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Author Topic: Vaari Appreciation Thread (VAT)  (Read 66859 times)


  • Reshjvajarr Man
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Re: Vaari Appreciation Thread (VAT)
« Reply #30 on: 21 Dec 2010, 10:26 »

I don't know if it was sleep deprevation, or the booze, but Vaari's last thread(IGS) literally put me into tears laughing so hard.  :lol:


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Re: Vaari Appreciation Thread (VAT)
« Reply #31 on: 16 Mar 2011, 13:05 »

Lord Vaari-watch picked up this glorious announcement!

As we all know, my good and close friend, Lord Aralis has retired form his position. As he does not anymore is at our midst, we loyalist must find new inspiration and leadership. Lord Aralis has left the leadership to the not very able hand of the Sir Leo D'Green, who has long hated me, and schemed against me.

As he has taken power in CVA, or what is left of that loyalist alliance, his ever trusted dog, Daedalus something declared me a kos to the CVA. This cannot, and will not stand. CVA should try to preseve what my close friend, Lord Aralis left to them, not demolish it. What can we expect from the leaders, whose first thing in power is to severe relations with me? I, Lord Vaari has always stood with CVA for the Providence, and will continue to do so, wether tey want it or not. Providence is my home, and I will not leave it to the hands of heretics, nor the incapable leaders of the current CVA. I hope Lord Aralis can some day forgive himself for leading his once majestic alliance to the hands of such brutes.

I have no other options left. I will declare myself to the leader of the loyalist faction, which hold their claim to the Providence. Under my inspiring leadership, we shall some day reclaim our home region. Let none stand in our way, for their fate is terrible indeed.

I have no lust for power, but I cannot simply watch, how my most mightiest ally, the CVA tears itself apart form within. I accept apologies from the leaders of the CVA, if they wish to normalize our relations, for I am not man of grudges. Meanwhile, I suggest every loyal corporation and individual asks my opinion, before they are doing something which they deems important for the future of the Providence.

Fight on for the liberty of our Providence. Do not give up, and remember not to share the taint of current CVA leaders.

If I was ever to resub to'd be for Lord Vaari.


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Re: Vaari Appreciation Thread (VAT)
« Reply #32 on: 21 Mar 2011, 15:09 »

Can lord Vaari kindly be petitioned to register here?

GoGo Yubari

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Re: Vaari Appreciation Thread (VAT)
« Reply #33 on: 21 Mar 2011, 15:27 »

Can lord Vaari kindly be petitioned to register here?

He would be moderated back to Bangkok.

lallara zhuul

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Re: Vaari Appreciation Thread (VAT)
« Reply #34 on: 21 Mar 2011, 16:10 »

He is never out of character, so joining an OOC forum would be quite impossible.

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Re: Vaari Appreciation Thread (VAT)
« Reply #35 on: 21 Mar 2011, 17:18 »

He is never out of character, so joining an OOC forum would be quite impossible.


There must be a solution.  I think he would take to a thread dedicated to his awesomeness.


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Re: Vaari Appreciation Thread (VAT)
« Reply #36 on: 21 Mar 2011, 17:23 »

Who's to say he doesn't visit under the guise of an alternate identity? >.>


  • Reshjvajarr Man
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Re: Vaari Appreciation Thread (VAT)
« Reply #37 on: 22 Mar 2011, 16:05 »

Who's to say he doesn't visit under the guise of an alternate identity? >.>

 :eek: Impossible


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Re: Vaari Appreciation Thread (VAT)
« Reply #38 on: 13 Apr 2011, 11:30 »

Glorious Lord Vaari updates us on the cruel reign of Equinox Daedalus, who we all know has previously been referred to by his holiness as 'trusted dog', and 'arch-heretic' of the CVA:

Yesterday I went to the mamet system, where lies one of the most important equipment storage of my corporation. My intention were to retrieve the Ark of Revelation, a sacred relic and my recon cruiser.

Altough I did knew the hatred towards the creation, and madness which are now consuming the CVA block, I did not know how bad situation is. The Church of Providence has been able to reveal corruption which is gaining foothold in CVA block and heresy, which manifests itself in various forms within that block. One of the most dangerous forms of the sinister heresy is so called Cult of Spoon. Worshippers of this Spoon are gathered under the cruel reign of Equinox Daedalus, the arch-heretic of the CVA.

Back to the topic. When I went to the the Mamet system, the unholy wave of corruption and utter hate almost consumed even me. Instantly I were hunted by the fleets of crazed heretics and noble warriors, descented into barbacy.

I urhe the leaders of the CVA block, who still have their mind and soul undamaged, to take swift actions against this. If this kind of behaviour continues to achieve more room, CVA will cease to exist.


This situation is caused by the current leaders of the CVA. It is no secret, that many of your alliance leaders have hated me for long time. Now, when Lord Aralis is gone, their evil nature is left unchecked and their goals to expell me from the CVA-block has succeed.

All my actions against your alliance has been for self defence, and free from selfish thoughts. Maybe you should put your new inquisitors to work, and inquire Dark Tinator from the nihilist whatever alliance, why he tried to steal the eanm II bpo from me to himself. Im doing so, he destoroyed our jump freighter, and put us in impossible situation to ever achieve understanding with your sinner loyalist block. When that BPO is at my command, its resources are atleast put to the righteous cause and your alliance have atleast theoretical chance to get it back. Altough, if Tinator's plans would hace succeed, you could not even dream to ever get anything from it, not even shares of its profits.

I fail to see how it would bring any more good to me and my corp to contact you and again take more steps back towards the corner than current situation. The demands your alliance would give as would propably be unacceptable, and after that it would take maybe 5 month and your dear Daedalus from the Cult of Spoon would once again declare me to kos. It is somehow hobby of his, and that time I just would not have anything to put on negotion table.


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Re: Vaari Appreciation Thread (VAT)
« Reply #39 on: 15 Apr 2011, 14:44 »

Lord Vaari is blessed!

Im not fool. Im loyal nobleman of the Empire, and devoted servant of the God. Im also blessed by the God.

Lyn Farel

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Re: Vaari Appreciation Thread (VAT)
« Reply #40 on: 15 Apr 2011, 16:05 »

After having fought to get his Ark back and reimbursed by CVA, I love how he adds suddenly that "he forgot to look at the killmail and noticed there was also a lot of valuable stuff inside and ask for its reimbursement too". :D


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Re: Vaari Appreciation Thread (VAT)
« Reply #41 on: 15 Apr 2011, 16:43 »

A fool and his Ark are easily parted.  ;)


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Re: Vaari Appreciation Thread (VAT)
« Reply #42 on: 16 Apr 2011, 15:48 »

A fool and his Ark are easily parted.  ;)

Glorious Lord Vaari, earl of Sosan VII, head of house Valius, Founder and despot of the Imperial Pharmacy, archbishob of the Providence, the world's most beloved hero, banisher of Triumvirate alliance, moral guide of the CVA, golden mountain, is categorically not a fool!


  • Reshjvajarr Man
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Re: Vaari Appreciation Thread (VAT)
« Reply #43 on: 18 Apr 2011, 11:28 »

What did Vaari do to earn the hate of CVA again?

Andreus Ixiris

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Re: Vaari Appreciation Thread (VAT)
« Reply #44 on: 18 Apr 2011, 11:33 »

What did Vaari do to earn the hate of CVA again?

I'm not privvy to the intimate details of the situation, but I believe there was something that caused a lot of enmity between him and CVA sometime during Aralis' tenure.
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