General Discussion > Moderation Discussion

Re: the Thing

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Ukeko Ahrzi:
The alternative is a new age witch hunt, Alex. Oh I swear someone in this group of people did something. Believe me I swear. No, I won't give evidence. But everyone should think bad things about this group as a whole because I won't even name who I am accusing. Trust me.

How is someone even supposed to start to address that?

And even if the accusations are true, what about the people in said group who legitimately know nothing? All they have are people pointing fingers with ominous accusations of monsters in their midst. If there are actual monsters around me I want to know so I can separate myself from these people.

Alex Hinkelmann:
What group are we specifically talking about? A warning was issued about someone on the mod team possibly being involved, which was further expanded upon by Silver. His response was informative enough.

No-one is pushing to find this person, hunting them or whatever.

Ukeko Ahrzi:

--- Quote from: Alex Hinkelmann on 28 Feb 2019, 13:15 ---... which was further expanded upon by Silver. His response was informative enough.

--- End quote ---

I missed this, apparently? What was said where? I can't even find a post made by Silver in the last month.

There's been a discussion on the Mods' board and one on the admin board, as well as in game.  The details of the situation were trusted to Silver by Tressith and Silver, whom I trust implicitly as I believe most of us do, confirmed that a thing happened and clarified Tressith's original intention - which was not to throw shade at the entire Discord mod staff, but to warn people - as she does here in the post above - about the risks involved in sharing personal information of any kind on the internet.

The way in which it was handled was not appropriate for this forum; indeed, this forum was not the venue for an accusation of any kind to be aired and it's regrettable that it wasn't raised directly via private message to an admin in the first place.  But here we are.

It is my firm opinion that the risk Tressith describes above exists everywhere on the internet and always has.  It is each of our decision as individuals to share personal information about our real lives, or not.  I will use as example Mizhara Del'thul, about whom I know literally three things - his gender, his nation of origin, and his profession.  When he was a member of my corporation, he participated in our Real Life thread on our off-topic board very minimally, and once when the topic came up on Ventrilo, he explained his concern about his privacy - and we all respected this and it caused no drama.  Meanwhile, we posted pictures of ourselves and our kids and so on, because we were not as concerned.

At any time, any one of us could have been victimized in a way similar to what Tressith unfortunately has experienced.  But, as Tressith also points out in her post above, in game community figures - the owners of chat channels and the administrators of forums and chat servers - can only do so much to address a situation like that.  We can ban that individual.  But this does not protect the victim, it merely limits the avenues by which the victim can be harassed.  Even petitioning CCP about the harassment can only prevent the harassment continuing in-game, and it's my understanding that they take cases of harassment quite seriously - though a person might have to petition more than once in order to help them establish the actionable pattern of behaviour.  But none of this prevents the person from creating new dummy accounts in game or on social media platforms and so on.

This being true, it stands to reason then that the correct venue in which to seek redress is the law enforcement system.

Backstage is not the venue for accusations, vague or otherwise.  Backstage is not a duly appointed court of law in any jurisdiction, where arguments will be heard between plaintiffs and defendants.  It is not the venue for debating the merits of an accusation, or debating the severity of an offender's behaviour.  It is not the venue for tarring and feathering an offender.  It is not the venue for revictimizing a victim of a criminal behaviour by raking them across the coals and demanding a level of proof or evidence to satisfy any individual's opinion about what did or didn't happen to that person.  This is already taking place here, and I am locking the thread. 

What Backstage is is a forum where the entire Eve Online RP community can come to discuss the game, its setting, its lore, and anything else they choose.  What Backstage is is a forum where everyone is free to participate without feeling that their background, be it real life or in-game, is going to put a target on their back.

The experience that Tressith had, by my limited understanding, did not take place here on Backstage.  Tressith trusted Silver enough to advise him of the details, and Silver advised me of what I needed to know in order to understand the situation and help him admin the forum accordingly.  As always, if you experience harassment on these boards, or involving a member of our moderation team outside of these boards, use the report button and message myself or Silver Night directly.


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