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Author Topic: [Character] Pieter Tuulinen  (Read 7007 times)

Pieter Tuulinen

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[Character] Pieter Tuulinen
« on: 19 May 2013, 19:34 »

Name: Pieter Tuulinen
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Black
Age: Early Twenties
Height: 204cm
Weight: 115kg

Short Description:
Tuulinen-haan is tall, broad-shouldered and deep chested. He usually wears the undress uniform of his corporation, which is black with red highlights. His hair is short and he wears a neatly trimmed beard that belies his youth.

Other Public Info:
Decanted: 10.01.93 @ Abagawa VIII - Moon 4 - Peace and Order
Serial Number: SV-02E-AA014596-93-019
Ancestry: Tube Child - Sukuuvestaa Corp.
Political Affiliation: Patriot - Kaalakiota
School: State War Academy
Graduated: 11.08.114
Rank: Operative & Colonel
Biometrics: 2.04m 115kg

Sibkin: 31 surviving
Wife: Desiderya Tuulinen (nee Kyiokinnen) Married on 03.07.115

01.01.093 - Genied and Batched to fulfil projected need for increase in security personnel
10.01.093 - Decanted at Abagawa Logistic Support Orbital.
10.01.103 - Passed Juvenile Vocation testing and began Security training.
10.01.108 - Completed Advanced Adolescent Vocational training. Entered 'Peace and Order' Orbital Security force as Cadet.
10.01.111 - Underwent Capsuleer Compatibility testing at age 19 and tested positive. Entered Sukuuvestaa capsuleer pre-flight training.
01.01.112 - Passed Pre-Flight and entered State War Academy
11.08.114 - Graduated State War Academy

-- Classified Section - Caldari Providence Directorate--

Section One - Psychological Report
Pieter Tuulinen is a product of the Tube Child program, sponsored by the Suukuvesta Corporation. Specifically he is number 19 of the sixth series of Legacy 01459.

Please see the separate report on the outcome of his series.

Due to the size of Tuulinen-haan's batch and their end-use criteria, it was deemed that fostering them out to families to be raised in standard nuclear family environments would be counterproductive. Instead the entire batch was raised as sibkin within the Creche environment until graduation into productive life. Care was taken to socialise the sibkin with non-sibkin children during the standard educational periods of their creche curriculum, with time setaside for specific vocational training from the age of five.

Due to this environment Tuulinen-haan easily patterns onto authority figures and performs best in an environment of routine and procedure. Whilst not incapable of improvising or adapting to change, too much chaos in his daily life is a stress vector.

Since his graduation from the State War Academy, Tuulinen-haan's psychological evaluations have not been made available to CPD staff, as they would have been if he had remained a baseliner. Nontheless regular Psychological Profiling was done on him whilst in the employ of the Wiyrkomi Honour Guard and the CPD has gained access to these reports. Further Intelligence has been gathered in order to extrapolate on this data and build a more up to date profile.

Tuulinen-haan suffers from a mild Post-Traumatic Stress Injury. It is believed he first suffered this as a cadet graduate of the Peace and Order orbital security program as part of his experiences during an incident that cost the life of his partner. Cadet Tuulinen neutralised the perpetrator and was decorated by P&O for 'valour in the performance of his duty'.

This condition has since been exacerbated by his experiences as a Capsuleer - particularly by an incident in the company of then WHG Commander Kyiokinnen-haani on Caldari Prime [[Incident Report Redacted]] and by his crew losses during the Third Battle of Caldari Prime [[Incident Report Redacted]]. Whilst Tuulinen-haan is perfectly functioning despite his PTSI it remains a psychological weakness that should be addressed through counselling.

As a creche raised Civire, Tuulinen-haan has been raised to follow the tenets of Caldari culture and tradition. Despite his youth he is a firm traditionalist, although he draws strength from the ways of our ancestors he has been shown to be tolerant with those of differing beliefs.

Since his graduation, Tuulinen-haan has been seen to socialise with Caldari, Gallente, Matari and Amarrian citizens with little outward sign of favouritism. He has been romantically linked with both Caldari and Gallente women, although there are rumours indicating his tastes may be far broader. Tuulinen-haan's naivety is likely to cause him trouble with jaijii in the future, as it has in the past.

At present he is established in a stable and reciprocal relationship with Pyre-Falcon Director Desiderya Kyiokinnen-haani from which he appears to draw both happiness and strength.

Section Two - Economic Report
As with most Capsuleers, Tuulinen-haan is independently wealthy, he maintains reserves of funds within the SCC Banking network that are not, themselves, excessive - but he also has a healthy balance of State Protectorate credits that could be liquidated to bring his holdings close to a half-billion isk without affecting his combat operations. As a senior member of the Pyre-Falcon alliance of corporations, he currently funds his own combat operations.

Tuulinen-haan has invested considerable sums of his earnings post-graduation on remaining a Caldari State Citizen. At present he owns a sizable portfolio of shares in Kaalakiota Corporation, Suukuvesta Corporation and Wiyrkomi Corporation and subsidiaries. Recently he has been aggressively acquiring Kaalakiota voting stock, despite the generally poor prognosis in the short to mid term.

Examinations of Tuulinen-haan's operating costs reveals that he expends little money on personal luxuries. He used to maintain an apartment in the Saisio system, but this has since lapsed and he officially subsists at the pleasure of Pyre-Falcon. Unofficially he co-habits with Desiderya Kyiokinnen, a Director of Pyre-Falcon.

Section Three - Combat Evaluation
Tuulinen-haan is a recent but enthusiastic participant in the State Protectorate, where he has achieved the grade of O7 or Colonel. He deploys under the aegis of the Pyre-Falcon Alliance and usually patrols with a small group of their pilots.

Tuulinen-haan is not a strategist of any note and his combat record paints him as a solid member of a  team, rather than a leader. He is known for piloting ships of the Frigate Class, mostly, although he has been identified flying ships of the Destroyer and Cruiser class in addition. His primary combat platforms are the Kestrel, Condor, Merlin and Caracal classes although he has also flown the Griffin, Cormorant and Corax.

Tuulinen-haan has been present at every major Fleet Engagement involving the Caldari State since his graduation. He was decorated for his performance in the Third Battle of Caldari Prime, in particular.

He maintains a stellar efficiency rating, more through strong teamwork than personal skill.

Whilst he is a capsuleer, Tuulinen-haan recieved the standard combat training given to all Peace and Order orbital security officers. During his time with P&O Tuulinen-haan was being groomed for a position within their SWAT program as an operator. He recieved training in close combat, marksmanship and first aid to a proficient level.

Post-Graduation there have been signs that Tuulinen-haan has continued to develop his combat skills - particularly in the arenas of Marksmanship and armed/unarmed close combat. He has been seen training with Ishukone Special forces at their Malkalen headquarters under the sponsorship of the Ishuuk Raata Enforcement Division. Tuulinen-haan has no known affiliation with IRED except for a barely-cordial social relationship with Admiral Katrina Oniseki through her 'wife' Gallente citizen Erys Charantes. The exact nature of this relationship is unclear.

Section Four - Political Evaluation
The tale of Tuulinen-haan is a depressingly common one amongst supposed 'State Loyalist' capsuleers. Initially a rock-solid citizen with a promising and bright future, he has squandered his political capital in favour of the greater wealth and freedom granted a capsuleer.

As with all dissidents Tuulinen-haan's first sins were ones of association - once again I remind the Political Office of my paper on the desirability of sequestering a resource as vital as Capsuleers so that we can maintain information and associational controls on them. As soon as he had graduated he hear about 'The Summit' on Galnet - no doubt directed there by one of the myriad Federation agents that seek to sow dissidence amongst our capsuleers. Once there he immediately fell prey to foreign influences.

These early sins of association are not the end of the tale, of course. In the case of Tuulinen-haan they have been quickly followed by a procession of sins of omission and comission. He was cleared of any wrong-doing in the Wiyrkomi Honour Guard audit by Commissar Gesakaarin, but it seems this was a quid pro quo favour used as a recruiting tactic, because Gesakaarin-haani has turned against the CPD and Kaalakiota herself.

Since the formation of Pyre-Falcon, Tuulinen-haan has consistently acted against the CPD and even against Kaalakiota's HomeGuard forces during confrontations. We can confirm his loyalty, when he acted  in defence of Caldari Navy forces against the Gurista during the operation against the Cloned Mercenaries, but since that point he has acted openly against Kaalakiota HomeGuard, CPD and Templis Dragonaur forces. Pyre-Falcon's deployment in support of Caldari Navy at the Third Battle of Caldari Prime shows that the maintain some attachment to the State, even if they no longer support the lawful authority of the CPD. It can be assumed that Capsuleer Tuulinen's loyalties can be summarised in a similar light.

Whilst his break-neck romantic life seems to have settled down, Capsuleer Tuulinen's social circle still includes several people of dubious political persuasion. To categorise some of his more outstandingly dubious social connections:

Potentially Dissident State Actors:
1. Veikitamo Gesakaarin-haani
2. Desiderya Kyiokinnen-haani
3. Katrina Oniseki-haani
4. Shintoko Akahoshi
5. Agiri Falken-haani
6. Malcolm Khross-haan
7. Scherezad
8. Saya Ishikari

Nominally Allied Jaijii
1. Aldrith Shutaq
2. Esna Pitoojee
3. Samira Kernher
4. Tatiana Yazri
5. Makkal Hanaya
6. Nicoletta Mithra

Hostile Affiliated Jaijii
1. Anslo Tetua
2. Ava Starfire
3. Drake Arson
4. Astera Zandraki
5. Saede Riordan

Pieter Tuulinen-haan clearly still feels the pull of Heiian and duty to the State that birthed and raised him. On the other hand he is also clearly hostile to the Provist Agenda and  the person of the Executor. Were he a baseliner I'd reccomend he be re-educated, as there is a strong possibility he could be salvaged for the State - but as a Capsuleer he would quickly fall back into his dubious and damaging associations.

My reccomendation is political exile.

CPD Commissar A. E. Osappen
"Hakiit Ekisatsi Eskeitan"
« Last Edit: 03 Jul 2013, 15:02 by Pieter Tuulinen »


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Re: [Character] Pieter Tuulinen
« Reply #1 on: 20 May 2013, 06:48 »

Very detailed, nice write up. I'm assuming a narrative biography is forthcoming?

Pieter Tuulinen

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Re: [Character] Pieter Tuulinen
« Reply #2 on: 20 May 2013, 09:41 »

I really should. Either way it was high  time I put SOMETHING in here. :)


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Re: [Character] Pieter Tuulinen
« Reply #3 on: 20 May 2013, 10:03 »

I really should. Either way it was high  time I put SOMETHING in here. :)

Pieter's definitely one of the most well-known/liked characters in the community. A lot of people would love a bio, but hey this is a good start. If you need any help to QC a write up, I'll be happy to assist! Good job on this so far though, and really good job with Pieter (who needs to come back from hiatus soon >:||| )

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Re: [Character] Pieter Tuulinen
« Reply #4 on: 20 May 2013, 16:11 »

Always good to run into Pieter on the Summit, I hope he's around more so Ereka can swoon over him a bit. :P

A little bit longer of a bio wouldn't hurt, perhaps including things like public motivations, stances, things of that nature?

Samira Kernher

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Re: [Character] Pieter Tuulinen
« Reply #5 on: 20 May 2013, 16:41 »

Pieter. <3

Moar plz.

Pieter Tuulinen

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Re: [Character] Pieter Tuulinen
« Reply #6 on: 20 May 2013, 19:08 »

Be careful what you wish for. :3

- Updated Bio with written reports -
« Last Edit: 20 May 2013, 23:36 by Pieter Tuulinen »

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Re: [Character] Pieter Tuulinen
« Reply #7 on: 21 May 2013, 01:26 »

Pieter iz ossum <3
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more; it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

Shakespeare, Macbecth


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Re: [Character] Pieter Tuulinen
« Reply #8 on: 21 May 2013, 07:42 »

Dat write up.  :eek:

10/10 would read again

(obligatory needsmoarmei'mafilthygallentenarcissist comment)


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Re: [Character] Pieter Tuulinen
« Reply #9 on: 21 May 2013, 10:28 »

*busts out laughing*

Awesome, man.  Truly, genuinely, epic.
« Last Edit: 21 May 2013, 10:33 by Vieve »

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Re: [Character] Pieter Tuulinen
« Reply #10 on: 21 May 2013, 12:28 »

My reccomendation is political exile.

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Re: [Character] Pieter Tuulinen
« Reply #11 on: 21 May 2013, 12:47 »

YEAH the top-rated nominally-allied Jaiji!!!

What the hell is a Jaiji?!

I don't care, JAIJIIIII!


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Re: [Character] Pieter Tuulinen
« Reply #12 on: 21 May 2013, 12:51 »

Jaijii (note there are two i's) is the term for 'foreigner.'
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Re: [Character] Pieter Tuulinen
« Reply #13 on: 21 May 2013, 13:07 »

Tuulinen-haan has no known affiliation with IRED except for a barely-cordial social relationship with Admiral Katrina Oniseki through her 'wife' Gallente citizen Erys Charantes. The exact nature of this relationship is unclear.

Insert erotic slashfic here.


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Re: [Character] Pieter Tuulinen
« Reply #14 on: 21 May 2013, 13:32 »

Tuulinen-haan has no known affiliation with IRED except for a barely-cordial social relationship with Admiral Katrina Oniseki through her 'wife' Gallente citizen Erys Charantes. The exact nature of this relationship is unclear.

Insert erotic slashfic here.

I confess, I read that and the first thing that came to mind was "He likes to watch?".
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