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Author Topic: [Character] DeT Resprox and Dendar  (Read 1566 times)

DeT Resprox

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[Character] DeT Resprox and Dendar
« on: 02 Jun 2010, 08:46 »

Written by Dendar and taken from HERE.  Written in 2004 during the beginning of the wars between several Minmatar and Amarrian corporations.  This was also written during the early model of what is today the T.R.I.A.D missioning Agency - hence the assignment (now deleted) which was taken up by Dendar to assasinate Hardin, the then leader of the CVA.

Ever since those days 15 years ago in the prison camps based on Mikeb in the Amarr system was my mind set. Alone I stood in an unlit cell, the only occasional offering of hope coming from illuminated shadows cast by the lamp as the prison guards paced along the corridor adorning the secure units. The words uttered from the judge before my bound shackled body will forever be burned into my memory:

“Dendar, you are amongst the most ruthless, brutal and barbaric people I have ever laid my eyes upon of the Caldari race. The jury has tried and tested you over the past days of your trials and has found you guilty upon count 1 murder of all four members of the Yaswan family. With this damning evidence and the background laid before this court I hereby sentence you to 10 years imprisonment”.

Hazy moments would follow. The flight to Amarr. The closing of doors. The black. The darkness.

Men…..Women….. would come and go over the years as I sat upon my damp, sweat entrenched bedding. Food would be offered in the form of an unpalatable substance, labelled as “Gruel” amongst the inmates I rarely saw. The foul taste rinsed away with siphoned water from the filth butts that collected acid rain from the red misted skies outside.

Three years into my sentence I had come to know a man in the cell next door, communication being made through morse – the tapping of our metal cuffs as we banged out against the harder of the rocks to our cell walls. The guards knew what was going on, the scratching and markings engraved into our metallic bands the sure tell-tale signs. I told this man of my own fate and of my own doing. How I had located this family and assassinated all associates. The pay for the job being moved into undetectable accounts. My employer, the lead designer in a synthetic drug who had unwanted rivalries on the circuit he was about to break into. I was to seek out this man, to erase him and his associates. Mission accomplished - money in the bank. I thought no-one would know – my past work having been undetected for years. I knew there was a tip-off in the decoded messages from the tapped comms. I was never to know that my primary target would be a doppelganger, a clone of himself in the same form – hell, even the blood samples as I placed the probe into the gaping chest wounds showed a 96% match. Maybe my target had placed me here or my employer had set me up all along. I was never to know

He told me of a life in ways familiar to me. Parents lost in the great slave uprising whilst being held by captors, executed for perversion of Amarrian slave law and slander against the Emperor himself - Heideran VII. This mans life was engulfed in seediness, running a drugs cartel to fund weaponry and amass the firepower for an act even I would consider above me. In this mans life stood thugs and murderers who would extract sources to fund his cause. Pharmacists would unload drugs to the southern borders of Amarr, slowly poisoning the minds of the wayward. Money flooded in and the time had come. With his tribe behind him, this man led a hired force of likeminded people into Amarr herself. Firepower overwhelmed Amarrian security forces and the bombs were set within the Imperial offices. Over 10 men were killed that day, high officials and ranked officers, senators and diplomats. The Amarrian Empire suffered as the loss of key members of its Imperial were felt throughout the system. This man had become known to me as Arox Prested. A man whose mind is riddled with the bitter loss of his family to Amarrian slavers, anger flooding through his veins. His tribal upbringing breeding the way of the Matari warrior into his being. No surrender. No remorse. Belief, desire and stubbornness carrying him on to his means. The order of execution by public hanging had been set after 10 years imprisonment. The long wait along the dark path to drain his body of natural resources, to weaken him and put him through years of suffering in itself.

Time came and passed, bonds grew. Ideas and plans passed between us. I was to be set free having served 6 of my 7 years, the plans had been set. Soon after my release I made contact with a close accomplice of mine from years gone by, a member of DED themselves – administration nonetheless. Together, our plan hatched and came into being.

Arox Prested, en route to a secure unit in an undisclosed location was being transported onboard an Apocalypse class battleship, property of the Amarrian Security forces. To her helm would be a pair of leading Punishers, equipped with the finest Amarrian Laser Technology. Equipped with “Hells DeMoN”, a Raven class Battleship, I flew out and met the escort party head on as they jumped through the gate. Death was the order and death was delivered, the escorting Punishers erupted in bright golden bursts within seconds of system entry, the pilots both killed shortly after. The transporting Apocalypse saw the death before her on entry.

I sensed the fear as I looked into the pilots’ eyes on fly-by. Locked and loaded I let my volley fly true, breaking apart the shields within moments. Both ships Immobilised, we fought fire with fire. My vessels shields deflected the lasers as they attempted to burn through and penetrate the tungsten casting of the shell. Amarr armour folded against unbreakable aggression from the beast in my hands. The Amarrian pilot within ejected upon command, little did he know it would only bring him death as drones span their way towards his helpless self to tear through him, to pull apart the being within. Pulling up alongside the vessel, a second pod emerged from the underbelly and made its way towards my bay doors. Scooping the pod into my bay, clamps surrounded the egg-shaped vehicle and held it in place, a man emerging from the sliding door as he made his way towards the captain pit.

The Apocalypse was soon finished, records of this event were cleared from DED records and the man Arox Prested was now no more. Released from imprisonment and taken into safety, all records of the man that was were deleted from all system traces - he was never born. People would talk of the legend that was who attempted to break the Amarrian Empire, but no-one would know him. Altered in genetic state, months would go by where the physical appearance of the man would take on a new form. To take on a new name, clean to convictions. That new name would become DeT Resprox.

Today, that man is my new employer. Once again, the flow of narcotics has begun to flow through the coffers of his trappings. Once again, the southern borders are receiving their kick, and once again, the Amarrian economy is being leeched of its assets as purchases begin to rise.

As I work behind closed doors in the shady world of a hitman, my employer lives a world in high security, away from the dangers of the work he lives in. Now the time calls, AMAX are being broken, my recent assignment a successful one - Graelyn suffering death at the hands of "Hells DeMoN", following the recent death of his colleague Flotwell, both paying handsomely in shares. The time has come for me to wipe out there existence. SMaK have grown enemies as we fight for the Minmatar cause. As we continue to fight against the slaving worlds within the Amarrian Empire and fight alongside the brothers and sisters of Matar, those who may not be of the same ways of my employer but of the same beliefs, we also continue to destroy the Amarrian economy to break down the slave trade.

My next assignment is a simple one, as I look at the data presented to me by my employer I know of the obstacles that lay before me to reach my two fresh targets, so do I know the significance that this mission carries should I succeed. I know not of who will die as I walk along the path, they are but minor insignificancies. The message is clear:


No surrender. No remorse

For the Matari race and for Justice

« Last Edit: 02 Jun 2010, 08:53 by DeT Resprox »
DeT Resprox
Leader of the Ushra'Khan and founding member
Minmatar Militia Fleet Commander
Founding member of the People's Republic of Minmatar

DeT Resprox

  • Egger
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Re: [Character] DeT Resprox and Dendar
« Reply #1 on: 02 Jun 2010, 08:47 »

DeT Resprox
Leader of the Ushra'Khan and founding member
Minmatar Militia Fleet Commander
Founding member of the People's Republic of Minmatar

DeT Resprox

  • Egger
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Re: [Character] DeT Resprox and Dendar
« Reply #2 on: 02 Jun 2010, 08:47 »

DeT Resprox
Leader of the Ushra'Khan and founding member
Minmatar Militia Fleet Commander
Founding member of the People's Republic of Minmatar

DeT Resprox

  • Egger
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Re: [Character] DeT Resprox and Dendar
« Reply #3 on: 02 Jun 2010, 08:48 »

DeT Resprox
Leader of the Ushra'Khan and founding member
Minmatar Militia Fleet Commander
Founding member of the People's Republic of Minmatar