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Author Topic: Hello, also dumb questions  (Read 1492 times)


  • Clonejack
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Hello, also dumb questions
« on: 21 Aug 2015, 15:12 »


After many many years roleplaying in other games, I finally attempted to take that step in EVE. It's quite different, I must admit. Difficult to know where to go. It feels like there's RP going on, but just not anywhere near me. :) At least hanging out in The Summit and OOC gives me a little insight. I'm sure I'll settle in eventually.

Naturally, being new and unbearably enthusiastic (it'll wear off, I'm sure), I have a few questions.

1) Reading this forum's player driven content section, it strikes me that there isn't a lot of, well... Small-scale stuff. I see expos, conferences, storylines, but if I were to put a 50 million isk bounty on my character's frigate within a certain timeframe in a certain system, in an RP setting of course, would that even be interesting? I'm getting the sense that EVE RP is mostly about private 1 to 1 stuff, and rarer, larger events.

2) Connected to the above, how do you usually do roleplay events? Join a custom channel and go at it? Try to keep it in spess as much as possible?

3) Is there an updated list of active roleplaying corps somewhere, preferably Minmatar FW related? The one I've seen on this forum seems a bit outdated, and though I may just have been unlucky with who was active at the time, the observed tolerance for my dumb questions in the OOC channel isn't too high. EVE players are EVE players.

4) Hi.

Esna Pitoojee

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Re: Hello, also dumb questions
« Reply #1 on: 21 Aug 2015, 15:47 »

Hey there! Welcome to our corner, and don't worry about feeling a little lost at first - we'll be happy to help.

1. The main issue with smaller events is getting the word out: How do you let sufficient people know that there is something going on? Previous attempts at smaller events have run into issues wherein one side showed up with overwhelming force and the other side didn't, and nobody really has any fun. Not to discourage you, though - people have certainly done these successfully too, and there's no reason why not to!

Regarding private and large events: At current, this is a fairly accurate assessment. There was at one point a fair amount of "barpee", where characters would set up channels representing a physical place and have any number of characters meet up for talks there at random (sometimes with a bit of OOC nudging). I could write a paragraph on why this stopped, but it's rarer now today.

2. Both of the above. Some people will take the opinion that "anything you do in space is in-character" and focus on their flying as RP actions. Some will take the same opinion and also do channel-based RP. I've seen both happen recently. Having in-space meetups for larger events can be tricky to find a good place for everyone to be.

3. Sorry to hear you didn't get any bites in the channel! There is a list in the Corporations and Alliance Development forum section, but it is not perfectly up to date. I would recommend asking around a bit more ingame, seeing if you can snag a Minmatar RPer who could tell you more.

4. Hi to you too!
I like the implications of Gallentians being punched in the face by walking up to a Minmatar as they so freely use another person's culture as a fad.

Arnulf Ogunkoya

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Re: Hello, also dumb questions
« Reply #2 on: 22 Aug 2015, 03:56 »


If you are looking for Minmatar RP then the outfit I am working for at the moment, Re-Awakened Technologies is looking for people to bolster it's RP roster and has history as well. If we don't interest you then Gradient might be your thing. Bear in mind Gradient tend to be fairly structured though.
Kind Regards,
Arnulf Ogunkoya.


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Re: Hello, also dumb questions
« Reply #3 on: 24 Aug 2015, 07:58 »

Neither of those are in faction warfare, are they? I'm grounded in that, for the moment. :)

Anyway, thank you for the answers. I guess I'll just try and make some tiny little storyline at some point and see if people bite or not. If they don't, not too much work wasted.

Tabor Murn

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Re: Hello, also dumb questions
« Reply #4 on: 24 Aug 2015, 11:20 »

For RP in Faction Warfare I'd recommend Khushakor Clan or any of the RP friendly Ushra'Khan corps.

Ché Biko

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Re: Hello, also dumb questions
« Reply #5 on: 24 Aug 2015, 12:16 »

Welcome backstage.

Arnulf Ogunkoya

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Re: Hello, also dumb questions
« Reply #6 on: 24 Aug 2015, 17:15 »

For RP in Faction Warfare I'd recommend Khushakor Clan or any of the RP friendly Ushra'Khan corps.

Wot he sed!

Gradient are sometimes active in the warzone. They just aren't in permanently. They do offer discounts to militia blues however (or at least used to), so might be worth a look on that basis.
Kind Regards,
Arnulf Ogunkoya.