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Author Topic: Character names: History, reasons, etc.  (Read 93602 times)

Kimochi Rendar

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Re: Character names: History, reasons, etc.
« Reply #30 on: 04 Jun 2010, 09:24 »

I posted in a similar thread to this in the Chatsubo forum, but what the hell!

I suppose I should start at the beginning...

When I started playing EVE (for the second time...) about three years ago, my first character was Rakiro - an Intaki who I still play occasionally but never really RP with. This is a name I made up for a character when dipping my toes into RF Online (A grinderiffic Korean MMO that I stopped playing after a couple of weeks)... I just randomly typed letters and shuffled things around until I'd made something I thought sounded cool. Eventually EVE Rakiro ended up as a mission runner in Aunia, where he stays to this day.

A few months after I made Rakiro I got bored of using railguns and drones to kill NPCs, so decided to make an alt specifically to use Amarr ships as vapourizing things with lasers never gets old for me - I couldn't be bothered to wait to crosstrain at the time. And so Kimochi Rendar was born. Because she was an experimental alt I put very little thought into her name... Little did I know that Kim would end up as my main and I would stick to playing her for over two years - and counting!

Kimochi - I first used this to name a character I made in Phantasy Star Online about five years ago. It's the romanization of a Japanese word I must have heard and subconciously filed away as sounding vaguely femenine, as at the time I thought I'd made it up on the spot! As far as I am aware there is no direct English translation, but it is used to describe mental feelings or physical sensations: for example "I feel" or "It feels". I had used this name for female characters several times since PSO and since Kim is Khanid it made sense to use a vaguely oriental sounding name.

Rendar - This is shamelessly stolen from Dash Rendar, a character from the Star Wars expanded universe. It was quite literally the first thing that popped into my head when I was trying to think up a surname for Kim. As I said, Kim was originally an experiemental alt and at the time I never intended to use her for anything other than to occasionally play around with Amarrian ships!

Part of me wishes I'd picked something else, but people seem to know who Kimochi is and I probably wouldn't change it now if I could. So there ya go!

Vlad Cetes

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Re: Character names: History, reasons, etc.
« Reply #31 on: 30 Jul 2010, 16:15 »

Vlad the Impaler has been my FPS handle ever since I really got into online gaming (UT2k4). I would have used that in EVE but no 3 word char names :(. So I just used the Romanian version, although I messed it up.


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Re: Character names: History, reasons, etc.
« Reply #32 on: 05 Aug 2010, 01:11 »

My character's first name is rather normal: Sergius is a rather common Latin name and originates some time during Rome's history. The last name has root's in Arabic and collectively means "Sneaky-Panther". Yes, it is true. Why I chose it, I thought it sounded nice and I like Arabic names in general, I just think they're cool. After writing about my character, however, I wished I named him Midhat Fahd'raza. Midhat is just too cool.

As for reasons why my character does the things he does: duty. Above all else Sergius is loyal to the Empire and the Amarr religion. His family, however, is another story. He is intensely jealous of his brother's position as Holder of the House Fahd'raza and is scheming to take it for himself. He is a rather nonsense kind of guy, pretty serious, with a wry sense of humor. I blame these traits as a product of growing up in the very traditionalist part of Amarr, in the shadow of the Throne Worlds.

I'm still fleshing out the specifics and whatnot of Sergius, so they might change, but that's basically it.

Alexander Rykis

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Re: Character names: History, reasons, etc.
« Reply #33 on: 08 Aug 2010, 06:34 »

hahahha I think mine is the least srs bsns here.

Lady Lard is a troll / gimmick name of former Band of Brothers pilot Lady Scarlett.

Alexander Rykis is almost the exact name of a dude I went to elementary school with. I just thought he had a badass last name.

Logan Fyreite

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Re: Character names: History, reasons, etc.
« Reply #34 on: 10 Aug 2010, 12:47 »

Wow, I wish my name creation story was half as good as some of these

I started out by clicking on capslock, then closing my eyes and handrolling the keyboard

It looked something like this


So I took the first letter and tried to come up with a good name starting with an L


then caps back on again... Similar result, but starting with F, I mishmashed some crap behind that F and ended up with Fyreite.

Thus was created Little Hollow Fyreite, neither traditional Matari or anything else!


Syn Callibri

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Re: Character names: History, reasons, etc.
« Reply #35 on: 23 Aug 2010, 20:46 »

Syn which is short for Synella, but her Amarrian master called her his "sin". Simple...but thats what it is. ;)



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Re: Character names: History, reasons, etc.
« Reply #36 on: 25 Aug 2010, 17:16 »

My name and the name of a bunch of guys who are in the ILF with me all come from our D&D group.

We chose the most ridiculous names on purpose.

Mammal Tafren was a name I came up with when we were sneaking into a bad guy city and had to give our names. This was the first thing that came into my head.

The head of the ILF mining division is Ypsasieh Yug, (Backwards: Guy he is a spy) which caused some consternation when we joined just before the Moira. war. It came from a D&D bad guy our DM put in who (inevitably) betrayed us.

Anyway, I eventually retconned the Mammal Tafren name to be Maninder Tafren. 'Mammal' was what his little brother Ishrinder used to call him because he couldn't say Maninder and it stuck.

Sofia Roseburn

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Re: Character names: History, reasons, etc.
« Reply #37 on: 25 Aug 2010, 19:34 »

Sofia was formed during a week long whisky bender during the half term of October 2006. I'd drunk a rather large amount of a particularly good bottle of Oban, and since I couldn't remember my trial details from 2005, she was born.

Inspiration came partially from the Freelancer server that I had been playing on for 2 years prior, although I had been RPing a male character there. Sofia was a bit of a slip up on the naming front in truth, and although I came very close to having her trashed by a not so good friend of mine (any more) and becoming a Khanid female by the name of Sasha Vespit, I rescued her, bringing me to where I am today.

Luckily my naming conventions since then have been met with a little bit more...sense. If I got the chance to change Sofia's name, I might actually go back to the name of an alt I had for a while: Arvala Ishanoya. The name has since been taken by yet another Khanid femaleā„¢, created by my own hand during the "welp ur banned" episode of mid 2008, and is no longer under my control.

There's Estray Lassils, who is a nod to Iain M. Banks, Sol Ahonen, who is actually a rather normal Civire gentleman and Jessica Ovarde, the Jin-Mei female CEO of VERDA who constantly reminds me just how long I have been playing this damn game. The latest addition to the group is Thebe Pemba, a sunglasses wielding Brutor male of considerable ruggish good looks who likes to shoot the big guns.

A veritable family spread across 3 accounts, and then there's Ralarina, but she isn't truly mine.


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Re: Character names: History, reasons, etc.
« Reply #38 on: 18 Sep 2010, 17:39 »

Mine is possibly the most uninspired. My RL surname is Plumb, and I was a really bad trekkie when i first started the game. I took my surname, added the word 'Captain' to the front of it and made a character in the Gallente Federation. Captain Plumb. Boring and incredibly cliche =P I didnt think this was the case until I was a year into the game, at which point I wasnt going to start again.

Laurentis Thiesant

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Re: Character names: History, reasons, etc.
« Reply #39 on: 19 Sep 2010, 02:06 »

Jianni Sotaku was me thinking for like 10 minutes on just what the hell to name this Asian chick.
Jianni was originally Jianna - but I changed it just before submitting the name (and then got called Jianna still by half the cluster anyways). Sotaku sounded vaguely Japanese.

Niiama Subaata came from a story I wrote awhile back ( (one which won me real life monies, high five). Subaata was the last name of the main character of the story, Niiama's sister. Niiama just came from my head, like they usually do. I just wanted to have another Caldari.
« Last Edit: 19 Sep 2010, 02:09 by Jianni Sotaku »


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Re: Character names: History, reasons, etc.
« Reply #40 on: 19 Sep 2010, 22:39 »

Benjamin Loen Raltere came about as a result of watching an episode of Lost, a misspelling and just flat-out making up something off the top of my head (in that order).

I first came up with the idea of the character after I'd watched an episode of Lost and decided to name him after, of all people, Benjamin Linus. His middle name came from misspelling Leonard and finding the result too good to throw out. The last name... I'm not entirely sure what the inspiration for his last name was but I'm reasonably sure it involved taking a word and adding and subtracting letters at random until I came up with a satisfactory name.

As for his callsign, it's a nod to my first EVE character Havente Gaversom, though when I created Havvie I never really expected he'd be anything more than a hauler alt and looking back I'd lop G off his name, but vov
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Akrasjel Lanate

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Re: Character names: History, reasons, etc.
« Reply #41 on: 09 Nov 2010, 08:39 »

Akrasjel - means "angel of secrets", "secret of god"

Lanate - found it in a other fictional universe

Lex Steel

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Re: Character names: History, reasons, etc.
« Reply #42 on: 07 Dec 2010, 10:43 »

My name is changing soon.. Yes, the petition is in, My dad gave me the name (curse you, you fatherly figure!) and i regret googling it everyday..
Now to develop a new one


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Re: Character names: History, reasons, etc.
« Reply #43 on: 07 Dec 2010, 11:04 »

Let me know how that petition works out. To my knowledge, they've never done so for any reason other than policy violations.

Alain Colcer

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Re: Character names: History, reasons, etc.
« Reply #44 on: 07 Dec 2010, 12:01 »

Alain , tipical french name

Colcer, name of a system in Giatole Constellation, Everyshore

In this case, for me the systems name is related to the first large family who came to settle in that particular system.
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