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That Saxon Hawke has the inscription "A man travels the universe in search of what he needs and returns home to find it." added near the entry port of every ship he purchases?

Author Topic: [Character] Inzo Timeo  (Read 2702 times)

Inzo Timeo

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[Character] Inzo Timeo
« on: 10 Dec 2018, 10:08 »

Full Name: Inzo Timeo
Nickname: Zo
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Birthdate: 19 February YC95
Birthplace: Bourynes VII – Moon 2 – University of Caille
Height: 178 cm ( 5’10)
Weight: 83 kg (183 lbs)
Eye color: Blue-Green
Employment: University of Caille (and local central-Gallente gangs)

Inzo Timeo was raised by caring but busy parents on an active capsuleer hub near Dodixie, Bourynes, on the only station in the system.  His father, a successful travelling Intaki sound-sculptor and singer, had no living relatives except for a distant sister in the Federation Navy, by the time of his son’s birth.  Inzo’s mother was raised by local business owners, descendants of a long and deeply-rooted family line of Reborn.  Working as a station bureaucrat—in varying positions over the years, but all working as some sort of capsuleer-University liaison—his mother became very successful and together, his parents were able to get him into the University’s youth-programs from a young age.
But Inzo felt directionless.  He was, for much of his life, caught between his career-minded but supportive mother and his father whose biggest concern was that in allowing his son to be Reborn, he had allowed Inzo to lose his voice.  “Voicelessness,” his father still likes to say, “is the greatest curse that can be laid upon a human.  It is what the Amarr did to the Minmatar when they enslaved them.  It is what Caldari capitalism does to the lower classes.  It is what ignorance and greed may do to anyone,” pounding the dinner table with a glint in his eye.  Inzo always felt skeptical.  And over time, he fell in with a bad crowd.
Inzo was repeatedly disciplined for pranks, petty thefts, and getting in fistfights.  He skipped out often with friends to visit, or escape to, one of the four comfortably-inhabited temperate planets orbiting his sun.  Coming back from one such adventure with his nose having been broken, now taped up and healing, he was caught when his mother emptied out his bag with a Serpentis propaganda pamphlet tucked neatly in with his clothes.  In desperation, she tried to get her son out of this cycle, and took him for the first time to another solar system, the neighboring Aymaerne, where her parents were enjoying their planetside retirement.
There, Inzo forged a fast relationship with his granfather.  Though he only stayed a few short weeks, he was deeply impressed by the first adult ever to tell him that there was a way for him in the world (aside from a seedy group he suspected of being Serpenti sympathizers whom he once met on a Bourynes party yacht).  When everyone else was telling him he had to quit, to change, and he felt he could not quit without losing himself, and had always rebelled against the assumed path into the University of Caille that just happens when you are raised on one of their most active stations, his grandfather said “You can find a way, just you, being you.”  They were sitting at the black-sand beach of his grandparents’ secluded home, watching a small oceanliner in the distance.  Inzo looked at his grandfather and asked what he meant.
“Well, Inzo,” his grandfather laughed, “with you family’s line of work I am surprised you hadn’t thought of it.  You could become a capsuleer.”

A few short years later, Inzo’s grandfather died.  And in the time between, Inzo had become another person.  He lost touch with his friends in the local gangs, at a young age he moved out of his parents’ comfortable home, and he dedicated himself entirely to the grueling capsuleer training with all the dedication of someone who finally found something to latch on to. 
Predictably, almost comically, desperate that immortality should truly make his son lose his voice, Inzo’s father took capsuleer training as a disaster, and tried constantly to dissuade him.  Inzo’s father wrote a long-form musical piece about the experience, so wrought and poignant that it achieved critical acclaim, and Inzo’s father promptly went on a tour of Sinq Laison and Everyshore, the widest reach he had ever achieved.  Inzo’s mother vacillated between joy and apprehension, knowing full well the perils of capsuleer training, and life, but seeing in her son a different person.  Still, slowly, Inzo’s relationships to his parents, friends, and all else began to dim, as he narrowed his focus on becoming the youngest resident of the Nexus constellation ever to become a capsuleer.
And after seven long years, he succeeded.  Now freshly cloned and sitting in the rookie ship that his mother procured, as part of her latest job, he realizes the world is open, and empty.  Waiting to be filled, he thinks.  Inzo’s once light, freckled smile is dark and haunted, and he is aimless once again.  Dogged by persistent physical and mental ills from his rushed and single-minded training, he sits in orbit above his grandparents’ old home for hours, watching the peninsula slip by, wondering what with all the time in the universe, he will do now.

Never talkative, never quiet, obviously intelligent but seldom shrewd and calculating, impulsive yet reserved, Inzo was the child you’d never expect.  He seemed middle-of-the-road in almost every way.  He was polite and thoughtful but did not study hard.  He succeeded with his friends in pulling off elaborate pranks, stealing requisition Quafe and other boosters from the hangar his mother managed, but never having the wits or wherewithal to sell the fabulously expensive capsuleer items, they didn’t achieve much.  Inzo somehow matured late, and got into the capsuleer training early.  Now, he is fundamentally changed.
Quiet, considerate, humming with some hidden sadness, or fears, he has, at only 25, the energy of an old war veteran like his grandfather.  He is funny, smart, and haunted.  But one thing he has not gained with immortality is patience.
Not easy to enrage but easy to prickle. Inzo is easy to socialize with, and developes superficial friendships quickly. He struggles to create meaningful relationships, and is haunted by the knowledge that he spent the las seven years of his grandfather’s life in training. He is sullen often, and sulks when he becomes the butt of a joke. But he is the life of the party, and spends most weekends drinking and singing loudly with the friends he has made in training. He got the tattoo on his face on a drunken Saturday, to cover a particularly gnarly scar he go in training, but he was too drunk and had them ink the wrong place. Now he has a scar, and a tattoo. Inzo does not miss home, but he misses his relationships with his family, which he feels like he did not take advantage of while he was living there. He feels lonely most of the time, and is searching, always, for a friend or companion to help him feel his now immortal days with something more meaningful.

Ada Ali

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Re: [Character] Inzo Timeo
« Reply #1 on: 11 Dec 2018, 16:59 »

I think this character is ready for the big time  8)

Very well written.
I'm not sure how many children I've had.. cause I couldn't care less.


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Re: [Character] Inzo Timeo
« Reply #2 on: 11 Dec 2018, 22:25 »


Plenty of potential bundled up in this Intaki.

One I'm keen to see develop  8)
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Re: [Character] Inzo Timeo
« Reply #3 on: 12 Dec 2018, 00:09 »

Looking forward to having another Federation-adjacent roleplayer to have fun with!


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Re: [Character] Inzo Timeo
« Reply #4 on: 12 Dec 2018, 09:31 »

Yay, more Gallente people. :D

Shintoko Akahoshi

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Re: [Character] Inzo Timeo
« Reply #5 on: 13 Dec 2018, 01:29 »

Nice! I especially like that there are some good flaws in there. Good hooks for RP.