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Author Topic: Slice of Fiction  (Read 1586 times)

Saede Riordan

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Slice of Fiction
« on: 01 Oct 2012, 09:48 »

So, I'll be posting little bits and bobs that get made up by me and my corpmates in the course of our day to day activities. Little things, like food brands, various consumer products, IC terms, things of the like. Its just a bit of universe fleshing out. Feel free to use anything I post here IC yourselves.

VR Slice
The Slice has been around for almost two decades, and has been popular within the VR community since its development. First created by AdraStar Microsystems, a Gallentean technology firm in the latter half of YC96, the Slice is very simple a folded data packet, with an extractor designed specifically to inject something into the VR when its file is accessed by the user. Originally a proprietary technology, after a hacking incident in YC102, the software side of the project was moved into the public domain. The creation of a Slice follows a few different design methods. It can be directly built using code. It can be scanned using an AdraStar Microsystems machine known as a Slicer, which takes precise molecular measurements of a 3d object and uses that data to construct a VR map. Or, oftentimes, a combination of these methods are used in an attempt to create the most lifelike simulation possible. An individual VR slice can cost anywhere from a few dollars in local scrip, to hundreds of isk, and can be as complicated as an entire VR brothel complete with women of the night, or as simple as a sandwich. Creating and selling Slices has become a major industry on Galnet, and with the rising popularity of mass consumption VR the Slice seems like it is here to stay.

Purge has been lurking in the Underweb of Galnet for at least five years, and could very well have existed for far longer then that in the shady places of the Net. Often packaged as a VR Slice, Purge is an e-drug. Existing in the questionably legal grey areas of software drugs, Purge is largely considered the most potent and the most dangerous. Upon activation of the code, Purge overloads the pleasure centres of the brain, causing intense euphoria, hallucinations, and dissociation. This sensation remains until the user deactivates the program, at which point the crash will often leave users depressed, and although no suicides have been formally linked to Purge, it is believed that it has been the cause of quite a few. The alternative, just leaving the program running, has been linked to more then a few cases of death via malnurishment. Wherein users let their bodies waste away, never leaving the VR to eat or sleep. Purge is currently illegal to distribute in the Caldari State, and the Amarr Empire, although the Federation and Republic have yet to take steps to formally outlaw the program.

Suphedrine Karophosphate, or as it is known in the underground drug communites as Hardbang, Trip, Tweak, and Painspike, was first created to aid surgery patients in recovering from the application of anesthesia. Under the brand name of Sumakotrin, it is common in many hospitals accross the Federation and Republic. Sumakotrin intensifies sensation, amplifying the physical sensation of the person taking it. Recently, the Serpentis Corporation have begun spreading the drug into the underground Raver communities of the Gallente Federation, and Hardbang is slowly gaining more popularity in other circles. Although difficult to overdose on, high dosage can leave the user screaming in agony from a splinter, and post-usage, leave them numb for weeks on end. The Gallente Federation lists it as a Class III Controlled Substance, and although it is beginning to trickle into the other nations of the cluster, none have as of yet passed law on it.
« Last Edit: 01 Oct 2012, 13:56 by Saede Riordan »
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A ship in harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are built for.

Logan Fyreite

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Re: Slice of Fiction
« Reply #1 on: 03 Oct 2012, 08:06 »

Love this kind of stuff Saede, nice work.


Saede Riordan

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Re: Slice of Fiction
« Reply #2 on: 11 Oct 2012, 12:08 »

Predator's Choice
The most recent thriller novel by matari writer Philan D. Hessidard. The Republic Fleet Nidhoggur, Predator, is testing out an experimental modification to their jump drive when something goes wrong. The ship finds itself stranded in the Pator solar system, 3 months before the day of darkness. With seemingly no chance of finding a way home, does the Predator interfere with history, and can one ship even make enough of a difference to matter?
The novel has been popular with the military thriller crowds in the Republic, and has even seen some circulation in the Federation and the State. Hessidard is currently in the process of writing a sequal, Predator's Path.

The Shepherds of Men
A small Amarrian terrorist group largely operating out of the Domain region, the Shepherds of Men say that capsuleers are an abomination and affront to God, and work tirelessly to stop the 'pollution of the Empire' by capsuleers. They have been directly linked to several terrorist attacks on Imperial capsuleer academies and cloning facilities, and although it is not publically known whether or not they have ever succeeded in permanently killing a capsuleer, if their claims can be believed, then they may have been the cause of numerous fatal cloning accidents in the Empire.
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A ship in harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are built for.