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Author Topic: [Character] Gwen Ikiryo (Revised)  (Read 7274 times)

Gwen Ikiryo

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[Character] Gwen Ikiryo (Revised)
« on: 28 Jul 2012, 04:01 »


ID: Gwen Ikiryo (Pseudonym)
Place of Birth: Ishukone Outpost, EOA-ZC
Date Of Birth: 11/5/88 (Age 28)
Ancestry: Achura, Intaki/Gallente
Social Class: Executive/Chief Executive
Augments (Genetic): Life extension, Sight correction
Augments (Non-Capsuleer Cybernetic): Artificial lungs, Epilepsy suppressant
Religion: Achura Faith
Politics: Liberal bloc, Pro-Concord, Anti-war, Pro-Achur Autonomy
Interests: Literature, General Academia, Puzzles, Fashion

History, 4 years, Achura Imperial University
Astrophysics, 2 years, Science and Trade Institute
Capsuleer Training, 2 years, Science and Trade Institute

DED Charges:
Biography (Short Version)

Born on a mining outpost on the outskirts of State space to a high level Achura Ishukone executive and a Federal expatriate doctor, though only raised on the station for less than a year before they relocated to Saisio when endeavour was written off as a unprofitable failure by the megacorporation. Spent the rest of her childhood in an upper-class countryside environment, exposed to primarily indigenous Achur culture exclusively.

Following her mothers declining healthy and eventual death at age 15, moved alongside her father to a joint Ishukone/Federal business settlement in the Caldari Border Zone, where she lived for several years, until the ascent of Tibus Heth and the Provists resulted in the colony being shut down and many individuals, her father included, being put under pressure to surrender large portions of their assets to the State. He responded by cutting and running from State megacorporate society and returning to Saisio again.

Remained there, persuing a higher education in History, until her Capsuleer compatibility was eventually discovered.

Biography (Extensive Version)
Gwen Ikiryo was born on a remote Caldari State outpost to Suetake (Ikiryo), a stern and ruthless economist from a extremely wealthy family on Achura, and Emelia Sar, a Federal expatriate and doctor of which not much is accessibly known. The two, both Ishukone employees, were living there as part of an initiative to assess and harvest the areas fairly limited supply of Mercoxit. She remembers very little of this time, and few accounts exist of the specifics of her birth and early upbring on the station.
The initiative was ultimately an unceremonious failure, and at only age 2 she and her family returned to her fathers childhood home on Achura, where she lived until her mid-teens, rarely leading the planet. Though her father was not a spiritual man by any means, the local area held strong roots in the Yumao sect of the Achuran faith, which teaches of the illusory nature of power, both in ownership of objects and controlling others, but differs from traditional Achur orthodoxy in it's assertion that self-understanding and true peace of mind can only be achieved by accepting this truth and fixating on ones inner self, the only thing that can be controlled.

Gwen, though never instructed in the teachings formally, read of them frequently in the family library, and took them to heart, despite the fact that many (including her father) considered them irrelevant to modern life. Her childhood ambition was even to one day become a priestess of the faith. Though she eventually abandoned this notion, her early enthusiasm grew into a deep passion for her Achuran heritage that she still holds even now.

Other then this, however, the period was not a paticularly happy one for her. She led a fairly isolated life due to the standing of her family, and struggled to make friends because of her unsocial demeanour and introspective, quiet nature.
At age 15, Gwen's father and was appointed to an executive position in a small Iskukone controlled region, "Yalnaashi",  on Hatakani V in the Caldari Border Zone, as part of a program to increase liberal influence in an otherwise heavily practical-controlled area of space. Having effectively no choice, she moved with him, and was elevated to a much more extravagant standard of living, attending only the best schools and enjoying an excess of luxuries that would likely not be approved of in mainstream Caldari society.

The Yalnaashi region as seen from space.
Her mother, who had continued to reside with her and her father up until this point, remained on Achura due to failing health. She later died around a year after the departure from causes unknown.
Being very close to the border and in an area under solidly Liberal control, Gwen was exposed to a considerable amount of Federal media and individuals compared to most Caldari citizens. Finding that some of it mixed well with her sects teachings (Better, perhaps, then with Caldari culture) she incorporated some of the values into her worldview, leaving her with a very unusual mixture of morals and ethics and an overall cosmopolitan and universalist political outlook. Though her eductional competency faltered in this time due to the shift in environment - It having previously been very high for her age - She would nonetheless recount it as one of the happier times of her life, finding it much easier to make friends and socialize then on her homeworld.
However, it did not last forever. Shortly after she entered higher education in the cusp of her 20's, Tibus Heth's sudden rise to power took place. Her father and much of her extended family were removed from their positions in the face of his meritocratic reforms due to their corruption and investments in the Federation - And, at least in his personal opinion, possibly their ancestry as well. In the face of being potentially forced to surrender influence and wealth to the Provist government for what he saw as unjust reasons,  Suetake chose instead to go against the State; He legally transferred as much of the assets under his control as possible to smaller corporations that he directly owned, then relocated it all to the Federation.

Though the move was technically legal, he was considered extremely dishonorable by his peers - By the standards of the time, almost a traitor. Dismissed without hesitation from the corporation and in danger of being reprimanded in more direct ways, he was forced to retreat back to Achura (With Gwen, obviously, alongside him), where he has lived since. For many years this harmed her family's reputation greatly, but with the fall of Tibus Heth, these events have mostly been forgiven as the product of desperate times.
(Yaalnashi was sold off to the Kaalakiota corporation a few months later as Isukones power diminished and the Patriot faction worked to increase it's influence in the border zone following the occupation of Caldari Prime. However, the massive losses to the corporation at the end of the psuedo-civil war in the State and the failure of the area to produce any notable profit  since then led to it being all but abandoned by the corporation not long after. Today, it is home to a small community of disenfranchised Caldari and extremely stubborn Federals, and it's future is uncertain.)

Despite the eventual resolution, Gwen resents these events to this day deeply, since they forced her away from many friends and a lifestyle she enjoyed considerably. It has led her to develop a deep seated distaste for traditional Caldari Patriot values, which has slowly grown into a faint Achuran nationalist sentiment.
After this, she enrolled in a prestigious university in one of the more developed areas still under the Achuran government and not the State, studying history. At the time, she assumed that her life would mostly be spent in academia alone, considering her skillset and the reputation of her family. However, when her Capsuleer compatibility was discovered, she was encouraged by her relatives to seize the chance to make some wealth and increase the standing of the family. Their affluence made the prospect less difficult then for most, and so she reluctantly accepted.

Since then, she has accomplished essentially nothing of great note, much to their disappointment.

Personality and Traits
An introverted and studious individual, Gwen once found Capsuleer culture overwhelming and intimidating, to the point that it made her considerably uncomfortable. With time, however, these feelings have begun to dull into a mere cynical weariness. Regardless, she still frequently finds herself at odds with it, being averse to all forms of killing and violence, except in fairly dire circumstances, and is constantly quietly wary and distrustful of other Capsuleers.

Though in many ways she might be described as a typical Achur, having an inherent curiosity about the world and other people, this hides what is very much  a deep-seated and emotionally loaded confidence in many of her own beliefs, which, when push comes to shove, she will often defend or try and confer to others at the expense of her desire for insight, and sometimes even her social graces.

Easily unsettled or worried, her frequent anxiety around people she perceives as dangerous once manifested itself as a stutter for which she was frequently looked mocked for, though she has since largely overcome it. That being said, she still doesn't have a great deal of self-assurance or pride, and will frequently resort to putting herself down in difficult conversation to diffuse tension. Despite this, she has, at her core, a somewhat cynical and sarcastic attitude and a fondness for dark humour.

She has a great passion for history and literature, considering herself an expert in one and a enthusiast of the other, and is always eager to get involved in discussions pertaining to them. She also enjoys discussing religious theory, and has become increasingly enthusiastic about discussing the Achur faith with foreigners and contrasting it to other belief systems in a fashion that others might consider somewhat odd.

She is easily drawn into debate, and often is absorbed into it to the point that her means become her ends, causing frequent social awkwardness.

Miscellaneous Information

- Her areas of historical study were pre-industrial Gallente culture and the Gallente-Caldari War.
- Prefers coffee to tea.
- Claims to dislike Splinterz, but secretly watches it all the time.
- Drinks Quafe shamelessly.
- Has a good affinity with animals, with the exception of cats.
- Dislikes it when people ask what her real name is.
- Is averse to authority, but also being given firm orders.
- Being from a wealthy background to begin with, often finds the bold displays of affluence undertaken by Capsuleers to be tasteless.
« Last Edit: 09 Apr 2015, 06:28 by Gwen Ikiryo »


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Re: [Character] Gwen Ikiryo
« Reply #1 on: 28 Jul 2012, 04:55 »

I liked this background a lot  :) One thing I picked up on though, and this is in no way a slight against you or the character, is that Gwen seems to be the latest in a line of characters to have a stutter;  something that seems to have come about only recently. I wander what's caused it..

(Thread hijacking in 3..2..1 :P )

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Katrina Oniseki

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Re: [Character] Gwen Ikiryo
« Reply #2 on: 28 Jul 2012, 08:20 »

I like Gwen.

Kat likes Gwen.

More Gwen please.

Gwen Ikiryo

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Re: [Character] Gwen Ikiryo
« Reply #3 on: 28 Jul 2012, 15:03 »

I liked this background a lot  :) One thing I picked up on though, and this is in no way a slight against you or the character, is that Gwen seems to be the latest in a line of characters to have a stutter;  something that seems to have come about only recently. I wander what's caused it..

(Thread hijacking in 3..2..1 :P )

Haha, I (well, Gwen) actually ran into Scherezad the other day in the Summit, who I gather is another known stutterer. It was kind of a funny encounter, especially since they're both Achurs. For a little bit, I was worried I'd sorta created something samey, but they ended up sounding pretty distinct, I think.

It's kind of funny if a bunch of characters with the same problem really did all pop up at once, though! I didn't have it all that in mind when I first created the character, but with her personality and the way Capsuleers seem to generally talk and behave in public places, it just seemed nautral that she'd be on-edge. It goes a long way to conveying the sort of mental tone-of-voice I had in mind for her, as well.

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Re: [Character] Gwen Ikiryo
« Reply #4 on: 28 Jul 2012, 15:16 »

Ghost > So yes, she was Ghost's husband-
Ashar > So Ghost was a gay Caldari and she went through tranny surgery
Ghost > Wait what?
Ashar > Ghosts husband.
Ghost > No she was - Oh god damnit.

He ate all of them
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Re: [Character] Gwen Ikiryo
« Reply #5 on: 28 Jul 2012, 16:53 »

Excellent background!

I have enjoyed interacting with Gwen every time I've had the opportunity, looking forward to future interactions.


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Re: [Character] Gwen Ikiryo
« Reply #6 on: 29 Jul 2012, 22:46 »

I like your background. I like your character! \o/
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Gwen Ikiryo

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Re: [Character] Gwen Ikiryo
« Reply #7 on: 29 Jan 2013, 07:00 »

I've started playing this game/character again, and have also started an in character blog, if you're into that sort of thing. I'm probably gonna make a couple minor revisions to the background in the next couple days, too.

Tiberious Thessalonia

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Re: [Character] Gwen Ikiryo
« Reply #8 on: 29 Jan 2013, 07:18 »

Gwen is p. cool!  +1 support for Gwen.
Do you see it now?  Something is different.  Something is never was in the first part!

Silas Vitalia

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Re: [Character] Gwen Ikiryo
« Reply #9 on: 29 Jan 2013, 12:59 »

Nice work, excellent character background :)

See you around!


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Re: [Character] Gwen Ikiryo
« Reply #10 on: 26 Feb 2013, 12:59 »

I like the blog. Well written. My only suggestion from a writer's perspective is that you not start with 'I' so much.

I do not..
I did...
I don't know...

If you pepper your writing with more interesting or illustrative opening lines or phrases, you can drag in the reader a lot more, ESPECIALLY if you open with a way that relates to them first and then gently shifting it to talking about you. It makes people look at the character, sympathize with them, and make the characters issues and story their own. Empathy levels over 9000 etc etc.

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Re: [Character] Gwen Ikiryo
« Reply #11 on: 26 Feb 2013, 13:06 »

I like the blog. Well written. My only suggestion from a writer's perspective is that you not start with 'I' so much.

I do not..
I did...
I don't know...

If you pepper your writing with more interesting or illustrative opening lines or phrases, you can drag in the reader a lot more, ESPECIALLY if you open with a way that relates to them first and then gently shifting it to talking about you. It makes people look at the character, sympathize with them, and make the characters issues and story their own. Empathy levels over 9000 etc etc.

I agree. You often don't need 'I think' its assumed that your document is your own thoughts.
Personal Blog//Character Blog
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Tiberious Thessalonia

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Re: [Character] Gwen Ikiryo
« Reply #12 on: 26 Feb 2013, 13:13 »

I dunno.  The I thing works for a journal.
Do you see it now?  Something is different.  Something is never was in the first part!

Morwen Lagann

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Re: [Character] Gwen Ikiryo
« Reply #13 on: 26 Feb 2013, 13:21 »

I dunno.  The I thing works for a journal.

This. If the entries are meant to be private and not for an audience from the perspective of Gwen-c, there is absolutely no need to change anything to make them more 'accessible'.

Lagging Behind

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Re: [Character] Gwen Ikiryo
« Reply #14 on: 26 Feb 2013, 13:26 »

When people write in journals, they'll use I often, but not very often. The person already knows what they think, it's in their head. The purpose of a journal is to give a form to those thoughts. Simply writing "I" etc etc is not a productive use of a journal. Do people do it? Sure. But more often than not, they'll use a journal to express those "I's" in a more creative and illustrative way.

Just my 2 isk though.

As for accessibility, it's not what's being discussed here. I already said it's well written and accessible. Gwen's got talent clearly. I'm giving a opinion about how to make it resonate more with readers and kind of give some spark. It's accessible perfectly well because of her clear style and interesting subject matter, but adding some interesting insights and illustrations straight from the mind of the charachter makes it feel more real and more visceral. It could give a real glimpse into the mind of Gwen.

Again, just my 2 isk.
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