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that the Minmatar military specifically recruits hardened criminals for service in its elite Valklear units, and that many of the Republic's most senior officers were originally recruited in this way?

Author Topic: Whispers from the Grave  (Read 2962 times)


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Whispers from the Grave
« on: 27 Sep 2014, 04:03 »

Hello everyone, I'm back! I've written up a short story for you all, and I hope you like it. Please feel free to leave comments! Enjoy c:

Note: There is some explicit language ahead. Reader beware.

Whispers from the Grave

I was never fond of the State, its form of government, its beliefs, or its people. The need for conformity, the need for obedience, the need to practically suck on the genitals of your superior officers to even be someone. That is unacceptable to me. That is why I joined the Guristas. In here, I fit in.

You want to know the best part, though? The best part is I get to give those asshole “leaders” a taste of their own medicine. I get to be the thorn in the side of their being. Always a menace, never relenting. I drain them of their time and money one way another, and that feels great. Sure I was born Caldari, but I knew from the beginning I was never destined to be one.

I never met Fatal, but I look up to him. It must have taken a lot of balls to suddenly turn against everything and everyone you once believed in. Under his guidance, the Guristas became something magnificent. With the Guristas I find comfort in robbing the hoarding corporate thugs of what they believe is “rightfully” theirs. Back when I was a slave to the SuVee corporate ladder, I barely managed to get by. Life was shit back then. And now? Well let us just say that now I am better off than I could have ever hoped for.


My heart grins with mischievous joy as my shuttle travels toward the system of Abagawa. I am tasked with managing Guristas “human merchandise,” shall we say, for the planet of Abagawa IV. It should come to no surprise that just about any sensible Caldari businessman loathes paying his workers for their services. That is where we come in. We offer sensible Caldari businessmen human personnel that will work for free, and in return request a modest sum of ISK for our troubles. It is really quite a beautiful system that makes everyone happy. Well, almost everyone.
Anyway, what really makes me happy is that Abagawa, for the most part, is owned by the bastard corporation I used to work for – SuVee. The fact that the only terrestrial world in the system is more or less a backwater planet makes it even better! So, I get to be a thorn in the side of my ex-employers while making easy ISK with little to no consequence. Fantastic.

I was tasked with this assignment because, well, let’s be honest here, I am the best man for the job. The last bloke who had the job didn’t exactly excel at it. From the report I read, it seems a simple Brutor amateur policemen was able to just about single-handedly shut down the human trafficking business Guristas had set up on the planet. That was more than two decades ago, and I guess the higher-ups feel we are ready to revisit the business. They’ve entrusted me to make sure this attempt is a success, and quite frankly I don’t see how it can’t be. Especially since this Brutor fellow doesn’t seem to be around anymore. Oh, and the current crappy state of the SuVee police force on the planet certainly helps too. All in all, I foresee a profitable future ahead of us.


Sales have been pretty good. Today marks the first complete month of business. Slowly but surely I am building this business back up to its former glory. Tonight, I am hosting a little celebration for myself and all the boys. I think we deserve a night of fun after all the hard work we’ve been putting out this past month to get the ball rolling on our entrepreneurial success. The venue will be a cozy nightclub tucked away in Svostlanka district. I’m renting the place out for me and my boys, so there will be plenty of alcohol – and women, of course.

It’s a nice evening out tonight. Driving through the streets with the top off, I can feel the cool ocean air sweeping through my hair. The moonlight radiating from the twin moons shimmers off the glossy surface of my car. Come to think of it, I should probably give this thing a wash afterwards. Anyway, I don’t want to arrive more late than I already am so I quickly find a spot on the street to park. Dammit! The boys must already be wasted and having fun without me!

I rush around the corner of the street to find the entrance of the nightclub, and some dickwad with a hooded cloak on bumps into me. I simply push him away lightly, and continue to walk forward while muttering curse words under my breath. When I finally enter the club, I look behind me and see the creep still standing where he bumped into me. I can’t see his face underneath the shadow of his cloak, but I can tell he’s glaring right at me because of this silly marking on his face that glows a silvery moonlight color. Psh, what an asshole.

I walk through the hallway and can already hear the thumping of the music. I push aside the curtains leading into the main area, and I'm pleasantly greeted by a room full of lovely women and Guristas brothers drinking their asses off and dancing wildly. With a big grin on my face, I proceed to the bar to order myself a drink. The mixologist works his magic, and as he does a beautiful Caldari woman approaches me asking for a dance. Of course, how could I decline? I grab my drink and the woman and head out to the dance floor.

It must have been at least two hours into the night, and the club was still popping. I already lost count of how many shots I had. I decide to take a break from the main area, and head to the back of the club to enjoy a private dance session with a couple of my most trusted colleagues. We make our way to the back of the venue and take a seat in a circular seating area. A gorgeous dancer walks in and climbs onto the table set right in front of us. She begins gyrating in the most sensual way possible. Her long, curvy hair swings to and fro, and her scantily clad body illuminates under the dim lighting of the small room.

I couldn’t help myself. I motion for the woman to come down from the table and onto me. She obeys. I feel the warmth of her body as she gives me a lap dance. At the same time a server comes into the room with a platter full of drinks. I don’t pay much attention to him because I’m simply captivated by the woman. She doesn’t seem to mind the smell of alcohol coming from my breath as she playfully moves her lips near mine. I make a move to pull down her underwear. She moves back a little, but still dances. I pull her back, and repeat the motion. This time she jumps up and slaps me. I make a move to strike her, but the server stops me with a firm grasp of my arm.

“I think you should leave her alone,” says the server calmly. The server, a Brutor man, motions for the woman to exit the room.

“Who the fuck do you think you are,” I spit sharply as I pull my arm out of his grasp. “Get the hell out of here and send in another dancer. Don’t come back in either, you hear?”

“I’m afraid there will be no more dancers coming in here tonight.”

“Excuse me? Do you know who the fuck I am?!”


I’m fed up with this smartass. “Look, I’ll give you to the count of three to get lost, or I’ll make you regret ever meeting me.” I nod to my two colleagues to get ready to pounce on him.

“1…,” I start.

“In three seconds, you’ll wish you never have,” he utters in response.

In a flash, before I could respond, the lights go out and the room turns completely dark. I stand up briefly only to feel the immense force of a foot kicking me back down into my seat, disarming my pistol in the process. I wheeze heavily as the force of the kick shatters a couple of my ribcage bones. I look up only to see an oddly shaped pattern glowing a ghostly silver navigating around the room swiftly. I see a couple brilliant flashes light up the room for a few moments before returning to darkness. Silence.

“Do you know who I am,” the voice from the man beckons.

I continue to struggle breathing.

“Ah, well, who I am is not important. What’s important, however, are all the innocent lives you’ve ruined in your little business you got going on here in Abagawa.” He pauses for a moment.

I clench my chest. I don’t know what to say.

“You see, I hunt people like you for a living. The Guristas took something very precious to me many years ago, and since that day, I have never rested. To be honest, I’m quite surprised Guristas tried to set up shop here in Abagawa again after what I did to the last fellow in charge of the human trafficking operations here.”

In that moment, I knew who I was dealing with. I want to curse as scream as loud as I can, but the blood stemming from my internal injuries halts me in my tracks.

“You won’t be hurting anyone ever again, I’m afraid. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a nightclub full of Guristas to dispatch.”

I gaze intently into that intricate marking on his face that shimmers so cruelly, and take my final breath as he pulls the trigger.
« Last Edit: 27 Sep 2014, 04:11 by Korsavius »
Character Profile - last updated 10.14.17

Jandice Ymladris

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Re: Whispers from the Grave
« Reply #1 on: 28 Sep 2014, 13:27 »

Really like this tale you wrote, the way you wrote it also makes it feel like an official EvE chronicle.


  • Cold Wind's Blade
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Re: Whispers from the Grave
« Reply #2 on: 28 Sep 2014, 14:09 »

Thank you for the comment! :)

As for the style of the written story, this is just another piece I've been experimenting with. If you've read the other stories I posted up on backstage, you will see I've changed the narrator each time. I try to keep the story interesting in this aspect by changing it up as often as I can, rather than sticking to one format (i.e. third-person omniscient narrator, etc).
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Re: Whispers from the Grave
« Reply #3 on: 28 Sep 2014, 16:30 »

Good stuff! I like the point of view, someone from the background giving us a peek into his world, rather than a capsuleer.


Lunarisse Aspenstar

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Re: Whispers from the Grave
« Reply #4 on: 28 Sep 2014, 17:46 »

Interesting Korsavius.


  • Cold Wind's Blade
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Re: Whispers from the Grave
« Reply #5 on: 28 Sep 2014, 19:42 »

Thank you for the comments :) :cube:
Character Profile - last updated 10.14.17

John Revenent

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Re: Whispers from the Grave
« Reply #6 on: 16 Nov 2014, 22:41 »

Excellent work.


  • Cold Wind's Blade
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Re: Whispers from the Grave
« Reply #7 on: 16 Nov 2014, 22:52 »

Oh my god....420 posts by JFR.

I-RED a drug cartel confirmed.
Character Profile - last updated 10.14.17