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That small robots called "cleaner bugs" are used to keep space station areas free of refuse? (The Burning Life p. 74)

Author Topic: [Character] Andreus Ixiris  (Read 1209 times)

Andreus Ixiris

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[Character] Andreus Ixiris
« on: 07 Jan 2013, 05:25 »


Covering Note

Field Agent [REDACTED],

Please find enclosed, as requested, all currently obtainable intelligence on the capsuleer Andreus Ixiris. As was expected, a lot of this information is publicly available, and retrieving it was a trivial matter, but there were some surprises. Most significant in difficulty of acquisition was information on his childhood and early adulthood - we had to go to some lengths to get our hands on this information. This information doesn't seem to have been made scarce through any sort of active supression attempt by the subject - it simply seems that there exist few people who are both aware of it and willing to talk about it, which makes it understandably problematic to document. The simple fact, for example, that his birth name isn't the same as his current, legally registered name might have escaped our attention entirely had we not had the serendipity of discovering a member of his extended family in Federal custody, awaiting trial for smuggling. In return for a substantially reduced sentence, we were able to get a startling level of insight into Mssr. Ixiris' early life.

I'm not certain what your opinions on him are, but given our previous association I think I can guess, and if I'm correct in my assumption I trust that this report will validate them.

Always Vigilant
Field Agent [REDACTED]

Vital Statistics

Birth Name: Anand Durjaya Ixiris
Current Legal Name: Andreus Ixiris
Biological Sex: Male
Gender Identity: Male
Date of Birth: 14th December, YC 86
Place of Birth: Calluya City, Intaki Prime
Chronological Age: 28 standard years
Ethnicity: Intaki
Height: 1.95 meters (6'6")
Weight: 72 kg. (158 lbs.)
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Blood Type: AB-
Distinguishing Features: Extensive facial tattooing - Gallentean style, usually worn in dark green or blue. Standard capsuleer implants, often hidden with dermal patches. All but one of his clones bears faint surgical scars from more extensive cybernetic implantation.

Citizenships Held:
  • Gallente Federation (active)
  • Calluya State, Intaki Prime (lapsed)
National Affiliation: Gallente Federation
Corporate Affiliation: Mixed Metaphor
Political Affiliation: Dove-bloc

Early History

Anand Durjaya Ixiris was born in mid-December to Rohet Kanvar Ixiris and Pavani Ixiris (ne. LeHane), and was, through the Intaki Rebirth ritual, implanted with the personality engram of Narendra en Vos, a terminally ill patient at the same hospital in which Pavani was giving birth. Attempts to discover particulars about Mssr. en Vos beyond publicly recorded statistics have failed, as he seems to have had no known next-of-kin, and was not known to the Ixiris family prior to the proceedure. It is therefore difficult to determine whether Mssr. en Vos' personality was significant in shaping Anand's formative years - see the psychological profile below.

Rohet Kanvar Ixiris is the patriarch of the Ixiris family, one of the Kahuya kē Barōm kī Sabhā ("Calluya House of Elders"), a number of financially and politically influential families that are generally accepted to be the proverbial "power behind the throne" of Intaki Prime's Calluya city-state. By the standards of a baseliner, Rohet Ixiris was - and continues to be - incredibly rich, with assets that can be counted in hundreds of ISK, and the collective wealth of the Sabhā likely total at least several thousand. In most matters a politically and socially conservative traditionalist, Rohet had surprised many of his peers by taking a woman of mixed race as his wife - Pavani LeHane is half-Gallente on her father's side - against the wishes of his father, the then-current family patriarch.

Anand's early life seems to have been one of ease and opulent luxury provided by his wealthy parents, although our source within the family indicates that he had a troubled relationship with his parents, painting a picture of a Rohet as a cold, distant and unloving father, more concerned with his legacy than with his son, and of Pavani as a submissive and inoffensive wife afraid of rocking the boat. Anand was introverted, quiet and socially reclusive - more so than is true of most young Intaki - and made friends only with his cousins and a few children of other families in the Sabhā.

Our source tells us that as he became older, Anand began, as many older children do, to rebel against his upbringing, neglecting his studies and causing increasing trouble and embarassment for his family at social events, which further strained his already tenuous relationship with his father. Things are said to have come to a head shortly after Anand's sixteenth birthday, when he was caught in flagrante delicto with the older son of another Sabhā family, at which point Rohet arranged for Anand to be sent to the Centre for Advanced Studies in Cistuvaert to rid himself of the problem.

Far from treating it as a punishment, Anand reputedly came out of his shell and thrived for the first time in his life after being exposed to the far less restrictive, far more cosmopolitan culture of the CAS campus. It is at this point that he began to become known by his current moniker. One of his former tutors tells us that due to the fact that the majority of his classmates and friends at CAS were ethnic Gallenteans, unfamiliar with the Intaki language, they shortened "Anand Durjaya" to the Gallenticised "Andreus," which he happily adopted as another form of rebellion against his family. He is reported to have performed exceptionally in the applied, practical courses he took at CAS, but struggled to maintain acceptable grades in theory-oriented classes, although examination of semester reviews indicates that his tutors believe this was due to a defecit of motivation, rather than a lack of ability.

At the age of 18, Anand was discovered during routine genetic testing to be capsule-compatible. Although various members of the Sabhā expressed interest in having a capsuleer among their ranks, Rohet vehemently objected to the idea, as he could see Anand wouldn't be easily manipulated in such a state. He threatened to expel Anand from the family and disinherit him if he pursued capsuleer status, but Anand went ahead anyway, causing Rohet to make good on his thread. Anand, suddenly cut off from his family's fortune, was offered scholarship and funding by the Center for Advanced Studies Capsuleer Fasttrack program instead. He formally changed his name to "Andreus" and entered the program, graduating in YC 107 at the age of 21.

Capsuleer Career

Almost immediately after graduating, Andreus entered into the employ of the Stellar Materials mining corporation, in which he stayed for only a few weeks before leaving. He "defaulted" to the employ of the Aliastra corporation for nearly a year before reappearing in the employ of the Galactic Express corporation, at which point he moved to Minmatar space, where he began a stint with the Guardian Coalition and its various corporations lasting nearly a year. After an employment of a few weeks working for Galactic Express, he moved to Luna Rossa Corporation, where he stayed for nearly a month before transitioning to Lucky Hydra Corp for approximately a month and a quarter after it was discovered that his low standings with the Quafe Corporation were interfering with Luna Rossa's ability to obtain jump clones. During his time with Lucky Hydra, he undertook a long series of combat operations on behalf of the Quafe Corporation until he obtained sufficient standings to rejoin Luna Rossa, at which point he moved to their home base in the Uemon system. Barring some brief daliances with Minmatar-aligned corporations, Luna Rossa were his employer for the remainder of his service with the Guardian Coalition.

We believe that Ixiris' cultural exposure to the Caldari State was highest around this time, as he was living in their territory for the majority of this period.

The Guardian Coalition was one of the first organisations to colonise the so-called "drone regions" after gate connections to the quarantine areas spontaneously onlined in late YC 108, taking control of the RQOO-U system in the 87-1CW region, now known as The Kalevala Expanse. It was at this point that Luna Rossa and its various corporations became involved with the SMASHKILL Coalition of Geminate, and folded its operations into SMASH Alliance, at which point the Luna Rossa Corporation - Ixiris included - moved from RQOO-U to TDE4-H in the Geminate region. During mid-YC 109, friction between Andreus and the SMASH Alliance executor, Peoke, led to Ixiris' explusion from the alliance. With the help of a few friends in SMASH, Ixiris escaped Geminate and returned to Federation space for the first time in almost a year.

At this point, Ixiris met a relatively new capsuleer named Sahaquiel Faust, and together they founded the Mixed Metaphor corporation, Ixiris' on-and-off pet project for the next five years. Initial interest in the corporation was low, and both Ixiris and Faust moved to the Dichotomy corporation and set out into Fade. It was at roughly this point Ixiris met a pilot known only as "MirrorGod," whose strong anti-Amarrian rhetoric would shape Ixiris' outlook on New Eden's politics for the next four years. Ixiris and Faust departed the Dichotomy corporation and moved to Deklein with MirrorGod's corporation, Heretic Army (ticker ANTI), and after a month or so Andreus was asked to assist other members of Heretic Army in founding Heretic Logistics, an industrial side operation assisting the ANTI combat wing. Initially entering the corporation as a director, Andreus assumed executive control over the corporation after the original CEO attempted a corp theft. He stayed with the corporation for roughly three months before returning to Gallente space and re-establishing Mixed Metaphor.

The establishment of a Federal paramlitary corporation was fortuitously timed, as in mid-YC 110, conflict with the State erupted. Mixed Metaphor's ranks swelled quickly, introducing Ixiris to some future associates such as the pilots "Dreadchain" and Vincent Pryce. Initial MXD operations alongside the FDU looked promising, until Ixiris declared war on Naqam, a Sansha loyalist organisation that immediately called down its alliance, Exalted, upon Ixiris and his men. This disastrous war led to almost a billion ISK in losses for the fledgling corporation and severely damaged employee confidence in its leader. Mixed Metaphor's performance in other wars waged against it improved considerably, but despite continued military success and the acquisition of capital assets, the corporation eventually fragmented, with pilots largely going their separate ways.

It is around this time Andreus is believed to have developed friendships with Verin "Stitcher" Haktain and Toushi Kimura of the Duty mercenary corporation, and Ethan Verone of Veto - the latter friendship forming after Ethan rescued him from an assassination attempt that severely injured him and almost took his life. Andreus briefly joined the Duty corporation, and upon finding that it was not to his liking, returned to Mixed Metaphor briefly before assisting pilots Julianus Soter and Jonny Damordred in forming the Moira paramilitary corporation. His tenure with Moira did not last long, and he briefly returned to Duty before finally, at the end of YC 111, settling down in Mixed Metaphor, where he has remained since.

The fortunes of Mixed Metaphor - and by extension, Ixiris - have waxed and waned significantly since that time. Andreus has logged several hundred successful combat operations for the Federal Navy, and subsequently undertaken a similar number for Roden Shipyards. He has been a vocal advocate in capsuleer circles for Federal causes, and during his most recent stint with the militia was heavily involved in the liberation of the Viriette constellation during the FDU resurgence in YC 112, although he lacked the patience to deal with the militia's loss of momentum once the war's front lines receeded to Black Rise. Since that time, Mixed Metaphor has seen fairly little activity, occasionally signing on with various causes such as the Intaki Prosperity Initiative and Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive for as long as Ixiris remains interested.

However, in recent weeks, Mixed Metaphor has experienced a burst of sudden and highly unexpected activity, spurred in part by the reappearence of Toushi Kimura and "Dreadchain," key associates from Ixiris' past. The ranks of Mixed Metaphor tripled in less than a week, and monitoring of SCC data streams seems to indicate that the corporation and its members have come into significant wealth, which is rendered even more curious by the fact that we've had significant trouble tracing their location as of late. Ixiris himself was recently involved in escorting a Combined Harvest aid convoy carrying almost 50 billion ISK in supplies and equipment to the stricken city of Rilnais in the Evaulon system, and has been reportedly opening up back-channels with the representatives of various factions.

Ideological Positions

Ixiris was historically identified by his peers as a "Hawk," due to his strong pro-Federation sentiment and virulent distaste for the Amarr Empire, slavery and religion in general. Ixiris has, at various times, supported Minmatar organisations opposed to slavery and the Empire, and was at one point, as previously mentioned, a member of a self-avowed anti-Imperial terrorist group. His name, as much as it was known, became a byword for outspoken opposition to Imperial culture or the advancement of Amarrian ideals. He has, at various times, been highly critical of Caldari culture as well. In addition, he was noted for his tendency to ignore, attack or discredit criticisms of Federal culture or politics.

However, over the course of the past two years, his ideological positions have changed significantly, to the extent that he now self-identifies as a member of the "Dove" ideopolitical bloc. Where he used to see violence as a first response, he now seems to advocate the popular Intaki doctrine of "martial pacifism" - seeking peace, but remaining prepared for conflict where peace is not possible. While still opposed to slavery and highly critical of Imperial culture, he has become less vehement in his opposition of foreign cultures in general, and has ceased criticism of religion in general altogether - it is believed, in fact, that he may now be a practicing member of the Intaki Ida faith. He advocates for peace with the State and is highly complimentary of various aspects of Caldari and Achur culture. He also openly criticises aspects of Federal politics or culture he sees as negative. However, he still professes a strong loyalty to the Federation and at present there is no evidence to suggest he is insincere in this assertion.

Psychological Profile

In the past, Ixiris appeared to be of a deeply choleric temperament, moved to outspoken indignation even by minor slights or criticisms. Considered by other capsuleers to be at best a bit of a loudmouth and at worst a moutpiece and a shill, Ixiris often found it difficult to get others to take him seriously. At times other Federal loyalists considered Ixiris somewhat of an embarassment whose capacity for speech far outstripped his capacity for action. Ixiris displayed textbook signs of a severe inferiority complex, constantly compensating for perceived weakness and imperfection by projecting an image of competence and superiority. These personality issues were likely the root cause of Mixed Metaphor's significantly unstable fortunes in the past, and Ixiris' inability to settle in a corporation or a role.

However, over the course of the past two years, his psychological profile has changed significantly in similar fashion to his ideological framework. Ixiris appears, for want of a better description, to have matured significantly, treating those around him with more respect and deference. He now acts with more restraint and consideration, and appears to consider the consequences of his words and actions more clearly than he used to. He is also less prone to the dramatic bouts of emotional instability that punctuated his earlier years as a capsuleer.
« Last Edit: 12 Jan 2013, 00:01 by Andreus Ixiris »

Publius Valerius

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Re: [Character] Andreus Ixiris
« Reply #1 on: 07 Jan 2013, 09:39 »

It was at roughly this point Ixiris met a pilot known only as "MirrorGod," whose strong anti-Amarrian rhetoric would shape Ixiris' outlook on New Eden's politics for the next four years.

Ideological Positions

Ixiris was historically identified by his peers as a "Hawk," due to his strong pro-Federation sentiment and virulent distaste for the Amarr Empire, slavery and religion in general. Ixiris has, at various times, supported Minmatar organisations opposed to slavery and the Empire, and was at one point, as previously mentioned, a member of a self-avowed anti-Imperial terrorist group. His name, as much as it was known, became a byword for outspoken opposition to Imperial culture or the advancement of Amarrian ideals.

However, over the course of the past two years, his ideological positions have changed significantly, to the extent that he now self-identifies as a member of the "Dove" ideopolitical bloc. Where he used to see violence as a first response, he now seems to advocate the popular Intaki doctrine of "martial pacifism" - seeking peace, but remaining prepared for conflict where peace is not possible. While still opposed to slavery and highly critical of Imperial culture, he has become less vehement in his opposition of foreign cultures in general, and has ceased criticism of religion in general altogether - it is believed, in fact, that he may now be a practicing member of the Intaki Ida faith. He advocates for peace with the State and is highly complimentary of various aspects of Caldari and Achur culture. He also openly criticises aspects of Federal politics or culture he sees as negative. However, he still professes a strong loyalty to the Federation and at present there is no evidence to suggest he is insincere in this assertion.

Psychological Profile

In the past, Ixiris appeared to be of a deeply choleric temperament, moved to outspoken indignation even by minor slights or criticisms. Considered by other capsuleers to be at best a bit of a loudmouth and at worst a moutpiece and a shill, Ixiris often found it difficult to get others to take him seriously. At times other Federal loyalists considered Ixiris somewhat of an embarassment whose capacity for speech far outstripped his capacity for action. Ixiris displayed textbook signs of a severe inferiority complex, constantly compensating for perceived weakness and imperfection by projecting an image of competence and superiority. These personality issues were likely the root cause of Mixed Metaphor's significantly unstable fortunes in the past, and Ixiris' inability to settle in a corporation or a role.

However, over the course of the past two years, his psychological profile has changed significantly in similar fashion to his ideological framework. Ixiris appears, for want of a better description, to have matured significantly, treating those around him with more respect and deference. He now acts with more restraint and consideration, and appears to consider the consequences of his words and actions more clearly than he used to. He is also less prone to the dramatic bouts of emotional instability that punctuated his earlier years as a capsuleer.

Ehm nice read. I really like it. But one tiny little ting: "psychological profile has changed significantly in similar fashion to his ideological framework. Ixiris appears, for want of a better description, to have matured significantly, treating those around him with more respect and deference."

Me personally I never saw this change  ;). I have to say, that you play the character like always (are what I have seen from the far  ;)). I had ones (few weeks ago) even join a conversation in the in-game channel "The Summit" just because, you were already tripping :P. And I freaking hate this channel as much as the IGS  :P, so YES I jointed ones just to troll you (dont be mad at me :P) and another matari player, and damn it was fun  :D. It was fun, because of the choleric temperament of the char, so dont change that. We need in EVE more out of the order chars like you and Silas.

« Last Edit: 07 Jan 2013, 09:41 by Publius Valerius »


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Re: [Character] Andreus Ixiris
« Reply #2 on: 07 Jan 2013, 20:25 »

A very good read.  Thank you for sharing it