EVE-Online RP Discussion and Resources > EVE Character Development

[Character] Utari Onzo

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Utari Onzo:
This is what I get for typing on an iphone..

Side note Ché, I'm just overall going through a bit of a low point in motivation to play and/or RP. For the record, anyone can catch me on Discord or Slack, or even just evemail, to arrange some one on one stuff.

Ché Biko:
No worries.
At least, as long as I can also consider your absence to be IC as well as OOC.

Utari Onzo:
Sure. For the most part it can be considered public knowledge that Utari is spending the vast majority of his time at his Liege's estate or Providence on odd occasions.

A real large amount of time at his Liege's estate, it seems... :'(

Utari Onzo:
Afraid so


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