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the 25ers resurfaced in YC106 to protest the monopoly then held by the empires on deadspace warp beacon technology.

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Author Topic: Ret-Cons of CCP actor character actions, and ret cons in general  (Read 3785 times)

Alain Colcer

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After reading a bit and coming to balanced point of view on the issue, i would say the following.....there was an CCP actor in the player event....that cannot be "undone" other players saw it, the regulation from CCP that no such things should happen has been noted and cleared to a degree that such things will never happen again (for anyone in any foreseeable future).

But i cannot unilaterally retcon such an event without some form of agreement with all the other players....everyone agreeing that the event had the misfortune of falling out of CCP regulations....

Since CCP has not come around to say which events pass regulations and which doesnt....i don't feel being invested in any authority to say to someone else if A or B are not valid and therefore out of "reality".

However, i do feel that dwelling too much into this discussion might be counter-productive because people have invested time and effort into the events...and just labeling them as cannon/non-cannon will most likely incite agigated comments from all parties.


Silas Vitalia

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Not to put too fine a point on it... This goes back to an old argument of mine with public rp and consequences:

If your character is going to get shit on for doing a thing, being at a thing, or saying a thing, think about that before doing the thing.

If you are an amarr loyalist, don't show up to a matari freedom fighter jamyl efegee burning ceremony unless you are prepared for social consequences. 

There are tons of fun events and rp venues that our characters shouldn't be at, or if they are at have to deal with social repercussions. 

Its the sometimes unfun part of having a character that picks a side on things. 

S. Couldn't be in any Amarr channel for more than thirty seconds without getting booted and banned. Did that suck? Yes, I missed tons of great amarr events and fun social rp stuff I'd have loved to attended IC. 

Them's the breaks.  S.  went to a Revan event as a noob amarr loyalist once without telling loyalist rp corpies. It was majorly frowned on and super not OK IC.  I wasn't important enough for anyone at the party to blackmail me but attendance did happen and that would be valid possible outcome.

If the person we've been discussing is unhappy with things that happened treat it like real people do. Lie, say they were drunk, under the influence, whatever, and that it isn't a big deal to them. 

Having non optimal things happen to our characters is actually a good thing. Losing fights, being embarrassed, being called out in public.   We can't all be all optimal all the time and never lose face.


Gaven Lok ri

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After reading a bit and coming to balanced point of view on the issue, i would say the following.....there was an CCP actor in the player event....that cannot be "undone" other players saw it, the regulation from CCP that no such things should happen has been noted and cleared to a degree that such things will never happen again (for anyone in any foreseeable future).

Pretty much this. Otherwise the ret cons hit catastrophic levels.


Esna Pitoojee

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Indeed, aside from a handful of extreme circumstances public events - whether CCP attended or purely player - cannot be unilaterally retconned, only discarded with the mutual okay of all involved. I would very much like to see proof of the claim on CCP's position on the matter; otherwise, calling shenanigans.

Even more confusing to me than the retconning thing is the apparent idea that a CCP character "should not have been at an event", when CCP characters continue to show up regularly at player-led events. I was very much hoping this meant CCP had decided to relax its idiotic rule on player event participation, and I will be highly disappointed if they go through a relapse on this.
I like the implications of Gallentians being punched in the face by walking up to a Minmatar as they so freely use another person's culture as a fad.

Morwen Lagann

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Basically, one person is mad that they and/or their character did some (possibly dumb) thing at an event that involved interaction with an event actor character, and that said thing has resulted in less-than-positive reputation/consequences/image for them and/or their character.

There's a phrase for that in EVE. Four letters, starts with H, ends with TFU, I think?
Lagging Behind

Morwen's Law:
1) The number of capsuleer women who are bisexual is greater than the number who are lesbian.
2) Most of the former group appear lesbian due to a lack of suitable male partners to go around.
3) The lack of suitable male partners can be summed up in most cases thusly: interested, worth the air they breathe, available; pick two.

Mitara Newelle

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Basically, one person is mad that they and/or their character did some (possibly dumb) thing at an event that involved interaction with an event actor character, and that said thing has resulted in less-than-positive reputation/consequences/image for them and/or their character.

There's a phrase for that in EVE. Four letters, starts with H, ends with TFU, I think?

Or is it STFU? ;)
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Katrina Oniseki

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Basically, one person is mad that they and/or their character did some (possibly dumb) thing at an event that involved interaction with an event actor character, and that said thing has resulted in less-than-positive reputation/consequences/image for them and/or their character.

There's a phrase for that in EVE. Four letters, starts with H, ends with TFU, I think?

Or is it STFU? ;)

It needs an H.

"Havohej told Jimmy-Jo to STFU."

Morwen Lagann

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Basically, one person is mad that they and/or their character did some (possibly dumb) thing at an event that involved interaction with an event actor character, and that said thing has resulted in less-than-positive reputation/consequences/image for them and/or their character.

There's a phrase for that in EVE. Four letters, starts with H, ends with TFU, I think?

Or is it STFU? ;)

Both work, really. HTFU would imply a desire for the party in question to STFU about it and take their lumps, in fairness.
Lagging Behind

Morwen's Law:
1) The number of capsuleer women who are bisexual is greater than the number who are lesbian.
2) Most of the former group appear lesbian due to a lack of suitable male partners to go around.
3) The lack of suitable male partners can be summed up in most cases thusly: interested, worth the air they breathe, available; pick two.


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Okay, I've read the thread... now what the hell is it about?

Saede Riordan

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Okay, I've read the thread... now what the hell is it about?

Andreus getting locked in the closet by a blood raider actor...I think.
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Silas Vitalia

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Okay, I've read the thread... now what the hell is it about?

I ran an event some years ago, visited by a CCP Actor.  Interactions were had. We laughed, we cried, tables were stolen and there were exploding clothing-eating nanite bombs apparently.


Post-event, some of those interactions were IC 'embarassing' for certain characters, who ((based on Synthia's statements only, mind you)) are attempting a retroactive retcon 'that didn't happen' sort of thing.



  • Prophet of New Eden
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Hmkay. I've got exactly zero input to offer other than signing up for the newsletter of the clothes eating nanite bomb supplier.

Saede Riordan

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Hmkay. I've got exactly zero input to offer other than signing up for the newsletter of the clothes eating nanite bomb supplier.

That was Istvaan's thing.
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Silas Vitalia

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Hmkay. I've got exactly zero input to offer other than signing up for the newsletter of the clothes eating nanite bomb supplier.

That was Istvaan's thing.




Louella Dougans

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Okay, I've read the thread... now what the hell is it about?

it's about things like, you know that 1000:1 thing ? that you and havo and zuzanna and people were all involved in ?

and one of the involved doesn't feel like having it mentioned anymore ? So they say "i retconned it", and refuse to acknowledge it at all, when someone brings it up ?

what would you reply to that happening to you ?
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