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So.. the market. (how) Does it work?

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I made a DUST merc on a friend's PSN account to putz around and see how the game is, and I ended up picking up some assault rifle my merc can't use, yet.  So, I go to the market figuring to just sell the thing for more ISK or whatever, but there seems to be no way to do this.

Is it impossible to sell/trade things between characters in DUST at all?  If so, how does the whole "Capsuleer corp contracts DUST mercs to do stuff on some planet somewhere" or "Capsuleer nukes the whole place from orbit - it's the only way to be sure - in support of DUST mercs" thing work?  Like... how does payment exchange hands, or does it?

Avio Yaken:

--- Quote from: Havohej on 03 Aug 2013, 13:16 ---I made a DUST merc on a friend's PSN account to putz around and see how the game is, and I ended up picking up some assault rifle my merc can't use, yet.  So, I go to the market figuring to just sell the thing for more ISK or whatever, but there seems to be no way to do this.

Is it impossible to sell/trade things between characters in DUST at all?  If so, how does the whole "Capsuleer corp contracts DUST mercs to do stuff on some planet somewhere" or "Capsuleer nukes the whole place from orbit - it's the only way to be sure - in support of DUST mercs" thing work?  Like... how does payment exchange hands, or does it?

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oh THIS question

ok ok ok

1. selling hasn't been implemented yet & will most likely be a player market SOONtm

2.not exactly sure but im assuming its going to be a eve corp in a alliance pays a duster corp to over throw a district for their own use.....maybe to defend your minings OPS?

3. orbital nukes like in dat trailer haven't been revealed yet  BUT theres orbital bombardments!
in a pub match a squad would have to earn 2500 war points by killing, rez, caping etc etc etc & then the squab leader can bombard a small area via NPC ship

in PC (planetary conquest) not exactly sure but orbital bombardments are suppled by the corporation's chosen capsuleer rather then a NPC ship


Esna Pitoojee:

--- Quote from: Foley Jones on 03 Aug 2013, 17:40 ---
in a pub match a squad would have to earn 2500 war points by killing, rez, caping etc etc etc & then the squab leader can bombard a small area via NPC ship

in PC (planetary conquest) not exactly sure but orbital bombardments are suppled by the corporation's chosen capsuleer rather then a NPC ship


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Wait... you can get NPC orbital bombardments?

Meh. I was kind of hoping CCP would restrict those to being player-delivered, in order to gently nudge people towards conquest/FW matches with the reward of being able to play with "the big toys".

Karmilla Strife:
Granted my understanding of Dust is limited, but if orbital support is provided by the corp "sponsoring" the battle, and the dust mercs are working for NPCs, wouldn't the npcs provide orbital support options?

It would be nice if they at least spawned some npcs in EVE though, then opposing capsuleers could take out such a fleet, maybe for LP.

Those are, to the best of my understanding, only in the public matches. In FW or PC (factional warfare and planetary conquest) the bombardment is done by EVE characters, has more options, and is a bit more powerful.


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