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Author Topic: [EVENT] - Peace Conference - Interest Check  (Read 16945 times)

Anyanka Funk

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Re: [EVENT] - Peace Conference - Interest Check
« Reply #15 on: 21 Apr 2015, 05:03 »

What would be the in space consequences of this? I like the idea and might see about getting Hallie involved. I don't like that you want to make a peace talk exclusive. That kind of gives a "We want peace, just not with you" vibe. And why use yet another channel when we have active mods in The Summit? Maybe even getting Pheobe Freeport alliance to chime in or host could be a step in the right direction too. Talking about peace in New Eden rather than just CONCORD space (hisec). Might actually have some in space effect that way, as we really can't change CONCORD "peace" policies.


Thal Vadam

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Re: [EVENT] - Peace Conference - Interest Check
« Reply #16 on: 21 Apr 2015, 05:10 »
"I do what I do because it is the right thing to do. I am a warrior, and it is the way of the warrior to fight superior odds."
Thal Vadam

Arkon Sarain

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Re: [EVENT] - Peace Conference - Interest Check
« Reply #17 on: 21 Apr 2015, 05:47 »

For shuttle attacks maybe you can find objects, item or persons that require to be transported, and not in cloaky ships ?

For Sansha and piwate supporters, nothing prevents them to send crooked agents that work under cover for X respectable entity, and even if some of them are quickly labelled as blatantly working for shady interests, they might not be outright declared as pirate or whatever, and so would not really be expellable.

Hmm good idea I was just going to have them transport the item reports, but perhaps we can have them transport people - the sheer number of staff needed for a conference of this type would necessitate it.

And exactly if you can convince ICly that you aren't outright pariahs then you can sneak in and go about your nefarious purposes, just as much as those people who would want the conference to fail for other reasons but are from a "legal" faction. Further you could indeed make an argument that for peace to be viable and meaningful including your faction is necessary, whether that argument is going to sway things is something we cannot say until it happens, but regardless of the success or failure it will be an interesting thing to RP. :)

This is a wonderful proposal. I don't have a clue what would propably come out of this, but just trying would be a lot of fun, I think :D Count me in. If you need any help for preparations, brainstorming, or event support, let me know.

What will come out of it as yet isn't decided, that is the point of the conference - to have our characters negotiate the realisation of the proposal, if it can happen at all. In terms of what such a proposal would look like I would imagine it will end up something like the Treaty of Paris (1815) crossed with a UN General Assembly Resolution - so with plenty of jargon, and lots and lots of clauses hehe :)

I will definitely take you up on the offer for brainstorming! :D

What would be the in space consequences of this? I like the idea and might see about getting Hallie involved. I don't like that you want to make a peace talk exclusive. That kind of gives a "We want peace, just not with you" vibe. And why use yet another channel when we have active mods in The Summit? Maybe even getting Pheobe Freeport alliance to chime in or host could be a step in the right direction too. Talking about peace in New Eden rather than just CONCORD space (hisec). Might actually have some in space effect that way, as we really can't change CONCORD "peace" policies.

I was careful in crafting the idea for this to merely present the achievement of it, should it occur, to be simply a pathway to peace - a proposal nothing more. As what would be involved in such a proposal is beyond the power of the characters to affect, i.e. requiring the big four to legally agree to the binding nature of the proposal, which we cannot reasonably claim. While getting involved with the nullsec alliances might lead to more obvious realisations of the proposal, it is my opinion that firstly there aren't enough alliances interested in pursuing the sort of immersive RP that this conference necessitates; and secondly the politics and complexities of nullsec are something I would rather not get dragged into the conference, as I can see unnecessary OOC dramas arising. However nullsec alliances are certainly welcome to make the IC case for their necessary involvement in the conference, just as the other factions outside the big four.

To provide further elucidation the decision to restrict it to the big four was also an IC choice from Arkon. He is not a fan of the notion of capsuleers going off on their own and acting as if they are beyond the power of the law, as the originator of the conference it therefore makes sense that he doesn't want to see them involved. However that said again they are more than welcome to make the case for their involvement from an IC perspective and if it convinces the organisers then awesomesauce, and if not even then it would be a great interaction I am sure. :)

Making it exclusive is the nature of peace negotiations, they never occur before the public, but always under the diplomatic cover of anonymity. Further using a channel like the Summit wouldn't suit the conference for several reasons: firstly the Summit has an established purpose and structure which does not lend itself to a conference; secondly it denies us the chance to create a physical space for the interactions, and to give the organisers of the conference the rights and responsibilities of moderating the space; further the moderation rules of the Summit would not suit a conference; and finally imagine a poor new player coming into the middle of a complex discussion over the merits of intra-cluster trade as being necessary for peace, they would be lost and it might not be the RP they are wanting.

Glad it captures your interest :D Once I have more details together I will start figuring out how we can approach disseminating the idea ICly, and I look forward to your involvement Thal! :D

Cheers for the thoughts, and interest peeps, always interested in hearing more ^_^

Anyanka Funk

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Re: [EVENT] - Peace Conference - Interest Check
« Reply #18 on: 21 Apr 2015, 06:20 »

Nevermind then.


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Re: [EVENT] - Peace Conference - Interest Check
« Reply #19 on: 21 Apr 2015, 06:43 »

While those capsuleers whose loyalty is openly declared for those groups whom are regarded as "illegal" wouldn't get an invite, it doesn't mean you can't get involved. :D You could petition to have yourselves involved, create a media storm on how the conference is excluding you and other necessary voices for peace, etc. I would definitely love to see this and would be more than happy to help work out the details for it :D

Though ICly the event is about peace and its promotion, OOCly its motivation is to help us create interesting and exciting stories around our characters and their place in the world - and assuredly that which is interesting and exciting is rarely a result of smooth sailing. :)

Oh, yeah. I'll keep an eye out to see if anything would catch my character's eye--if it does, I'll hit you up and see what we can figure out. Give us a shout if you go ahead with it and something comes to mind, too; could be fun.

Arkon Sarain

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Re: [EVENT] - Peace Conference - Interest Check
« Reply #20 on: 21 Apr 2015, 07:13 »

Nevermind then.

All that wasn't to say however that capsuleers and their status (and that of their nullsec empires) won't be a matter discussed and deliberated on during the conference, and perhaps feature in the final proposal - should it occur. :D

I just am wary of trying to do anything more than to make the conference about a proposal for peace, as actually enforcing it whether in highsec or nullsec requires a lot of authority and influence: which in the case of one is impossible for us as players to claim, and in the other case in my opinion would involve a lot of stress and OOC drama.

Again though one of the things which may emerge from the conference could be a concerted effort to enforce what is in the proposal, which would be absolutely awesome in my book :D However as with the nature of the existence of the proposal, and its contents, I wouldn't want to preempt things by saying this will happen; rather like those things better to have it evolve and emerge from the actual IC actions and discussions within the conference itself.

Oh, yeah. I'll keep an eye out to see if anything would catch my character's eye--if it does, I'll hit you up and see what we can figure out. Give us a shout if you go ahead with it and something comes to mind, too; could be fun.

Glad to hear it, I will definitely be posting here as I develop the idea further (going to take a week to mull it over, take on the feedback here during that time, and generally develop a more structured proposal for the event itself). :)

Definitely will let you know, I hope it will be a bunch of fun for all involved :D

Pieter Tuulinen

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Re: [EVENT] - Peace Conference - Interest Check
« Reply #21 on: 21 Apr 2015, 09:14 »

Caldari delegate, checking in. :)

Lunarisse Aspenstar

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Re: [EVENT] - Peace Conference - Interest Check
« Reply #22 on: 21 Apr 2015, 11:06 »

Interesting concept, and I wish you luck with it. It may be surprising but ICly Luna has an issue with this (more that she would think this is overstepping the bounds of a capsuleer's place over the Empress and the officials the Empire has to handle issues of war and peace, among other issues probably clear if you know the character), but you may want to talk to Nicoletta to see if she has interest.

Ibrahim Tash-Murkon

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Re: [EVENT] - Peace Conference - Interest Check
« Reply #23 on: 21 Apr 2015, 12:26 »

I think that this will almost certainly lead to nothing ICly and even if not I couldn't be entirely sure that it would be "good" for peace to break out. But as an event for content creation I am wholly supportive and if I can take part (if I am available and it makes sense) I will.
“If your hands aren’t bleeding, you aren’t working hard enough.”


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Re: [EVENT] - Peace Conference - Interest Check
« Reply #24 on: 21 Apr 2015, 12:30 »

I could show up if that would work?

Pieter Tuulinen

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Re: [EVENT] - Peace Conference - Interest Check
« Reply #25 on: 21 Apr 2015, 12:44 »

Interesting concept, and I wish you luck with it. It may be surprising but ICly Luna has an issue with this (more that she would think this is overstepping the bounds of a capsuleer's place over the Empress and the officials the Empire has to handle issues of war and peace, among other issues probably clear if you know the character), but you may want to talk to Nicoletta to see if she has interest.

The way Pieter sees it, it's not that the opinions of a bunch of capsuleers are binding on the nationstates that they represent. This represents an opportunity to see familiar events and conflicts from an unfamiliar angle and see if there is any common ground, in vision.

This is just about good citizenship.

Lyn Farel

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Re: [EVENT] - Peace Conference - Interest Check
« Reply #26 on: 21 Apr 2015, 13:19 »

It's more about a petition rather than a command. Capsuleers discussing agreements in a sensible (or not) matter, and governments are free to do what they want with it.

The primary purpose, if I get it right, is a peace summit between capsuleers organizations and loyalists to broker peace agreements between said capsuleer entities (or not).

Esna Pitoojee

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Re: [EVENT] - Peace Conference - Interest Check
« Reply #27 on: 21 Apr 2015, 13:29 »

This looks quite interesting. Count me in.
I like the implications of Gallentians being punched in the face by walking up to a Minmatar as they so freely use another person's culture as a fad.

Rin Kaelestria

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Re: [EVENT] - Peace Conference - Interest Check
« Reply #28 on: 21 Apr 2015, 14:30 »

Hrm, maaaaaybe? I'll give it some heavy consideration, at least.  :P

*expecting Morwen, Luna, and Sami telling her to log back in more in 3... 2... 1...*

Morwen Lagann

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Re: [EVENT] - Peace Conference - Interest Check
« Reply #29 on: 21 Apr 2015, 17:45 »

Hrm, maaaaaybe? I'll give it some heavy consideration, at least.  :P

*expecting Morwen, Luna, and Sami telling her to log back in more in 3... 2... 1...*

T+03:15 ~ LOG BACK IN!

(Also not including Esna in that list? Harsh.)
Lagging Behind

Morwen's Law:
1) The number of capsuleer women who are bisexual is greater than the number who are lesbian.
2) Most of the former group appear lesbian due to a lack of suitable male partners to go around.
3) The lack of suitable male partners can be summed up in most cases thusly: interested, worth the air they breathe, available; pick two.
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