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Spirituality and related ideas

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Mathra Hiede:
Feeding of Mizhara's success with that topic about kinks, fetishes etc. I have decided to post this topic.

As a general disclaimer, and warning - this topic is intended for discussion and thought provoking ideas, and as per the forum rules, please be nice and don't attack anyone for their ideas.



NOT religion per-se but the more broad based ideas about how people can have a spiritual/psychic links, feelings, abilities.

Personally, I have had quite a few experiences that hint and show evidence for their being some basis to this "stuff" (for want of a better word)

I won't relate it out here, right now as most of it is highly personal and not entirely good for the internets consumption unless privately requested and granted at my discrestion - however, I am curious to know whether people have experienced similar things or belief there is some validity to the idea of spirituality in the afformentioned ways.


Do people think that its just a load of codswallop, or is there something to it that maybe, as a human race we have failed to actually attempt to understand as it seems to transcend the number-game we play at while trying to learn more about Physics, Mathematics and such things?

Natalcya Katla:
I do find the supernatural a fascinating subject and a valuable concept in some respects (to the point of having studied religion for a year at university), simply because it has inspired so many amazing works of creativity and culture.

However, I don't believe in the existence of supernatural beings or forces (including the human soul), and if I did believe in the supernatural I would probably be opposed to its influence.

Lillith Blackheart:
Regardless of the possibilities or not, the vast majority of it is nothing more than intuitive mental processing.

Kamiko Hautala:
I'm with Lillith on this one. The brain is amazing, and it can produce some crazy shit.

That's the tl;dr version of what was going to be a rant.

This is possibly a tangent, because I don't really think that spirituality has much to do with the supernatural, but one of the things I find quite interesting is the possible effect of infrasound and how that might be a factor in some (many?) reported sightings of ghosts.

I've had some weird shit happen to me over the years, but I prefer to look for rational explanations rather than jump to supernatural conclusions. Apart from anything else, part of the fun of ghostly happenings is trying to figure out what was really occurring and why. :)


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