EVE-Online RP Discussion and Resources > EVE Character Development

Character themesong

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Kaleigh Doyle:

--- Quote from: Sofia Roseburn on 07 May 2010, 17:52 ---I always considered Sofia to be more of a synthcore addict, frequenting Brutor and Civire clubs down in the depths of stations.

I've since tamed her somewhat, and come up with this.

--- End quote ---

Love this btw. Been listening to this most of the evening.  :)

This would be it if anything.

...Kidding calm down. If there's a song that applies to Goshien, I haven't heard it.

Kaldor Mintat:

as the universe seems to shaft Kaldor constantly.....

Not sure if its Gottiis theme song, but this song struck me as very Matari...45 secs into the song it gets fairly futuristic/tribal..


Akikio L:
I think this song describes not only Aki's but most capsuleers state of mind at some point. Sorry, couldn't find text so you'll have to endure +1 minute intro before singing begins :P: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kkh4A4-6hL8


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