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General Discussion => General Non-RP EVE Discussion => Topic started by: Casiella on 06 Oct 2012, 14:52

Title: What brings (or would bring) you back?
Post by: Casiella on 06 Oct 2012, 14:52
Everybody takes breaks from EVE, in some form or another. They might quit completely, or they might keep their sub going and just log in for skill training changes.

So what brings you back to playing actively? Is it gameplay changes, or boredom with other things, or something else? Or, if you're not playing right now, what would bring you back?
Title: Re: What brings (or would bring) you back?
Post by: Andreus Ixiris on 06 Oct 2012, 21:41
Given that I'm taking a break right now, it'd be someone saying "hey Andy, come join our corporation, we're doing X!" where X is something awesome.
Title: Re: What brings (or would bring) you back?
Post by: Reyd Karris on 06 Oct 2012, 22:44
Sadly, nothing could bring me back at this point. Not that I don't love the game, but I just can't devote the time to it that I would need to in order to actually enjoy it.

When DUST goes live though, I'll be in the trenches. Shooters are far easier to get in, spend 20-30 minutes blowing things up, and then go change diapers/break up fights/whatever else fatherhood requires.

So, until such a time as my Nova knife/SMG/hybrid turret gunner skills are needed, I shall remain in the shadows; putting right what once went wrong, and hoping that my next leap will be the leap home.
Title: Re: What brings (or would bring) you back?
Post by: Ghost Hunter on 07 Oct 2012, 00:22
EVE has literally been apart of half of my entire life. I cannot really imagine living without it, and should it ever go away while I'm still alive I don't know how I'll feel. So, for as long as I am able, I will be in the game in some function or form.
Title: Re: What brings (or would bring) you back?
Post by: Rin Kaelestria on 07 Oct 2012, 01:38
What would bring me back is a good question. I really wasn't doing anything that exciting before I left EVE, a side from RPing with a couple of other people. As much as people are posting here and there on what's coming out soon, I haven't paid too much attention. What I have seen of it, though, doesn't catch my attention either, unfortunately.  :s

I think, for me, the best thing that will eventually bring me back to EVE is to just give myself some time away from the game. Which is what I'm doing right now.
Title: Re: What brings (or would bring) you back?
Post by: Lyn Farel on 07 Oct 2012, 03:38
Roleplay would bring me back, probably. And new interesting things to do, maybe, as a bonus.

I have become so pissed by several things in that game that I can't help but watch these negative feelings overwhelm everything else (maybe the bittervet syndrome). I don't appreciate pvp anymore. Anyway I have never really appreciated the emphasis they put on adrenaline, the only thing I enjoyed was mostly the pvp itself. I further hate that kind of adrenaline since losing your ship basically means more hours of vapid farming. Everything is about farm. Laaame.

Other things I don't like, like tech escalation, recently really started to spoil the whole experience for me.
Title: Re: What brings (or would bring) you back?
Post by: NISYN Aelisha on 07 Oct 2012, 05:41
The people I fly with, the constant innovation of new art/tactics/marketing strategies of the people I consult with in both NISYN and WHG, and even the roller coaster ride of CCP and their customers alternately exceeding and plummeting far short of my expectations in professionalism and productivity keep me coming back.  Basically I like to be surprised, and the pleasantness or lack thereof in a surprise is merely an indicator of how many expletives will preface or append my description of such an occurrence :). 

On the whole I have to say, between close friends and CCP surprises combined, it is by far more pleasant than not.
Title: Re: What brings (or would bring) you back?
Post by: Myyona on 07 Oct 2012, 08:26
Let me see if I remember what I wrote when I quit.

There are a few items that would bring me back in flash:

1.) New lore connected mysteries to solve. I spend a huge effort on A'J and thought it was the best addition to the sandbox ever. True, Live Events are back, but they seem to be of the more "shoot stuff" kind and not really my flavor. I could also do with some new epic arc missions or generally new things to go out and explore (not to be confused with new DED complexes which I have no interest in).

2.) Add the sandbox elements to Walking in Stations. People need to be able to create, design and build their own interior in stations and be able to show it off to others. WiS is missing any kind of multiplayer environment and persistence in the world. Captains Quarters are fake because they are a facade that cannot be changed. Sadly, the current "big idea" for WiS seems to be some kind of instanced scenario where you might be opposing other players, but when the battle is done, every trace of it magically disappears into thin air, like a good pointless themepark battleground scenario. I was hoping for a more Minecraft approach to WiS, but meh.

3.) Opening up Jove space...
Title: Re: What brings (or would bring) you back?
Post by: lallara zhuul on 07 Oct 2012, 15:45
EVE 2.0

Not this unfinished product.

A better iteration of whatever comes after they get everything 'together'.
Title: Re: What brings (or would bring) you back?
Post by: Katrina Oniseki on 07 Oct 2012, 18:06
Complete remodel of every ship in the game, or at least significant updates to the same basic model design (like the new Tempest, or the new Stabber). Art is what brings me to EVE. The more money CCP pours into their art department, the more of my money I will pour into CCP (by way of overspending on PLEXs to be able to afford all these shiny ships)
Title: Re: What brings (or would bring) you back?
Post by: Silver Night on 07 Oct 2012, 19:22
I never quit (well, there was a brief period years ago), and I'm unlikely to start now, but it wouldn't hurt if they did a little better job with PF, and maybe gave us something interesting on the 'Incarna' side of things.
Title: Re: What brings (or would bring) you back?
Post by: BloodBird on 08 Oct 2012, 00:57
My original plan was to return for Retribution (since long before we knew what that expansion was called) if nothing has happened on my own front by then, before if something does. By then I'll have to finish up all things character-related, but I expect that, should I find a good corp and 'get back into it' for real this time then I'll find something meaningful to do In-game and likely be active again. Until then there are skills to be set.

Besides that, what can CCP do to make EVE more alluring? Plenty of things.

Things like...

Allowing characters to become official parts of specific NPC factions. Let's say I could return to EVE and have my toon join the Federation Navy or FIO or whatever groups are available in other Empires. Joining these factions has positive as well as negative results, depending on view-point. For instance, only Federation hull flown while in Fed-Navy. You receive missions and tasks from NPC superiors (run by CCP actors, preferably 2-4 per corp to lessen the strain) and have to follow orders given. Besides this your free to RP as you please while part of these and are directly involved in matters involving your faction.

Engagements between Fed Navy/Cal Navy elements led by player Capsuleers supported on both ends by NPC ships, halting raids by pro-Sansha Capsuleers integrated into Nation leading his incursions, dealing with rampaging 'freelancer' Capsuleers (average players), dealing with Serpentis or-what-have-you crime masterminded and executed by serpent-loyal Capsuleers, running official Duchia Foundry/Astram Mining/whatever mining ops to help supply your faction with ores, assisting in the research efforts of whatever corp you belong in and leading exploration efforts in their name, and so on.

In short, the ability to sacrifice some game-provided freedoms for the ability to directly take part in and assist the game-world's inhabitants and help in the direction the 'background factions' go. The creation of new PF and game-history in the process.

It's never going to happen ofc, due to a variety of different reasons, but if it ever did it would be awesome and I would be playing as much as I could.

Until then, Retribution seems like it could be a nice expansion, I've mild hopes for it. Also like Kat said, an upgrade of all ship skins and textures would be great. I loved the new Maller skin, I like the new Stabber, and there are few ships that won't benefit from updates.
Title: Re: What brings (or would bring) you back?
Post by: kalaratiri on 08 Oct 2012, 09:56
Complete remodel of every ship in the game, or at least significant updates to the same basic model design (like the new Tempest, or the new Stabber). Art is what brings me to EVE. The more money CCP pours into their art department, the more of my money I will pour into CCP (by way of overspending on PLEXs to be able to afford all these shiny ships)

You were saying?  :D

Title: Re: What brings (or would bring) you back?
Post by: Saikoyu on 08 Oct 2012, 12:47
If that Mega is offical, I want to marry it.

What would bring me back?  Well, I know that I am going to come back sooner or later, but what would bring me back right now and damn my lack of money and decent computer?

If CCP were to annouance next expansion the start of a multi year story arc that would be totally player events run by devs where players could join both sides and over a series of both space and planet side events along with longer term RPing (like the AJ project) that would tell a grand story and end with a truely awesome revelation and fight with the last one standing holding some reward that could not be taken away but wouldn't really give an in game advantage.  Like maybe a private wormhole system that only this player and his/her corp/alliance could get into.  But it only spawns veld or something. 
Title: Re: What brings (or would bring) you back?
Post by: Jikk on 08 Oct 2012, 12:54
The people I fly with..

I'll agree with my learned friend on that point, but something has to be said that for me even when I take a break I leave it ticking over. Sometimes nice to pop back into the game with a set of new toys. I think the main reason is it's a game where it's what you make of it. I can be out of game for months, come back and almost immediately get into something interesting and/or novel.
Title: Re: What brings (or would bring) you back?
Post by: kalaratiri on 08 Oct 2012, 13:21
If that Mega is offical, I want to marry it.

Straight from the Eve facebook page. It's real.
Title: Re: What brings (or would bring) you back?
Post by: John Revenent on 08 Oct 2012, 18:47
What is this quit word? I am to bitter, and stubborn to quit evah!
Title: Re: What brings (or would bring) you back?
Post by: Casiella on 09 Oct 2012, 09:30
Well, we never really quit. We just take a break.

Right now, for example, I'm playing WoW (yes yes "gb2wow" but I already did ;) ) but still keeping my skill training going. I have some ideas for market stuff when I get back from yet another business trip this week plus an angle on a small corner of PF that I haven't seen explored publicly.

OTOH, much of the RP keeps me away because I think we, myself most definitely included, try too hard to push everything into boxes: factionalized, either combat-oriented or day-to-day banality, etc. Maybe that's just me, because I'm feeling less "urdoinitrong" and more "imdoinitrong".
Title: Re: What brings (or would bring) you back?
Post by: kalaratiri on 09 Oct 2012, 10:32
Well, I would love to come back to playing eve as soon as possible. But, in this case, it's looking more like Soon™ than actually being any time soon.

Things that would bring me back: It's close enough to impossible, but I would resubscribe tomorrow if CCP removed n+1 beats n in pvp. Make solo pvp realistic dammit! I know this is a social game, but nothing I've done beats the thrill of a really good 1v1.

Aside from that, I'd likely come back if I got an offer to join a really excellent corp or alliance. Like, a reaaaallly good one :D

Title: Re: What brings (or would bring) you back?
Post by: Victoria Stecker on 09 Oct 2012, 14:38
Frankly, I'm not sure what it'd take for me to come back. I would want to be ablet o dedicate enough time to the game to actually build or accomplish something. I don't forsee RL giving me taht kind of free time any time soon as I'm working full time, thinking about takeing classes again, and spending a great deal of time with my fiance. So videogames have to be the sort that I can enjoy in 30-60 minute chunks. Thus, playing Planetside and MWO.

If the following conditions were met, I'd be back:
Enough RL time to spend.
Enough RL iskies to not care about the subscription cost, or a means in in game income sufficient to plex.
Something cool to do taht would make EVE more fun than other games again.

The only thing EVE really has going for it atm over other games for me is RP.
Title: Re: What brings (or would bring) you back?
Post by: Misan on 09 Oct 2012, 15:37
The bounty hunting stuff in Retribution is a good start. Really want to see those smuggling changes that were mentioned at the Fanfest before last actually happen.

Granted I'm mostly out of game right now due to time constraints and other games taking what little gaming time I have (hai GW2). Maybe after I start actually having an income again. :P
Title: Re: What brings (or would bring) you back?
Post by: Casiella on 09 Oct 2012, 16:09
Oh yeah, placing bounties on entire corps or alliances, and getting on the KM (sorta) for everyone who gets a share of the bounty you placed? Renting out kill rights?

Makes a trading mogul's heart GLAD.
Title: Re: What brings (or would bring) you back?
Post by: Desiderya on 09 Oct 2012, 16:36
Will the kill right purchase be one way, or can you *trade* these things?  :twisted:
Title: Re: What brings (or would bring) you back?
Post by: Esna Pitoojee on 09 Oct 2012, 17:40
While I have never taken a fully unsubbed break, I have spent roughly 3 months now doing little more than sitting in station, occasionally hauling a few ships around, and RPing.

I've moved to a new corp now and am hoping a PvP focus away from the nightmare that FW is will help me get back in the game. In general, however, the following two issues would help restore a great deal of faith in the game:

1. CCP getting a hold on (or at least an understanding of the depth of) the meta that goes on in their own game. Everywhere from FW to the mining barge revamp to their "entry" into the competative gaming arena, CCP has lately shown little comprehension of the degree to which their own players will min/max, sabotage, and trample all over the intended design of mechanics changes to assure their victory/profit/lols.

2. A return of an ongoing, living universe. While I am just as happy as anyone else to see the return of live events, I still have an empty spot in my heart for the old news articles.
Title: Re: What brings (or would bring) you back?
Post by: Lyn Farel on 10 Oct 2012, 13:43
While I have never taken a fully unsubbed break, I have spent roughly 3 months now doing little more than sitting in station, occasionally hauling a few ships around, and RPing.

Don't do that, you are going to end up like me. I spent around 1 year sitting in station and it leads to nowhere. :/

1. CCP getting a hold on (or at least an understanding of the depth of) the meta that goes on in their own game. Everywhere from FW to the mining barge revamp to their "entry" into the competative gaming arena, CCP has lately shown little comprehension of the degree to which their own players will min/max, sabotage, and trample all over the intended design of mechanics changes to assure their victory/profit/lols.

Maybe that's what they want.
Title: Re: What brings (or would bring) you back?
Post by: Wanoah on 10 Oct 2012, 14:22
You can never go back.

The name might be the same and the places kinda familiar, but the people you knew are gone. :(
Title: Re: What brings (or would bring) you back?
Post by: lallara zhuul on 11 Oct 2012, 04:18
Sad but true Wan.
Title: Re: What brings (or would bring) you back?
Post by: Jev North on 11 Oct 2012, 05:10
Will the kill right purchase be one way, or can you *trade* these things?  :twisted:
Trade, I'm not sure, but I've heard interesting things about renting kill rights. Apparently right off the grid. Right-click on bad guy, pay modest fee, game on. This may have been a combination of wishful thinking and alcohol, but interesting if true, no?

Edit - aha, I wasn't dreaming: (
Title: Re: What brings (or would bring) you back?
Post by: Esna Pitoojee on 11 Oct 2012, 09:54
1. CCP getting a hold on (or at least an understanding of the depth of) the meta that goes on in their own game. Everywhere from FW to the mining barge revamp to their "entry" into the competative gaming arena, CCP has lately shown little comprehension of the degree to which their own players will min/max, sabotage, and trample all over the intended design of mechanics changes to assure their victory/profit/lols.

Maybe that's what they want.

I think, perhaps, that this is representative of a divided vision on CCP's part (perhaps I should have added 'get a clear, unified vision' to my initial post?)

While CCP are happy to encourage the high-level strategics and sheer underhandedness that have developed in EVE as one of the things that define this game, they continue to produce mechanics (early Incursions, FW "revamp", mining barge "update") that do not reflect the tendency for EVE players to quickly figure out the path of least resistance to a given objectives and uniformly pile into that path.
Title: Re: What brings (or would bring) you back?
Post by: Khloe on 11 Oct 2012, 21:08
What would bring me back? A train full of Nazi Gold. (Regular gold will be fine too.)