and returns home to find it." added near the entry port of every ship he purchases?

That Saxon Hawke's son Ravi died in a drug-related hovercar crash that had connections to the Serpentis "Aenebra" cult? Read more about it here

That the Intaki Liberation Front uses local civilian employees in its orbital production facility known as Prosperity Station? Read more about it here

That the Intaki Liberation Front's "rampant griffin" corp logo was adopted after the pro-Federation corp The Durandal Organization created a logo using motifs similar to the ILF's original logo?

That the Sebestior has embraced the pet-name Sinister Ones, given to them by the Amarr? Read more here

That docked frigates are hooked in with massive electromagnetic anchors? (The Burning Life p. 75)

That docked cruisers are held in place with massive clamps on strategic support sections of the ship, and are disengaged with incendiary explosives? (The Burning Life p. 75)

That the largest ships have thousands of inhabitants? (The Burning Life p. 76)

That light pits, used to hold ships in place, are filled with complex electronic equipment, have no safety boundaries, and are lit with a dim blue light when not in use? (The Burning Life p. 77)

That small colony hangars cannot have comprehensive hangar security systems due to the need to scramble forces quickly? (The Burning Life p. 78)
« Last Edit: 24 Apr 2010, 22:18 by Ciarente »
Silver Night > I feel like we should keep Cia in reserve. A little bit for Cia's sanity, but mostly because her putting on her mod hat is like calling in Rommel to deal with a paintball game.