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Author Topic: Star Citizen - from the producer of Wing Commander  (Read 127755 times)

Lyn Farel

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Re: Star Citizen - from the producer of Wing Commander
« Reply #360 on: 22 Mar 2015, 03:33 »

Over on the star citizen RP forums, about 50% people were just talking about rerolling their same characters if they permadie, since there's no stats to distinguish them.

Yes, I might do that if a character I really care about emerges somehow.

There is a RP section on their forums ? That's interesting.

Gwen Ikiryo

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Re: Star Citizen - from the producer of Wing Commander
« Reply #361 on: 22 Mar 2015, 09:48 »

There is a RP section on their forums ? That's interesting.

Not quite. There's been a few unofficial attempts at making roleplay boards, though - That's how it always goes with new MMOs. Different places trying to become -the- roleplay community pre-launch. This is the one I meant, and the most successful so far.

Lyn Farel

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Re: Star Citizen - from the producer of Wing Commander
« Reply #362 on: 22 Mar 2015, 10:37 »

Oooh, you mean a community fansite. Yeah, I bet there are different places already... The tricky part is often to find the good one. Until now I have never really had a choice on the matter since I was not evolving on international boards though. So it was mostly, there is only one to choose from, so if it's shitty, too bad, if it's good, then i'm in... Problem is that most RP communities are often shit. :/

Well i'm rambling anyway, I hope some community will prove to be as good as possible, or like backstage... If that's the case with this one, I would be curious to give it a try.

Also, i'm really surprised that there is still no RP section on the official forum. For most MMOs it's usually part of the standard package...

Lyn Farel

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Re: Star Citizen - from the producer of Wing Commander
« Reply #363 on: 22 Mar 2015, 13:41 »

It would be cool to have other backstage people for RP or in another RP community for SC.

Silas Vitalia

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Re: Star Citizen - from the producer of Wing Commander
« Reply #364 on: 26 Mar 2015, 13:28 »

Sexy new ship, long range fighter.

In other news please add me in game Silas_Vitalia as now that multiplayer servers are back up I'm doing a fair bit of pvp and co-op, happy to fly with any of you! Davien is also on board and I'm getting a few other friends :)


Davien Kaahtt

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Re: Star Citizen - from the producer of Wing Commander
« Reply #365 on: 26 Mar 2015, 13:43 »

I wonder how that fighter compares in size to, lets say a hornet... I'm not going to say I don't like the astetics of it.

Yeah, add me too, Davien_Kaahtt
I'll gladly fly on any kingdom dweller's wing.


Lyn Farel

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Re: Star Citizen - from the producer of Wing Commander
« Reply #366 on: 26 Mar 2015, 14:24 »

I am rather curious to learn more on what they really intend by long range and short range ships. I get that it probably is a mirror to WW2 short range (mono engine) vs long range fighters (dual engine), but in terms of SC gameplay ? What will be their strenghts and weaknesses ? How do they differenciate over their short range cousins ? On which kind of situations will short range be better if they can't travel far ? And if you can anyway travel through stargates and find a spaceport, then what is the utility of long range fighters ? Is there a fuel story somewhere hidden there, where you can't fly for long with short range fighters ? Can long range fighters actually use hyperspace without gates ?

On the arena commander thing, maybe i'll try it someday, though I heared that if you don't have a hornet you are pretty much screwed or at a disadvantage ... ? Is the i300 a viable ship now ? Is the Avenger faring any good ? How about the mustang ? I also was not convinced by the weapon and targeting combat gameplay I saw, but I will not judge too quickly and will have to give it a serious try besides doing it in my own corner (and find a decent joystick, because my current hotas has shit egonomics and no throttle :/).

Davien Kaahtt

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Re: Star Citizen - from the producer of Wing Commander
« Reply #367 on: 26 Mar 2015, 15:08 »

I am rather curious to learn more on what they really intend by long range and short range ships. I get that it probably is a mirror to WW2 short range (mono engine) vs long range fighters (dual engine), but in terms of SC gameplay ? What will be their strenghts and weaknesses ?  How do they differenciate over their short range cousins ? On which kind of situations will short range be better if they can't travel far ?

I'd imagine short range fighters are better defenders and dogfighters. More armor and shields, more weapons at the cost of needing to refuel frequently. The idea being that you can't bring your SuperHornet on a long range roam. Imagine if your battleships could only go 10 or so systems before they needed to refuel, so instead you take battlecruisers or cruisers on a long distance gank gang.

And if you can anyway travel through stargates and find a spaceport, then what is the utility of long range fighters ? Is there a fuel story somewhere hidden there, where you can't fly for long with short range fighters ? Can long range fighters actually use hyperspace without gates ?

Jump points for extra system travel and .2c for inter system travel, if I recall correctly. An eve example would be jumping into your t2 cruiser (long range fighter) because your corp is going on a roam through low/null sec, following the example in my previous paragraph, you can't bring your battleship (short range fighter) with you on your roam. However, if some other corp decides to attack your POS (or whatever) you pull out your battleship and defend with superior offense and defense.

On the arena commander thing, maybe i'll try it someday, though I heared that if you don't have a hornet you are pretty much screwed or at a disadvantage ... ?

I caught the bug and have a small fleet. My mustang delta chews up SuperHornets pretty well. Assuming, of course, the pilot of the SH wasn't paying attention, or wants to actually dogfight instead of sit stationary and shoot. In fact, there is so much power on demand in my delta, that if someone isn't paying attention to me, I'll win the fight. However, if someone glares at me sternly, I'll pop. So, you trade off abilities.
Given time, CIG will do a pretty good job of balancing the ships, and it'll come down to personal skill of the pilot over equipment and wallet. Silas and I were talking last night about the promise the cutlas has. I genuinely feel that it will be a monster once multicrew comes out. If a pilot does his job and keeps the top or flanks of the vessel towards the enemy, and the gunner has some mouse talent, I don't think many of the ships in the 'verse could stand against it. Sure, it has a low top speed, but it has some of the greatest maneuverability, shields, armor, and weapon mounts in the game.

Is the i300 a viable ship now ?

Well, it was when I was playing with it during the free fly weekend last month. The 325 is nasty and the 350 is insanely fast (and can fit all the equipment of the 325)

Is the Avenger faring any good ?

I have one. I don't like it much. The main gun, the Tigerstrike is a bit underpowered in my mind. Of course, I use a HOTAS, and that ship was really built for mouse/keyboard.

How about the mustang ?

I fly a fruitbat and love the hell out of it. My only issue is that its made out of saran wrap. I had a collision with someone yesterday while dogfighting. I died, my ship got fowled into my target's ship, and he too zero damage from it.

I also was not convinced by the weapon and targeting combat gameplay I saw, but I will not judge too quickly and will have to give it a serious try besides doing it in my own corner (and find a decent joystick, because my current hotas has shit egonomics and no throttle :/).

What do you mean by weapon and targeting combat? Personally, I find its nuances shallow enough to enjoy and deep enough to keep me pushing myself to the limit. I fly an extremely agile fighter, and find myself using the 6df often. If I get into a circle strafe with an enemy, I roll my ship as I'm strafing, as I'm keeping my pips on the hostile ship. Other times, I get enemies to chase me, decouple, pull a Starbuck and fly backwards while putting rounds on them. When they disengage, I recouple, chase them and take them out.

As far as a multiplayer game goes, its a blast... well, when it works. As a single player game, its well worth the money I've put into it. Vanduul swarm (horde mode) is great and it makes you feel pretty epic as you dodge missiles, rocks, and enemy fighters. Murry Cup (racing) is what causes me to boot up the game once a day. I strive harder and harder to shave a few milliseconds off each turn. 

Lastly, before anyone gets all pay to win, they just implemented the rental equipment credit system. Each race nets you 2k, each vanduul swarm nets you 15k, and the big money is in pvp in squadron battle and free for all (depending on your kills of course)

If I had the ability to loan you a ship, I'd do it in a heart beat. Let you play a bit, get use to it, earn some REC, then go and rent some other ships. Once you figure out what you like to fly, pledge for it. If you want to drive a slow tanky high dps ship, then get a SuperHornet. If you wanna struggle keeping your pilot conscious from all the insane Gs you pull, get a Mustang or 300 series. If you wanna trade freight, get an Aurora. The options seem endless.

Buy a 5 dollar arena commander pass off the store so you can fly during free fly weekends. The gladious starts tomorrow. (the obvious counter to the super hornet. Fast, maneuverable, and still heavily armed)
« Last Edit: 26 Mar 2015, 15:20 by Davien Kaahtt »

Silas Vitalia

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Re: Star Citizen - from the producer of Wing Commander
« Reply #368 on: 26 Mar 2015, 16:22 »

Ships will use fuel that depletes over time / range.

Most dedicated fighters are designed for local planet or station defense or to fly out of a nearby carrier.  Almost every ship can equip a 'jump drive' (to allow the use the SC equivalent of eve wormholes), but you still use fuel.

Bigger ships can go much further and include things like sleeping areas (to log out in space).

There are dedicated tanker ships (Starfarer) to bring with small fleets to provide fuel as well for super long trips.

Something like a Hornet isn't flying across 8 systems, fighting, and making it home. 

These stats are still being determined, and also ship engine parts can be changed and tuned to maximize range or speed or economy, etc.

Join us LYN

Also keep in mind that SC systems are huge, and most of your gameplay will be probably be inside one system instead of across many in a short time.

I think they were aiming for what like 20-30 min at fast travel to cross a system?

« Last Edit: 26 Mar 2015, 16:26 by Silas Vitalia »

Lyn Farel

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Re: Star Citizen - from the producer of Wing Commander
« Reply #369 on: 26 Mar 2015, 19:01 »

I have one. I don't like it much. The main gun, the Tigerstrike is a bit underpowered in my mind. Of course, I use a HOTAS, and that ship was really built for mouse/keyboard.

Meh, that's shit. I mean, designing ships for a specific type of controls...

I love the look of that ship. I don't want to play mouse keyboard to enjoy the hell out of it... :/

So they will add the gladius in the arena soon ? It looks awesome too. I may have a thing for Aegis fighters...

What do you mean by weapon and targeting combat? Personally, I find its nuances shallow enough to enjoy and deep enough to keep me pushing myself to the limit. I fly an extremely agile fighter, and find myself using the 6df often. If I get into a circle strafe with an enemy, I roll my ship as I'm strafing, as I'm keeping my pips on the hostile ship. Other times, I get enemies to chase me, decouple, pull a Starbuck and fly backwards while putting rounds on them. When they disengage, I recouple, chase them and take them out.

As far as a multiplayer game goes, its a blast... well, when it works. As a single player game, its well worth the money I've put into it. Vanduul swarm (horde mode) is great and it makes you feel pretty epic as you dodge missiles, rocks, and enemy fighters. Murry Cup (racing) is what causes me to boot up the game once a day. I strive harder and harder to shave a few milliseconds off each turn. 

Lastly, before anyone gets all pay to win, they just implemented the rental equipment credit system. Each race nets you 2k, each vanduul swarm nets you 15k, and the big money is in pvp in squadron battle and free for all (depending on your kills of course)

If I had the ability to loan you a ship, I'd do it in a heart beat. Let you play a bit, get use to it, earn some REC, then go and rent some other ships. Once you figure out what you like to fly, pledge for it. If you want to drive a slow tanky high dps ship, then get a SuperHornet. If you wanna struggle keeping your pilot conscious from all the insane Gs you pull, get a Mustang or 300 series. If you wanna trade freight, get an Aurora. The options seem endless.

I wrote somewhere in the thread why I wasn't pleased by what I saw in the combat gameplay, but that thread is huge now...

Well, to put it simply, I really love their flight models. It's incredibly swoon to fly.

I hate their weapon design. In 1 word : gimbal. I so fucking hate the concept in itself that... well. Nope. Just nope. I also hated the auto targeting system with your weapons actually mobile through your gimbal system to shoot directly at the target. It just feels dumbed down. I want actual shooting to be part of the thing. I hate it the same way I would hate auto targeting in FPS (I don't like FPS anyway :p). But what really bothered me was when I was told that you have gimbal weapons with little power but that can keep on a target and keep hitting it with a good accuracy whatever it takes, vs bigger slow firing guns without much gimbal targeting. This, basically, I don't want. Ever. Period.  :P

Also, weapon accuracy. Every damn projectile seems to fly the same exact path. So it hits most of the time.

Well yeah, ofc it's the future and we have pretty tools that do the work for us. I'm just a big war thunder fan and think that game nailed it perfectly right.

I am keeping good hopes in their flight model to provide a lot of tactical depth and positioning !

Davien Kaahtt

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Re: Star Citizen - from the producer of Wing Commander
« Reply #370 on: 26 Mar 2015, 19:33 »

Meh, that's shit. I mean, designing ships for a specific type of controls...

I love the look of that ship. I don't want to play mouse keyboard to enjoy the hell out of it... :/

The main gun is gimbeled and the individual bullet damage is low. I have found its easier to aim the gun with a mouse. I don't really like the mouse, so I don't use the ship. Everything is still in flux--buffs and nerfs, ect...

As for the look. You like the space penguin, huh? I was excited about some of the concept art... the main gun looking like a gau-8 and it having a second seat, sadly, it didn't make the cut, so I'm holding out to see what sorts of variants they have in mind.

So they will add the gladius in the arena soon ? It looks awesome too. I may have a thing for Aegis fighters...

Its in the arena now. I got royally pwnd by one last night. Its much faster then my delta, and actually armored. I'm thinking of CCUing my avenger for one and putting to rest my warthog fantasy.

I hate their weapon design. In 1 word : gimbal. I so fucking hate the concept in itself that... well. Nope. Just nope. I also hated the auto targeting system with your weapons actually mobile through your gimbal system to shoot directly at the target. It just feels dumbed down. I want actual shooting to be part of the thing. I hate it the same way I would hate auto targeting in FPS (I don't like FPS anyway :p). But what really bothered me was when I was told that you have gimbal weapons with little power but that can keep on a target and keep hitting it with a good accuracy whatever it takes, vs bigger slow firing guns without much gimbal targeting. This, basically, I don't want. Ever. Period.  :P

I think you are confusing SC with Elite Dangerous. There isn't any sort of auto targeting. They just had a massive gimbal change where you loose one size of weapon by equipping a gimbal. If you want to equip larger guns, you have to strip the gimbal. I'm hoping they let me pull the chin turret off my delta so I can put a larger repeater on it.

Also, weapon accuracy. Every damn projectile seems to fly the same exact path. So it hits most of the time.

Different guns have different projectile speeds. Projectiles are typically slower then 'laser' weapons. You have to line up your shots and actually get behind your target for all your shots to hit.


Lyn Farel

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Re: Star Citizen - from the producer of Wing Commander
« Reply #371 on: 27 Mar 2015, 05:12 »

I never played ED. I was just told it was that way somewhere in that thread. That there was a targeting help. And iirc there were vids where it actually was targeting help with the crosshair, as long as you kept firing in a certain area around the target, it targeted it.

Maybe they removed it ?

Also, what I don't like with their weapons is the RL copycats, like the tri mass driver canons, which are just a rip off of a M-61 Vulcan... Yay A-10. Are we playing a space opera or a cheesy top gun version ?  :bash:

Edit : how can you get a mustang delta ? It's not available. Same for the i350...
« Last Edit: 27 Mar 2015, 05:24 by Lyn Farel »

Davien Kaahtt

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Re: Star Citizen - from the producer of Wing Commander
« Reply #372 on: 27 Mar 2015, 11:43 »

I never played ED. I was just told it was that way somewhere in that thread. That there was a targeting help. And iirc there were vids where it actually was targeting help with the crosshair, as long as you kept firing in a certain area around the target, it targeted it.

Maybe they removed it ?

I'm pretty sure they removed it. There isn't any targeting help. ESP (the only thing I can think of) will slow down your joystick/mouse movements to allow greater precision, but it can be disabled. For you to land a hit, you actually have to put the cross-hairs  on the target. If you are bad at it, you buy repeaters. if you are good at it, you buy sledge IIs

Also, what I don't like with their weapons is the RL copycats, like the tri mass driver canons, which are just a rip off of a M-61 Vulcan... Yay A-10. Are we playing a space opera or a cheesy top gun version ?  :bash:

What, like the tigerstrike? I wish there were an A-10 analogue in this game. As it stands everything looks like space jets, and I don't much care for the aesthetics. 'course, I'm caldari by eve birth... no aesthetics, just stats.
Honestly, I hope they impliment some beam laser turrets at some point. I'd love to go all hiigaran gunship on these fools.

Edit : how can you get a mustang delta ? It's not available. Same for the i350...

They are for sale at special times, like the anniversary sale or ship line sales during free flight weekends. Or, you can luck out on the gray market...

Silas Vitalia

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Re: Star Citizen - from the producer of Wing Commander
« Reply #373 on: 27 Mar 2015, 12:54 »

Yea the main bone people have right now is trying to balance mouse/keyboard flying (like Warthunder), vs joystick flying (like a flight sim).

It's getting better and the solution right now is to lower the weapon size for gimbaled weapons that can move independent of where your ship is pointing.

So a mouse player with higher accuracy can move a targeting reticle with the mouse without moving the ship. Highly accurate. The penalty is you have to have -1 weapon size for any weapon mounted on an independent gimbal.

To balance this joystick pilots who have to point the ship in the direction they shoot with fixed weapons (unless using like an oculus connected to their gimbals), get to use the full size fixed weapon.

Weapon damage, weapon types, shields, armor, etc are all still in high state of flux so every patch introduces a current new flavor of the month overpowered setup to be eventually  nerfed down to a reasonable level.

For example in an earlier patch the Hornets or Mustangs had invulnerable portions of the ship cockpits that would receive 0 damage no matter what.

Or before the weapon rebalancing some ships could just stack like 6x of the most unbalanced guns and obliterate anything.

Right now there's a gun that is sized too low (size one), that has ridiculous unbalanced stats, so people are mono-boating with this thing and one-shotting anything they can hit.

The thing to keep in mind is right now basically all we are fighting each other with is single-seat fighters.  In a month or two they will have the larger 'millenium falcon' sized multi-crew ships with people using the manned turrets and larger guns and beefier stats. 

I expect the game to change dramatically once the formerly overpowered fighters start dropping like flies to coordinated turret fire.

In before 'death blossom' of a few turreted ships get back to back and pick a heading and just start shredding anything on approach :)

The thing also is that 'arena commander' right now is a glorified cage match in a small arena with no objectives except kill.  The space-superiority fighters will always dominate this.

Once we get the 'scenario' arena commander maps where you have to say, escort a corvette or capture something on the ground the game will open up to real tactics and coordination with mixed ships.


Lyn Farel

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Re: Star Citizen - from the producer of Wing Commander
« Reply #374 on: 27 Mar 2015, 13:38 »

Well anyway I looked up some arena commander vids and I think I am full of prejudices. It certainly looks better than it was, and better than what I understood or what I was told.

I would also love beam turrets. The main issue I have at the moment is mostly mimetic : not enough omph with the FX, 'splosions, and especially more critically the feedback that an enemy is hit. It doesn't seem to show very clearly. Even worse when they are dead : you only know it because it stops showing on the targeting UI...

@Silas : War Thunder can be flown with a joystick too, and joystick is mandatory in simulator battles because there is no assist from the system to fly your thing, which allows keyboard and mouses to be used on other modes (arcade and realistic). Otherwise, it is rather foolish to use a joystick on modes where keyboard and mouse is allowed.

From the sound of it anyway, I will probably not go for gimbal weapons since I will try to use a joystick anyway.
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