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That CCP financed the initial development of EVE Online by publishing a board game called Hættuspil ("Danger Game")?

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Author Topic: EVE Gangbangers  (Read 5525 times)


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Re: EVE Gangbangers
« Reply #15 on: 22 Oct 2014, 13:03 »

Yeah, and perhaps the sort of structure I am describing is not particularly detachable from the poverty aspect that it is almost always associated with in real life. Even for some of the more renowned gangs in real life, when their leadership or particular cells hit a certain level of 'success' they maintain a certain aspect of the previous culture. To me, that is part of what distinguishes gangs and the more mafia-esque organizations. The latter like to look like businessmen when they are successful, the former tend to maintain their subcultural identity throughout the varying levels of success.

But in the case of EVE, well, as you have both said there are capsuleers at the top. There are just certain subcultural tropes that are difficult to pull off or even subsist within when you are flying around in half a billion ISK worth of assets.

Lyn Farel

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Re: EVE Gangbangers
« Reply #16 on: 22 Oct 2014, 13:10 »

Tbh I didn't know that word could be used to describe something like that. You learn something everyday. Was fearing the worse when I read thread title. :lol:

For RP groups, maybe some fitted the bill more than others. Some characters with those type of background more than RP corps, but some RP corps were close enough I think.

I think quite a lot of capsuleer groups operate with a gang-like structure. Especially pirate corps. Instead of streets though you have systems or regions.

That's pretty much how I see it yes.


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Re: EVE Gangbangers
« Reply #17 on: 22 Oct 2014, 13:21 »

This usage of the term existed long before the perverted one you were interpreting.

Saede Riordan

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Re: EVE Gangbangers
« Reply #18 on: 22 Oct 2014, 13:30 »

I think the Angels and Serpentis are closest to what you are looking for.

While the core command of the Cartel has a well-earned reputation as 'pervs twats in business suits', the low-level enforcers and distributors are probably far closer to what you are imagining: A generally limited command structure with very little oversight so long as dues are paid up the command chain, a culture heavily influenced by and formed in the poverty and ghettos in the Federation and State, etc...

Remember that what we see as capsuleers are the guys flying spaceships, which even at the lowest is already a step up from the low-level enforcers and distributors operating on planets and stations.

This would be my interpretation as well, Saede in particular grew up in extreme poverty on the streets, and was swept into the Cartel in the ways any poor teenager would get pulled into a gang.
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Re: EVE Gangbangers
« Reply #19 on: 22 Oct 2014, 13:36 »

Sometimes one wants to get caught...

Silas Vitalia

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Re: EVE Gangbangers
« Reply #20 on: 22 Oct 2014, 13:36 »

You might find it useful to use a street gang affiliated background for a capsuleer character.

Growing up in a rough way can be useful character background.

Not quite equivalent, but much of the Warhammer 40k lore has entire city 'hive' planets full of vicious street gangs; some of the space marine chapters recruit from these 'rough' planets, figuring anyone who can survive and thrive in such places is a good candidate for training. They do the same thing with all manor of 'fantasty' settings, flying down and scooping up recruits from pre-industrial or early firearms sorts of civilizations.

I imagine more than a few capsuleers out there who grew up in backward, dangerous, 'primative' locations who eventually found themselves in civilization and capsule compatible.



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Re: EVE Gangbangers
« Reply #21 on: 22 Oct 2014, 14:53 »

You might find it useful to use a street gang affiliated background for a capsuleer character.

Growing up in a rough way can be useful character background.

Not quite equivalent, but much of the Warhammer 40k lore has entire city 'hive' planets full of vicious street gangs; some of the space marine chapters recruit from these 'rough' planets, figuring anyone who can survive and thrive in such places is a good candidate for training. They do the same thing with all manor of 'fantasty' settings, flying down and scooping up recruits from pre-industrial or early firearms sorts of civilizations.

I imagine more than a few capsuleers out there who grew up in backward, dangerous, 'primative' locations who eventually found themselves in civilization and capsule compatible.

Mmhm, yeah. I have one of my alts that has that sort of backstory. It helps.

Lyn Farel

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Re: EVE Gangbangers
« Reply #22 on: 22 Oct 2014, 16:18 »

This usage of the term existed long before the perverted one you were interpreting.

Dunno lol, i'm not a native.

Couldn't even find the original meaning on wiki and stuff afterwise.


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Re: EVE Gangbangers
« Reply #23 on: 22 Oct 2014, 19:27 »

I think quite a lot of capsuleer groups operate with a gang-like structure. Especially pirate corps. Instead of streets though you have systems or regions.

This does it for me. Corp I started with fit the description nicely.


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Re: EVE Gangbangers
« Reply #24 on: 23 Oct 2014, 09:58 »

Uneducated, poor street hoods, as a group, generally arent up on things like engineering, physics, large group cohesion and social engineering, etc needed to fly and operate and maintain an advanced combat spaceship.

Convincing angry, uneducated, disenfranchised youth to perform various street crime is easy.  Having them serve as skilled, disciplined crews of a state of the art warship is likely much, much harder without them losing the very elements that make them a street gang in the first place. 

Can you take street gangers and turn them into soldiers?  Sure, happens all the time, but generally they stop acting like hoods and start acting like soldiers.  But taking say the Gangster Disciples and trying to get them to operate high end combat aircraft would likely end disastrously (and humorously).

Are there criminal organizations with that kind of technical know-how in real life?  Sure.  But the organizations who do are much more sophisticated than the typical gangbanger set.  The South American cartels are chalk-full of former military and dirty spec ops types, the Russian mafia is full of former KGB and GRU operatives, etc.   

Even the street hood who fights from the ground up rarely holds onto gangbanger mentality after he "makes it", in fact it was likely his ability to look beyond the limited world view of being a street hood that helped him advance in the first place.

Basically, if a gangbanger had the technical, scientific, and social skills needed to be an effective crew member of a combat spacecraft, he or she would likely not be a gangbanger anymore.  They would either graduate to the upper echelon of criminal organizations (i.e. RL Mafia, EVE Guristas, etc), or they parley those skills into a productive career as either a legit military personnel or something more conventional that likely pays better and less likely to get them shot.

Short Answer:  EVE gangbangers exist....probably in the untold billions.  They probably serve as street muscle for the various syndicates.  They just dont pilot or crew warships.  Theyre pawns, not kings.
« Last Edit: 23 Oct 2014, 10:02 by Gottii »
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Re: EVE Gangbangers
« Reply #25 on: 23 Oct 2014, 10:21 »

Gottii stahp poasting and log in. Come wardec softies with us.


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Re: EVE Gangbangers
« Reply #26 on: 23 Oct 2014, 11:34 »

Uneducated, poor street hoods, as a group, generally arent up on things like engineering, physics, large group cohesion and social engineering, etc needed to fly and operate and maintain an advanced combat spaceship.

Convincing angry, uneducated, disenfranchised youth to perform various street crime is easy.  Having them serve as skilled, disciplined crews of a state of the art warship is likely much, much harder without them losing the very elements that make them a street gang in the first place. 

Can you take street gangers and turn them into soldiers?  Sure, happens all the time, but generally they stop acting like hoods and start acting like soldiers.  But taking say the Gangster Disciples and trying to get them to operate high end combat aircraft would likely end disastrously (and humorously).

Are there criminal organizations with that kind of technical know-how in real life?  Sure.  But the organizations who do are much more sophisticated than the typical gangbanger set.  The South American cartels are chalk-full of former military and dirty spec ops types, the Russian mafia is full of former KGB and GRU operatives, etc.   

Even the street hood who fights from the ground up rarely holds onto gangbanger mentality after he "makes it", in fact it was likely his ability to look beyond the limited world view of being a street hood that helped him advance in the first place.

Basically, if a gangbanger had the technical, scientific, and social skills needed to be an effective crew member of a combat spacecraft, he or she would likely not be a gangbanger anymore.  They would either graduate to the upper echelon of criminal organizations (i.e. RL Mafia, EVE Guristas, etc), or they parley those skills into a productive career as either a legit military personnel or something more conventional that likely pays better and less likely to get them shot.

Short Answer:  EVE gangbangers exist....probably in the untold billions.  They probably serve as street muscle for the various syndicates.  They just dont pilot or crew warships.  Theyre pawns, not kings.

I understand your point and it makes sense. I have just been trying to figure out the plausibility (at least I have started thinking about it now that everyone has replied) of somehow keeping that sort of milieu alive within the capsuleer dynamic. If such a thing can be done, if it can what it would look like besides just lip service fluff prose about their baseliner members, etc. I'll think on it some more.

Elmund Egivand

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Re: EVE Gangbangers
« Reply #27 on: 23 Oct 2014, 20:49 »

The closest you are going to get to Gangbangers will be with the Goons from Eve: True Stories comic series. Seriously, narcisst? That's not a word! You have to be an uneducated gutter thrash to even use it with regularity.
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Re: EVE Gangbangers
« Reply #28 on: 24 Oct 2014, 00:34 »

I fully agree with Gotti (damn, stop thinking like me   :lol:)

IMHO the easiest explanation is, that submarginal elements simply lack funding to access the space and space piracy, resorting to primitive dirt- and station-side debauchery.

When these elements get access to space, they are either suppressed by those with money and power, or kicked back to slums.

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Re: EVE Gangbangers
« Reply #29 on: 26 Oct 2014, 14:40 »

I could see organizations like the Cartel or even Serps finding those with potential among their subsidiary gangs on planets, moons, and stations and giving them further training. After all, it isn't as if those who join 'gang' type organizations are entirely uniform. I'm sure that in the less nice parts of the cluster, it is just one of the few ways to support yourself among certain parts of society - or at least it promises to give you more resources than other avenues.
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