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Author Topic: [Collaboration - IC] Origin Tour  (Read 15057 times)

Aria Jenneth

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Re: [Collaboration - IC] Origin Tour
« Reply #90 on: 09 Apr 2016, 09:34 »

Aria goes ahead and gets her contribution submitted: 1 million ISK.

"All set. I ... hope your project goes well."

With a wave and a small smile, she sets off again.

Saede Riordan

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Re: [Collaboration - IC] Origin Tour
« Reply #91 on: 23 Apr 2016, 18:42 »

"Capsuleers perform the majority of the space based industry, which is where most of the money is. I don't see that as something that needs to be optimized away from. If we had fewer capsuleers, we'd need more baseliner vessels to do the same jobs, but the planetary colonies are almost always going to be running using funds raised from space based ventures. If it wasn't a capsuleer it would be a corporation, its all just tax the rich at the end of the day." She chuckles. "I'm really not sure what you mean by 'capsuleer support' though. Its not like I or any other capsuleer is going around making huge donations to the government. We're not artificially propping up the economy, we're just performing the most profitable activities and are thus getting taxed the most heavily."

Saede scratches her nose. "And there will be no central bank. Too much consolidation of wealth. Historically speaking, its bad mojo to have a central bank."

The man makes a slightly confused face as Aria strolls away, not quite sure what just transpired. The streets in the second district are somewhat laid out like spokes on a wheel. They are however, also unevenly spaced, and many have doglegs or otherwise swerve into each other. The buildings are more varied as well, with density falling off sharply into three to five story tall structures of every shape and architectural philosophy. In the distance, the abutting spires of an Amarrian Cathedral are slowly rising amidst of sea of scaffolding, across the street is a five story sphere shaped building with a mirrored finish.
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Utari Onzo

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Re: [Collaboration - IC] Origin Tour
« Reply #92 on: 24 Apr 2016, 08:16 »

Utari purses his lips, furrowing his brow of a moment before replying.

"Without a central financial authority, how will you protect the colony's economy should there be spikes of inflation or deflation? What about currency reserves, incase quantitive easing is required? Since you're using the ISK, you're going to need an actual reserve of ISK since you can't just artificially create more money like other local authorities can that use their own currency."

Aria Jenneth

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Re: [Collaboration - IC] Origin Tour
« Reply #93 on: 24 Apr 2016, 08:20 »

Aria directs her steps towards the two distant structures-- one, by now, completely familiar; the other intriguingly un-. She takes in the architectural riot around her as she goes.

Saede Riordan

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Re: [Collaboration - IC] Origin Tour
« Reply #94 on: 24 Apr 2016, 12:47 »


"As far as currency systems go, ISK is very stable compared to other currencies. It inflates and deflates, but the variances tend not to effect the cost of most cheaper goods. The way that inflation and deflation of ISK occurs, it doesn't really even become apparent unless you're trading in assets worth millions of ISK. We've thought about moving over to an internal currency, but even if we did, hell, especially if we did, there'd still be no central banking authority."

Saede picks at her nails. "And Quantitative Easing is regressive and exploitative. We don't have a central bank or local currency because a central bank with the authority to print money is one of the best ways of concentrating wealth and extracting it from the populace. When you print money and increase the monetary supply, it devalues the currency and drives ever increasing inflation. And since most of that new money ends up in financial institutions, people see their buying power eroded as the money they have becomes worth less and less."


The still unfinished cathedral is, according to the sign in front of it, the Church of the Amarrian Reformation. Across the street, the sphere shaped building's sign lists it as the Emergent Parity Centre for Applied Metaintelligence.
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Utari Onzo

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Re: [Collaboration - IC] Origin Tour
« Reply #95 on: 25 Apr 2016, 09:53 »

"Very well..."

He paces a little, considering his next question before speaking.

"Can you tell me more about the civil developments? What kind of projects are you currently focusing on?"

Saede Riordan

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Re: [Collaboration - IC] Origin Tour
« Reply #96 on: 30 Apr 2016, 20:05 »

"Well, the largest by far is the Skyhook project and the Eidolon Equatorial Supercollider. The supercollider is still a few years off completion, but the skyhook is scheduled to drop into Landfall Bay sometime in July." She points out the window of her office towards the bay, where a huge flat concrete platform has sprouted from the ocean. It is to this circular structure that the future  space elevator will be anchored onto.

"There's also ODESSA of course, but that's just a big jury rigged acceleration gate."
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Utari Onzo

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Re: [Collaboration - IC] Origin Tour
« Reply #97 on: 02 May 2016, 13:34 »

"I see. Can you tell me more about your plans on the acceleration gate?"

Saede Riordan

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Re: [Collaboration - IC] Origin Tour
« Reply #98 on: 02 May 2016, 14:34 »

"Well that's finished, has been for two years now. The tech is really pretty basic. Its a trio of superconducting fullerene wires 50,000 kilometers long, with suspension braces and warp accelerators mounted every 100 kilometers along. It launches a ship into a slow warp that lets it get out into deep space around the system. We send out Stratioses with their warp coils modified so they go much further on the same capacitor charge at the expense of warp speed. They barely get up above a few times the speed of light, but it gives them a great deal more range."
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Utari Onzo

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Re: [Collaboration - IC] Origin Tour
« Reply #99 on: 02 May 2016, 14:45 »

"So it's intended as a means of reaching deep space, inter system areas, for exploration? I can see why you'd use the Stratios vessel for those, I'd imagine the return journey would take some time if you go out far enough."

Saede Riordan

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Re: [Collaboration - IC] Origin Tour
« Reply #100 on: 02 May 2016, 15:25 »

"Yeah, we're talking about potentially weeks and months long missions. They get back by locking onto Isis, the Origin system primary."
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A ship in harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are built for.

Utari Onzo

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Re: [Collaboration - IC] Origin Tour
« Reply #101 on: 05 May 2016, 11:19 »

"Interesting.. Any significant results from these deployments? Any ideas on other developments for it, or what kind of direction you're aiming for? Personally, if this thing can send, say, a capital group stealthily into someone's home anoikis system, I'd be worried about that kind of engingeering falling in the wrong hands."

Saede Riordan

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Re: [Collaboration - IC] Origin Tour
« Reply #102 on: 06 May 2016, 11:54 »


Saede smiles slyly. "There have been a few developments, some of them are even declassified, but the last time I tried to reveal some of what we found, CONCORD had me censored. As for the military applications, they would be very limited by the technology. ODESSA can't handle anything larger then a cruiser, and it took us months just to get to the binary companion to Origin's primary star. We haven't even made it as far as J105000, Origin's nearest neighbour in the Anoikis Blossom."
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Aria Jenneth

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Re: [Collaboration - IC] Origin Tour
« Reply #103 on: 10 May 2016, 07:18 »

Confronted with these two options, Aria opts to wander over to the Cathedral to see whether there's anything much by way of literature before heading over to the other structure.

One of these institutions' character she can more or less guess, but wants to know the details of. The other is a little more cryptic.

Saede Riordan

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Re: [Collaboration - IC] Origin Tour
« Reply #104 on: 16 May 2016, 11:50 »


The cathedral is built in the typically grand Amarrian style, with high vaulted ceilings and vast stoneworks. The upper layers of the structure are still wreathed in scaffolding as work continues on the upper levels.

(( I really don't know that much about the Amarr RP scene myself, but I know there's a Gallente reformist Amarr movement, and this is an offshoot of that group. They'd act...pretty much exactly how you'd expect devote reformist members of the Amarr faith to act. The congregation seems to be a mix of mostly Amarrian and Gallenteans.
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A ship in harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are built for.
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