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That "gods and spirits" is a popular Achura and Minmatar expression of disbelief?

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Author Topic: Drink Starsi!™ Tastes like Revenge  (Read 12386 times)


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Drink Starsi!™ Tastes like Revenge
« on: 22 Apr 2010, 01:49 »

A non-descript Civire man appears on the screen, unshaven and in a warehouse worker's overalls. The view zooms out showing the Caldari driving a forklift through a busy warehouse and the sounds of the warehouse clamor out all else. The Caldari stops the forklift, parking in it next to a long line of other forklifts, and jumps out of the driver's seat. The view zooms out and pans to show him approaching other Caldari men around a large cooler, the other men wave and open up the cooler, one reaching down to toss a can from the cooler through the air towards the forklift driver. The view zooms in on the can flying through the air, and the can seems to stop for an instant in the air, Starsi, clearly shown, before motion resumes and the Civire catches the can, and opens it with the hiss of carbonation escaping, as all other sound of the warehouse falls silent. The view pans as the Civire tilts his head back and drinks in seeming silence.

The view rotates around him quickly, and when it zooms out, it shows the same man, but now in a Caldari Navy ensign's uniform still drinking. Sound resumes and as he puts down the can of Starsi, and the view zooms out, to show a mess hall filled with Civire, Deteis, Achura and even an Intaki or two, all eating, and most drinking from cans of Starsi. Suddenly, an alarm sounds, and a call for battle stations is broadcasted. The soldiers begin to move from their stations, jogging out of the mess hall. The view pans back to the non-descript Civire, he grabs his can and joins the other in moving to their station, taking one more drink as he does. The view rotates rapidly once more as the alarms fade to silence.

The rotation stops showing the Civire finishing off the can in a Captain's uniform. The view zooms out, and shows him to be standing in the center of a Caldari Navy Raven Battleship. The right side of his mouth curves up as he looks out through the view screen directly in front of him, showing a familiar planet through it.

"Tastes like revenge."

The view zooms out, showing the raven in its full glory directly in front of Caldari Prime, along with the rest of the Caldari Navy Taskforce orbiting Home.

Drink Starsi!™ Tastes like Revenge.

Drink Starsi!™ is a wholly owned subsidiary of Tsurokigaarai and the APEX Conglomerate. All rights reserved.

Quote from: Vendrin
As CEO of the APEX Conglomerate, I’d like to take this time to assure all customers in this time of uncertainty that production of Starsi™, Starsi Light™, and Cherry Starsi™ continues at full pace, and I have even ordered an increase of production to meet growing demand.

For those who might have worries about their Starsi™ not being able to endure the rigors that many pilots face, I would like to remind you all what kind of technology each can possesses, developed by and for the Drink Starsi!™ corporation. Each of them is fitted with a mini gyro-pressurized magnetic opener, a fill level digital display, a full armored jacket and a micro-shielding content protector. I also take this time to suggest for only a few more isk, you may also order our premium cans, with their cooling cryo-chill processor: After all, revenge is best served cold.

Drink Starsi!™ Tastes like Revenge.
Original IGS Post
« Last Edit: 24 Dec 2015, 01:00 by Havohej »

This is a forum on steroids tbh. The rate at which content worth reading is being generated could get you pregnant.


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Re: Drink Starsi!™ Tastes like Revenge
« Reply #1 on: 22 Apr 2010, 01:50 »

While adding a couple of items to the Did you know rotation, I saw "Starsi tastes like revenge."  Immediately I clicked through and I thought this is the perfect thing for the Old Propaganda & Media board ^^

This is a forum on steroids tbh. The rate at which content worth reading is being generated could get you pregnant.

Laerise [PIE]

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Re: Drink Starsi!™ Tastes like Revenge
« Reply #2 on: 22 Apr 2010, 02:52 »

Funny how the Starsi advert came true  :D

Maybe we should invent an amarr loyalists drink as well?  :|


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Re: Drink Starsi!™ Tastes like Revenge
« Reply #3 on: 22 Apr 2010, 04:27 »

I've also heard "Starsi, like revenge, is best served cold." but I don't know where ...
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Re: Drink Starsi!™ Tastes like Revenge
« Reply #4 on: 22 Apr 2010, 10:17 »

Funny how the Starsi advert came true  :D

Maybe we should invent an amarr loyalists drink as well?  :|
Do it!  Some kind of premium sparking water or something since I imagine Amarrians aren't big on drinking :)

This is a forum on steroids tbh. The rate at which content worth reading is being generated could get you pregnant.


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Re: Drink Starsi!™ Tastes like Revenge
« Reply #5 on: 22 Apr 2010, 12:30 »

On some circles, some err... stimulants might be appropriate. Doesn't old PF mention that there's prayer booths in Dam Torsad designed to give the user religious experiences?

Laerise [PIE]

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Re: Drink Starsi!™ Tastes like Revenge
« Reply #6 on: 22 Apr 2010, 14:13 »

Funny how the Starsi advert came true  :D

Maybe we should invent an amarr loyalists drink as well?  :|
Do it!  Some kind of premium sparking water or something since I imagine Amarrians aren't big on drinking :)

Actually they are the main producers and distributors of spirits and spiced wine, so :D
Maybe I'll come up with something when I return home after an especially ... ferocious night of drinking one day.  :lol:


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Re: Drink Starsi!™ Tastes like Revenge
« Reply #7 on: 23 Apr 2010, 01:40 »

Spiced wine, yes. But weren't spirits contraband in Amarr space at one point?

Natalcya Katla

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Re: Drink Starsi!™ Tastes like Revenge
« Reply #8 on: 23 Apr 2010, 04:36 »

Spiced wine, yes. But weren't spirits contraband in Amarr space at one point?

I don't think it ever was, I think a lot of people merely assumed so.

I remember making big eyes back when I was grinding missions for the Theology Council, and they paid me bonuses in the form of spirits.

Getting told by a bunch of priests that they'd give me fifty crates of booze as a bonus if I managed to clear out this or that pirate stronghold within the hour was great fun. Checking further and finding out that spirits were one of the chief exports of the Theology Council (of all Amarrian NPC corps) was priceless.

It's still the case. Look it up if you don't believe me.  :D
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Laerise [PIE]

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Re: Drink Starsi!™ Tastes like Revenge
« Reply #9 on: 25 Apr 2010, 06:00 »

Oh, c'mon, this image says it all, really  :D



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Re: Drink Starsi!™ Tastes like Revenge
« Reply #10 on: 25 Apr 2010, 06:09 »

Funny this came up.

I have started prepping for a loyalist drink campaign about 3 months ago. With the Quafe scandal recently I'm revving up the schedule, hope to launch within 1-2 weeks.

End yes, I am quite aware of the Theology Council spirits exports, the popularity of spiced wine etc. I did my research.  :)
« Last Edit: 25 Apr 2010, 06:11 by Merdaneth »


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Re: Drink Starsi!™ Tastes like Revenge
« Reply #11 on: 25 Apr 2010, 10:46 »

Oh, c'mon, this image says it all, really  :D

Fixed. :)


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Re: Drink Starsi!™ Tastes like Revenge
« Reply #12 on: 26 Apr 2010, 05:46 »

Monastery beer. I mean, during the lent you're not supposed to eat much, right, but no one said anything about drinking? And beer's got a lot of energy in it. Love the train of thought.

Morwen Lagann

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Re: Drink Starsi!™ Tastes like Revenge
« Reply #13 on: 26 Apr 2010, 13:39 »

Maybe I'll come up with something when I return home after an especially ... ferocious night of drinking one day.  :lol:

Mental image of Laerise drunk off her ass (IC, of course): priceless. :lol:
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Re: Drink Starsi!™ Tastes like Revenge
« Reply #14 on: 27 Apr 2010, 12:41 »

If you use your EVE-search, you'll find one or two Amarrian drinks have existed since around the time of Starsi.
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