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That PIE has been at war with enemies of the empire ever since its foundation?

Author Topic: [Character] Deitra Vess  (Read 1677 times)

Deitra Vess

  • Immature Quasi Terrorist Interceptor Pilot
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[Character] Deitra Vess
« on: 05 Nov 2014, 00:15 »

CONCORD DED Public Capsuleer Datasheet

Deitra Vess
DED Callsign:
Deitra Vess
Blood Type:
1.67m (5'6")
54kg (120lbs)
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Political Alignment:
Neutral, loosely affiliated with the Minmatar Republic
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Eram II
Employment History:
Scope Works [ SWCW ]
Sebiestor Tribe [ S ]
Dead Men Rising [ PRODMR ]
Sebiestor Tribe [ S ]
S.E.B.I.E.S.T.O.R. (Secure Every Border Interloping Enemy Ships Threaten Our Republic) [ S.E.B. ]
Sebiestor Holdings Corp [ SEBHO ]


DED Charges:
> Possession of Slaves (later retracted)
> Possession of Narcotics
> Piloting while Intoxicated
> Theft
> Terrorism
> Piracy
> Destruction of Property
> Negligent Homicide
> Murder
> Unlawful Aggression of Military Forces - Amarr Empire
> Unlawful Aggression of Military Forces - Caldari State

DED Threat Assessment:

Generally passive when alone

Personality Assessment:
Relatively shy in nature (in regards to interactions with others face to face),  Interactions with others only generally occurs with few trusted people.

Physical Assessment:
Relatively short, Thin frame, numerous tattoos on arms and face



Deitra Vess was born on May 27th, YC93 on Eram II. Her brother, Barret Vess would be born two years later. Deitra led a quiet childhood in her early years. Her parents at the time working for the RSS, both remained busy leading Deitra and her brother to find themselves largely being raised by family friends and their grand parents.

Around Deitra's Fifth birthday her family moved to the Sebiestor Tribe station at Eram III M13. Left relatively alone Deitra and Barret formed a close bond. Generally quiet by nature Deitra rarely socialized with anyone other than her brother. In this time Deitra became infatuated with Gallante culture, daydreaming of living in Caille. By the end of the year her family had moved yet again to Hek. All the while Deitra and her brother spending less and less time with their parents. As the years went on she found herself moving from station to station as her parents were transferred to new positions in the RSS.
As the years went by Deitra's shyness and social awkwardness continued, only to have her talking to a few of the other children who were in the similar situations as well as her brother, the only constant in her life. When she was 8, her parents got a job in the TLF, and consequentially moved to Amamake where she would reside for the next seven years.

When Deitra turned fifteen her parents told her and her brother that they needed to go on a business trip and set off the next day. After a few days they got word that the shuttle they were in was destroyed and no survivors were found. Days later the escape pod containing Deitra's parents was recovered. A few days after the funeral Deitra and Barret, now living with their grandparents, were brought to an office for the RSS and questioned about their parents. After a few meetings Deitra began raising questions of her own which were answered with silence or simply brushed off. Feeling uneasy about the situation, Deitra convinced Barret to run away with her.

Alone, Deitra and her brother struggled to survive. Neither had even received their Volvulal mark, let alone had anywhere to turn to. So after a few weeks of trying to survive they began finding small jobs on freighters and mining barges.This led to them finally ending up in Rens where they would meet a capsuleer named Ferrum Wolfram who would recruit them to work on his exhumers in Essence. Deitra jumped at the opportunity, finally able to begin chasing after her day dreams. Soon they found themselves on a Mackinaw in Deninard mining ice. Over time Deitra and her brother started taking on more advanced roles on the exhumers and Orca Ferrum owned, and as the trust grew Ferrum became more of a father figure to them as opposed to merely a boss. They would spend countless hours in between mining ops talking and basically spending time together.Within time Deitra and Barret moved in with Ferrum in his estate on Annages VI. Within time Deitra found herself venturing out exploring the city they lived in and found herself the object of attention, being one of the few Matari in the city. It hit a point where she dreaded going out in public as she would constantly be fielding the same replies to the same questions time and time again. Deitra missed being seen not as an oddity and as she came closer to adulthood, she grew a strong desire to return to the Republic, and with the financial and emotional support from Ferrum enrolled into the RMS when she was seventeen.

Deitra's first few months were rough upon returning to the republic. She found herself on the edge of failing out of the RMS, barely passing all the required courses for her major. As capsuleer testing was conducted, she looked at it as a shot in the dark and signed up for testing, hoping that she would be found capable so she could continue in school. Luck was on her side and she was found capsule capable.
One of the first people Deitra contacted once she got the test results was Ferrum who was a capsuleer himself. Upon hearing the results he flew to Pator to congradulate her in person.  After all was said and done in his parting words he hugged her and said "In everything you do, I want you to remember, Monsters are created. They are not born."

Over the next few years she was trained mentally and physically to be a capsuleer. After all was said and done, she graduated on her birthday in YC115 near the lower end of the middle of her class.

 Recent History:
Over the course of her enrollment in the RMS Deitra fell out of touch with her brother, and after weeks of searching for any info on his whereabouts, contacted her father figure, only to find out he had enlisted to become a clone mercenary and was currently employed by him. Deitra began a small corp to begin producing auto cannon and engine rigs and also began exploring data and relic sites as a form of income. In time she left the corporation she founded and enlisted in the minmatar militia, to mainly find any information on her parents.

Within days she found herself being accused of being a spy among other accusations and found herself at times forced to run from her own militiamen.

After a while Deitra finally began looking into finding more info on her parents. Through her research she found out that they were in fact destroyed by the republic fleet while in transit to meet agents with the angel cartel. Hurt by the discovery, she spent a month in solitude, barring herself away from everyone.

When she finally broke the news of her findings to her brother he became silent and has yet to speak with her since.

After her self imposed isolation, she emerged back onto the battlefield with the corporation Dead Men Rising, part of the Hashashin Cartel. For a few months Deitra, now flying in fleets with more established pilots saw more success on the battlefield.

As the siege of Houla began Hash was beginning to move their efforts to regain their old home systems in the great wild lands, and Deitra saw no reason to stay due to her history in the militia solo.
Now in The great Wild lands Deitra fought along side DMR and other HASH pilots ferociously, until finally it became apparent DMR held no place in HASH.

In time Deitra and her corporation ended up joining Circle of Two, A CFC alliance based out of tribute. Deitra grew homesick from the second she got to Tribute, but ended up staying for a few months before DMR was excluded from the alliance. DMR crumbled 2 weeks after.

Upon Returning home, wiser and more mature from her experiences, Deitra looked to become something in the eyes of her tribe. After taking a few days to pursue exploring relics and various data sites and other non combat related activities, Deitra came to the conclusion that, in order to get anywhere combat seemed to be her only answer. However still feeling inadequate compared to other pilots in the militia she decided that going right back into the war was not the correct path to go.

After a few days of seeking employment Deitra got a job in Scope Works, a corporation based at the time out of Huola. Within the first few days of her employment Deitra took part in the destruction of eighteen ships and started branching out into other roles and ships she never would have thought of using. Within a few weeks, the Huola Coalition began to show cracks and soon major parts began moving away. Scope Works, having lost most of its allies in the area began to follow suit.

Scope Works joined The Blacklist (POWER), a local alliance, but due to internal issues left shortly after joining. During this time the 24IC successfully took control of Huola and soon after the rest of the Amarr/Minmatar warzone. Deitra felt partially responsible for the fall of Huola and subsequently the war zone, having been there the whole time and not raising a finger to help. Her frustration led to an outburst on the Intergalactic Summit, followed by a few days of roaming the war zone solo, unsuccessfully trying to pick off Amarr Militia members. Following her outbursts on the IGS, Deitra became disgusted with the TLF's decision to "basically roll over and die." She also felt the Federal Defense Union, who had greatly helped in the defense of Huola before had turned their backs on them, allowing the loss to transpire.

Scope Works joined Psychotic Tendencies (TISHU) and ended up moving to Vestouve. Feeling homesick and still hurt over the TLF's failures, Deitra spent a few weeks barely participating in ops and communicating with anyone outside of her corporation, until Scope Works joined Overload Everything (BURNT) for undisclosed reasons.

Overload Everything seemed to always run larger ships exclusively in their doctrines, something very foreign to Deitra. This forced her to leave her comfort zone of assault frigates and interceptors and into battleships and heavy assault cruisers as well as electronic warfare (something she had little to no experience with). This change forced a shift in her actions, straying away from relatively suicidal approaches in flying tackle to a more conservative approach when flying with fleets. The doctrines used by them also forced Deitra to stray into many other ships, which in turn gave her a better understanding of how to fight them. As time went on interest in trying to lead others soon followed.

With events playing out as they are Deitra occasionally thinks of returning to the war zone, but still doesn't feel the time is right. For now she hones her skills until she feels confident in her abilities and day dreams about returning home one day.


Originally I wasn't really going to make any of this info really known and just have people who interacted with me learn it, but I kind of thought having other peoples ideas would be a better idea(rather not get accused of ripping anyone off or anything like that). And not to mention I don't really see how I could throw much of this into conversation without being the most boring person alive. The data sheet info is more less old(only thing I edited was the employment history for post entering the militia) and I need to fix it. The character idea mainly came from the story of one of the crew members on my original character's mining barge,  the brother is my dust char, Uh........ dunno what else to say. Any glaring problems? Timeline issues? I will say the overly done "parent issues" thing isn't really a huge part of the storyline, more less just what spurred the events on and really don't plan on making any big thing out of it. Thanks!
« Last Edit: 31 May 2015, 14:05 by Deitra Vess »


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Re: [Character] Deitra Vess
« Reply #1 on: 06 Nov 2014, 17:45 »

I'm actually rather fond of it. It's simple enough to be believable and doesn't really turn her into a special snowflake kind of character. It has an overlying since if a wayward child of the tribes trying to find herself and inevitably being drawn to where she should have started: the tribes.

I like it.

Anyanka Funk

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Re: [Character] Deitra Vess
« Reply #2 on: 06 Nov 2014, 19:07 »

Awesome base history! So many capsuleers have domestic issues. I don't think I've roleplayed with Deitra. Circle of two killed Cor Arcanus, I don't know if Deitra was there (I was busy suicide bombing stealth bombers). It seems your enemies would be the Republic and Angel Cartel. Hasn't the Sebiestor tribe mostly integrated into the Republic? Anyanka is sebbie and has a few similarities with Deitra. Anya's father was TLF and put her in RUN for capsuleer training. Anya's father killed himself (biomassed) after leaving TLF and exploring Anoikis. Anya's mother is an Amarrian DUSTer and is a spy for the Republic. She is still alive. Anya grew up mostly in desert and underground cities of Hek V. The Republic and Angel Cartel are enemies of Anya's too.

For the future of Deitra, knowing only the above about her, I would suggest having a defined goal. Anyanka's goal is pretty defined, to become a Bleeder for the Covenant. Maybe for Deitra, it could be becoming someone important to the tribe. Joining sebbie NPC corp and rallying the alts, awoxers, and fellow sebbie roleplayers. But for sure, if you are going to be in The Great Wildlands this or next year, Anyanka will keep a golden vial with Deitra's name inscribed on its seal, just in case. ;)
« Last Edit: 06 Nov 2014, 19:32 by Anyanka Funk »

Deitra Vess

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Re: [Character] Deitra Vess
« Reply #3 on: 06 Nov 2014, 23:48 »

Val, Thanks, really a huge part of why Deitra didn't talk very much is based more less around "I don't exactly know where I stand in anything" and the shyness caused by what you said. The sebiestor tribe specifically is that goal really. As everything unfolds she's talking more and becoming less timid in general.

Anyanka, heh Deitra wasn't part of that (Cor Arcanus) and ya if I'm not mistaken the sebiestor tribe has integrated, Really the story thus far has been slow and really developing enemies I'm letting kinda come as they come. The defined goal exists its more so the yellow brick roads lacking alot of bricks, finding the bricks is a lot of the story, as well as the off shoots and other diversions for character development. And I will say, I'm in GW fairly frequently so, well see if that vial gets filled.  :lol:

Deitra Vess

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Re: [Character] Deitra Vess
« Reply #4 on: 18 Nov 2014, 00:34 »

Added detail to the history part and made it LESS of a list....

Kyoko Sakoda

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Re: [Character] Deitra Vess
« Reply #5 on: 07 Dec 2014, 02:27 »

- Piloting while Intoxicated

We'd get along just fine. Skál!  :yar:

Deitra Vess

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Re: [Character] Deitra Vess
« Reply #6 on: 04 Apr 2015, 22:32 »

updated with more semi recent events.