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Author Topic: Militia Service and Loyalty  (Read 11433 times)

Saede Riordan

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Re: Militia Service and Loyalty
« Reply #75 on: 22 Jan 2013, 03:07 »

Tl;dr version:

FW does seem to influence the storyline, and CCP has referenced it as being the primary way in which capsuleers can influence the empires. As such, it seems to me that a loyalist who wishes to be taken seriously as such must be obligated to seriously consider FW as a means for expressing their loyalty in-game. And if they don't wish to do so, then I think that other characters have the right to express skepticism regarding their convictions and loyalties.

That's what you say, but I still don't agree. Nobody ought to be forced or railroaded into FW for allegedly IC reasons.

What Rek said, and also this.

Just because FW is the only way to influence the storyline doesn't mean that it should be the only way to influence the storyline. Loyalty is much more subtle then the very very broad strokes the game mechanic paints them in.

Take Saede for example. She is not pro-republic. She quite despises the republic as an institution in fact. She's not even pro-tribes, and tends not to get along terribly well with non-sebiestor minmatar. She's very specifically pro-sebiestor tribe and pro-Rim. She empathizes strongly with the people she sees the Big4 as having chewed up, spat out, and left to die. Hence why she was angel, and dumped them when they failed to live up to her expectations as champion of the outcasts. She's a transhumanist, she wants to see the Big4 fall, and she wants to see humanity advance and unite. (she wants to make The Culture ingame)

But how does she actually ever accomplish anything in terms of the overall storyline? Even Star Fraction, who existed for a long time, never really effected the storyline, despite championing their cause loudly on and on. It didn't spark some sort of transhuman uprising, and how could it? it would effect the game universe and throw it out of the enforced status quo.

It doesn't coincide with the main story idea (champion the status quo), so it just is not allowed to succeed in any meaningful way it seems like. Anyone not supporting one of the core factions, or occasionally the pirate factions, get largely ignored for story purposes. This gets into what Vea was talking about in the other thread, where massive 10,000 man nullsec alliances holding regions of space the size of the Empires, have zero effect on the story beyond 'and that's where the crazy capsuleers live.'

Lets run through a hypothetical scenario: What would happen if the CFC all started RPing tomorrow? Every single one of them. And claimed to have built a utopian society and started recruiting colonists? Would would happen if then later on, it came to light they were doing ghastly experiments on their own people and turning them into mind-slaves? This is basically a paraphrasing of the Sansha's Nation storyline, but would it happen like that? No. Not only would the Empires not go after them and burn their worlds, they would probably do nothing. There would be zero mechanical changes to the storyline in response to that event. They can't invade highsec. They can't burn planets from orbit while chanting 'lol' in local. What can they actually do besides hold space?

I can't plant bombs in the Emperor Family Academy station, I can't get the Sebiestor tribe to withdraw from the republic, I can't effect the Empire as an institution, I can't create widespread applications of immortality tech, I can't even really effect my tribe as an institution. I'm lucky that I have fun just playing the angle and don't feel I have to actually accomplish anything in the story to have fun with that angle, because it will never go anywhere if the past is any given indication.

What is left for us RPers who want to do something other then repeat the standard faction taglines and blow up the people repeating the opposing taglines? A complete simplification I know, but it sums up the problem that CCP wants the storyline to be a certain way, and despite all their talk of emergence and letting the story go where it does, the whole plot is basically on rails. The map will never change in any significant way until CCP lets go of the paradigm that its on right now and has been on since EVE's inception basically.

Its honestly even more subversive then that. If I go to the live event thread and declare personal loyalty to the sebiestor I get lumped in with the rest of the republic. Why is the only way to support my tribe, to support a political institution that my character views as harmful to that tribe?

I understand there's a lot of factions in eve and a lot of political subtlety, but I feel like that subtlety is experienced more by the players then by the devs. My character is not a loyalist in any traditional sense. But she still has a vested interest in the universe and wants to see certain things come to pass, but the chances of this ever happening if I don't throw in with a faction in the most granular sense, are very slim, and even then its all moot anyway. As it stands, nothing my character does will make the slightest difference to the overall status quo, so what's the point? If a 20,000 man coalition can't get any sort of storyline recognition, what can I hope to achieve? At best I'd just be considered a neutral roleplayer, and more likely I'd be classed as pirate who shoots both sides at live events (and thus a troll in the eyes of a lot of people) despite it possibly being something that my character would really see as the best course of action.

Which bring up again Davlos's excellent point that no one should be forced into FW for IC reason. Just because FW currently is the only way to majorly effect the storyline doesn't mean it should be the only way to effect the storyline.

Sorry, that went off into a big of a tangent. In short? Fuck the Status Quo.
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Re: Militia Service and Loyalty
« Reply #76 on: 22 Jan 2013, 11:29 »

I understand there's a lot of factions in eve and a lot of political subtlety, but I feel like that subtlety is experienced more by the players then by the devs.

This seems true now, but Live Events are only restarting. And they're playing with our ideas as well, as the news item on the Electus Matari freeing slaves in Ammatarr space shows. So maybe, you can reach an appropriate NPC and start pulling some strings some ways.

And that is now, in the past a lot more depth existed to those factions, for example take the Tetrimon arc, that tossed imperials against imperials. I believe Falcon and company are restarting the process now, and have started where it is the logical point: where most players are. If you organize an event, you try to make it worthwhile to a large number of players, thus the Republic gets lumped together, even if some of those actually would oppose that Republic as is your case; maybe, if you show up to the Event and RP your reasons for shooting both sides, you won't be considered a troll. And hopefully, as the Live Events project advances we will see major depth and more shades of gray. We've seen many posts by Falcon pointing out how gray the EVE universe is, so he'll probably want to enforce that side of it with time and work.

But that's just a personal opinion, I haven't talked to him on the issue. But maybe you can ask him to create a faction NPC for the transhumanists? Probably he'll deny it now, as there doesn't seem to be a strong current of transhumanism now that the Star Fraction seems to be gone (did it disapear?), but it can be a starting point, and if you do rally enough people to the banner of transhumanism maybe you can actually push the creation of said NPC.

There's another issue. It's true, the Fraction never had any major impact in the game universe, and nor does Goonswarm. The first because there existed no NPCs they could talk to to create live events as we can do now. The second because they don't really care. And even if they did, probably they would only impact it to a minor extent. Is this realistic? To a degree, no. But it also is on another side: Goonswarm has 20k pilots, how many does the Imperial Navy have? Just taking into account the number of them we se die in FW alone, they must have rather impressive (actually infinite) numbers! 20k, even if they are pod pilots, would not be such a big number compared to the fleets of the major 4 or CONCORD, and if they hold control over 0.0 it's because those planets are inhabited by almost no one and the major 4 can't control them if they don't break up the Yulai Accord. And why hasn't the Star Fraction? Well, they were much smaller, but they did RP and try to influence the universe actively. But, if we take the EVE demographics, we can soon see that the Fraction was alone in pushing a transhumanist angle. Sure, 100 pod-pilots believe in transhumanist ideas, which isn't hard as they are inmortal, have clones, have cybernetic implants and are actually transhuman. But what about the population of the universe? They are very far from transhumans... maybe Holders and other powerful figures are closer, but those figures are powerful in the current status quo, so they don't want to break it. And the masses are very far from transhumanism. So of course the SF didn't make a great transhumanist uprisal in the planets because transhumanism isn't really important in the grand picture of what the EVE universe is.

With all this I'm not saying there are no mechanic interests in keeping the status quo as it is, or anything like it. Of course there are design interests by CCP in this. But, beyond that, it's also a matter of the universe's logic: we are just a very small proportion of the population of EVE, we're not as important as we often like to think. We may be the players, so all the world is built around us (chronicles, PF, etc.) but ICly we are very far from having such an amount of political power and influence.

Silas Vitalia

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Re: Militia Service and Loyalty
« Reply #77 on: 22 Jan 2013, 12:40 »

Let's all back up a minute and remember something:

When FW and Empyrean Age Novel were launched, there was a big to-do politically and Tony G et all  took the grand diversity of Empire Factions and sub factions, and BOXED THEM INTO 4 TIDY GROUPS. 

You weren't a supporter of the Ammatar or Khanid Kingdom or House Kador, you supported THE EMPRESSS and had to go join the CRUSADE FOR GREAT JUSTICE  to be loyal.

You weren't a State citizen and loyal to your megacorp, you had to GO JOIN THE STPRO and SUPPORT TAHBUS HEYTH!

You follow?

I refuse to let my gameplay and RP be shoe-horned by shitty game mechanics and what I considered at the time to be an unnecessary blending of all factions to tie in with new game features, and I sure as hell am not going to fault any of you all for choosing not to participate. 

There are innumerable ways to be loyal to your faction without fighting their CONCORD "sanctioned" proxy war. Be creative.



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Re: Militia Service and Loyalty
« Reply #78 on: 22 Jan 2013, 12:44 »

I'll add that as always 'support' does not mean 'idle talk.'  If you are loyal you still need to do -something-, but it surely not need be FW.


Lyn Farel

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Re: Militia Service and Loyalty
« Reply #79 on: 22 Jan 2013, 14:45 »

What is "idle talk" ?

Silas Vitalia

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Re: Militia Service and Loyalty
« Reply #80 on: 22 Jan 2013, 14:53 »

What is "idle talk" ?

Sorry I meant 'all talk and no action'

The action can be many, many things but just saying it is so does not make it so.

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Re: Militia Service and Loyalty
« Reply #81 on: 22 Jan 2013, 14:56 »

I am still not sure what you refer to. Saying that you do a lot of things without doing anything ingame or just speaking/debating/discussing in general without doing anything else besides ?

Saede Riordan

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Re: Militia Service and Loyalty
« Reply #82 on: 22 Jan 2013, 15:32 »

I am still not sure what you refer to. Saying that you do a lot of things without doing anything ingame or just speaking/debating/discussing in general without doing anything else besides ?

I am an elite Pilot for the gallente Federation, you can tell by my faction fit highsec carebear missioningmobile. I am also a ninja who dodges bullets an murders people with swords, and no marine could possibly take me in a one on one fight, I am teh invincible.

Basically, doing that will not earn you brownie points from the devs. You have to be willing to put your ISK and your ships where your mouth is.
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Lyn Farel

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Re: Militia Service and Loyalty
« Reply #83 on: 22 Jan 2013, 15:40 »

So, the first choice then.

Silas Vitalia

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Re: Militia Service and Loyalty
« Reply #84 on: 22 Jan 2013, 15:42 »

I am still not sure what you refer to. Saying that you do a lot of things without doing anything ingame or just speaking/debating/discussing in general without doing anything else besides ?

I mean someone saying "I'm the most super pro Tibus Heth Capsuleer that's ever lived!" And then someone else saying really? What have you done to show this? Are you working to hurt our enemies? Are you contributing economically? Are you contributing politically? Are you contributing militarily? Are you contributing to the war effort? Are you doing x, y, or z? Or are you just waving a flag?

Now it's up to RPers how they want to question or defend those actions (or inactions), of course.



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Re: Militia Service and Loyalty
« Reply #85 on: 22 Jan 2013, 20:30 »

I must confess that I feel a temptation to view certain posts here as misconstruing my position. However, I know that my writing can be occasionally opaque, and I perhaps need to clarify both the context in which the thread was started and the details of what I am asserting. I will attempt to do so with a minimum of offense, although that is probably not completely possible.

The first general claim that seems to be being made is that choosing a side in FW is not a means of showing loyalty, or at least not the only means of showing loyalty. I think that the first assertion, if made either implicitly or explicitly, is an impossible declaration. I think that declaring loyalty to the State and signing up for the FDU is probably about as reasonable as someone declaring themselves to be loyal to the U.S. in World War Two and then signing up for the Japanese Imperial Army. At that point, it's probably less a matter of raising an eyebrow and more one of rolling the eyes, in my opinion. Or, to put it another way, it's roughly as tenable as claiming one doesn't use a pod. One can do it, but it's probably not going to be accepted by other RPers. If loyalty means anything, it definitely means not shooting at your own side. That's not to say "you are doing it wrong", but rather "go ahead, but don't expect me to interact with you or your character". So, to be blunt, that sort of thing doesn't tweak me, I just ignore it. OOC, I always welcome another target.  :twisted:

Can one support one's faction outside of direct participation in FW? Of course. This is strictly necessary for those who are loyal to non-empire factions, and also a good idea for industrial and mining pilots. That said, I'm afraid I can't agree with simple declarations that one should never be railroaded into FW for IC reasons. Vikarion, for instance, is an ardent Patriot, even though he (as with most Patriots, as opposed to Practicals) is not particularly a fan of Hitl...uh, Heth. As such, if the State is under threat, I think that Vikarion had better damn well be in FW, or he's a hypocrite. End of, full stop.

Why? Well, I've explained in my above, long post. But I think it might do well to recall to mind that the inspiration for this thread was taken from a post Vikarion made on the IGS, basically calling on fellow Caldari to show up or shut up. I don't think that that's invalid RP, and it's a claim my character will continue to make. It seems reasonable that a Caldari character who is loyal to the State would seek to avoid having the State conquered and occupied, and Vikarion was pointing out that duty and loyalty imply an obligation to prevent such.

Now, speaking out of character, people can and will RP however they want. I can't make John Revenant or Dex Nederland take their corporations into Black Rise to go up against the Gallente. I'm not sure that it would be a wise player decision to do so. But a loyal Caldari would, I argue. And, incidentally, I do hope that Sansha RPers might occasionally try to wardec an incursion-running corporation, that Blooder RPers would try to help out the Covenant if it makes a move in a Live Event, and so forth.

Ah, IC railroading again. Well, yes and no. Suppose I am a Sansha RPer - does that not mean that doing Incursions is verboten, no matter how much I enjoy them? Vikarion maintains Angel connections, even though that means skipping Angels Extravanganza (which I liked) and going out to Curse and Syndicate for months to grind standings (started before the epic arcs). Railroaded? Well, yes - by my own choices and RP! If RP doesn't constrain your character in some way, what does it mean at all?

For a character to be real, to be personable, to be interesting, I think it needs to be more than a puppet which dances to the desires and game-play preferences of the player. I hated Syndicate, but I lived in it for three months and lost expensive ships there in order to play out the consequences of my character's choices. And in retrospect, it was one of the most satisfying things I did, because it meant that the choices my character made had mattered, and affected not just my character, but also me, and how I played the game.

Now, many of us have little niches in the RP scene. I get that, I really do. After all, I play a Caldari who was a former Sansha sympathizer, had a mental breakdown, and then reasserted his loyalty to the State, but who also personally despises Heth (seriously, get rid of Heth, CCP). I also understand that it's not fair for me to demand that the RP situation (that CCP sets up) conform to my desires. OOC, I really, really, really loathe Heth, as I understand nearly every RPer does, yet I understand that loyalty to the State requires toleration of some of the RP things I dislike about it. I complain about those things OOC, as anyone who reads the Eve Fiction section of the Eve forums can tell you, but I also accept them IC.

So, although I too prefer special snowflake status (tongue in cheek), I think that most of our characters, as RPers, have to understand that it's not really reasonable to demand that CCP create a special event involving just the element of the faction we are loyal to, and I also don't think that it's fair to try to get out of RP obligations by adhering only to, say, the Zainou corporation, and using that particular loyalty to deny an obligation to the larger whole. I could do that with Vik, but I think that that's essentially cheating: trying to get all the benefits of RP without the costs. The fact is that Zainou is loyal to the State, and the State is in a war, and Vikarion is a very skilled combat pilot. And, if I may extend this to one of the posters in the thread, the Sebiestor Tribe is threatened by the Amarr, because the Sebiestor Tribe has chosen to be a part of the Republic.

If I may bring one of my RP enemies into this thread, I'd like to point out that Andreus Ixiris did exactly this: he is a Federation loyalist, his character became peeved with some Sansha loyalists, as a Fed loyalist would, and he declared war on them. And he lost, horribly. But, in my eyes, as much as his character and mine do not get along, and as much as he and I have had conflicts, the fact that his character went out there and tried was fucking awesome.

That was RP that meant something. It was the worst possible outcome for an RPer, and it was still more entertaining, gutsy, and engaging than any IC argument on the Summit or IGS. Sure, the IGS was involved in the conflict, but it served as accompaniment for the action, not the whole dish. I can't remember anything else that happened around that time, but I'll never forget that.

Nor will I forget engaging my 5-man corporation in a war against a whole Amarrian alliance to secure an assassination contract, or dodging gatecamps in Syndicate to slowly grind standings for the Angels, or when Liandri and EVOKE refused to let the FDU hold all of Black Rise for even a single day.

Ultimately, I cannot tell you how to RP, nor would I desire to dictate the actions of others. But in character, I do think I have a justification for making such claims on the perceived obligations of other loyalists. I do think that actions in Eve should conform to character choices, and that much of the enjoyment of RP comes from watching where our characters go. This is probably playing Eve on Hard, yet I would encourage others to do so. Much more enjoyment, unexpected pleasure, and dramatic tension will come of it, and that's why I RP in the first place.

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Re: Militia Service and Loyalty
« Reply #86 on: 22 Jan 2013, 20:54 »

Oh I agree with you, RP actions should definitely be backed up in-space, and I have quite a few plans underway to do so. (need 500 mil ISK to wardec PIE, accepting donations) and I do understand that with Star Fraction gone there's not really a 'transhumanist voice' in the community. I'm not asking CCP to treat me specially, I'd just ask that if we do get large enough, we can become relevant, event if we don't support one of the NPC factions.
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Silas Vitalia

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Re: Militia Service and Loyalty
« Reply #87 on: 22 Jan 2013, 20:56 »

The faction war has strict boundaries and conditions and limitations set by concord for all 4 empire participants. It is a proxy war. The main systems are not in danger, and capsuleers cannot create a situation through their actions where the main systems are vulnerable. Why should a skeptical loyalist lift a finger and spend 1 isk to support a concord war with no long term consequences or stakes aside from some border systems? If the matari start bombing athra then the conversation changes. As it stands concord is not letting anyone pass go, or letting anyone do any real damage
« Last Edit: 22 Jan 2013, 21:01 by Silas Vitalia »

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Re: Militia Service and Loyalty
« Reply #88 on: 22 Jan 2013, 20:58 »

Effing cell phone will fix typos later


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Re: Militia Service and Loyalty
« Reply #89 on: 23 Jan 2013, 03:22 »

You could, of course, discard entire (inhabitated) regions as unimportant.
Black Rise, for example, might be filled with young colonies for natural ressources and strategical importance, but it is also old enough to have people calling it home.

The consequence for occupation is not limited to in-space assets and will be felt on the ground, the ever-changing wheels made that clear. Also it has been said that ground fighting takes place and has become more regular over the last year or so, which is of course the prelude for DUST. It doesn't happen in residential districts, of course.

So, yes. By this war, the core regions aren't threatened. I think a credible argument can be made that weakness in the regulated warzone can have political impacts beyond said warzone, but this hasn't happened for years. We're borderlining on the OOC reasons there that there wasn't much focus from CCP on that system as well as a lack of an event team that focuses on faction things.
The other, more important IC question would be: So the residents of [X] aren't worth fighting for?

While I can understand the dislike about hopping into FW I do think that discarding every impact or justification for doing so is oversimplifying it to an extreme that gets summed up by the very old saying of "No u!".
On the question that was raised in the topic I'd like to restate my opinion here. For me you have to contribute if you declare your loyality, which means more than idle talk from afar. That idle talk can easily be attacked ICly, so I don't really see the issue. If you know what your character does to be considered loyal than it shouldn't be difficult to defend that position. Some go out and fight, some work on behind the scenes - imho, LDIS did this nicely in Black Rise - and others focus on smaller circles than the grand scheme such as the Ishukone Syndicate assets. One can critize both the examples for their lack of gameplay support, but sometimes we as RPers have to acknowledge reasonable claims that aren't heavily backed by the UI or game mechanics, no?

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