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Author Topic: Star Citizen - from the producer of Wing Commander  (Read 119711 times)

Anja Suorsa

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Re: Star Citizen - from the producer of Wing Commander
« Reply #285 on: 25 Nov 2014, 05:51 »

Have not pledged anything to date, resisting temptation. I kinda want to snap up one of the M50s for some racing in the future; early xmas pressie to myself. My wallet will hate me :bash:

Silas Vitalia

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Re: Star Citizen - from the producer of Wing Commander
« Reply #286 on: 25 Nov 2014, 10:56 »


Reading that felt like listening to a used car salesman huck his wares.

I mean, more power to 'em, but $2,500? Yeah. That's a bit pants-on-head. As impressed as I am that they're managing to milk their community this thoroughly, I'm also increasingly sure I won't touch that game with a ten foot pole.

Never underestimate the power of gamers to spend hard $$ on in game items.

They are taking a less 'hardcore' approach in that they really want you to have more of a connection with your ship, and the insurance/etc options are set up so that it's not as soul-crushing as an EVE ship loss at high levels. 

Being able to see your ship inside and out and fly it around with your friends and have adventures is a powerful magnet for this kind of cash.

There's lots of 'guilds' from other games pooling money and buying the big ships to have as their mobile headquarters and such.

Interestingly they are making clear to point out that all of these ships will be available in game for in game currency and the purchase price of the game is for funding development. You aren't 'buying a ship' so much as donating that money to the game and getting a reward.

IE the ship that costs $100 won't cost whatever $100 of game currency ends up being worth after game launch.  I think they are aiming for something like a week or two of grinding to get into most ships.

Silas Vitalia

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Re: Star Citizen - from the producer of Wing Commander
« Reply #287 on: 25 Nov 2014, 11:00 »

Have not pledged anything to date, resisting temptation. I kinda want to snap up one of the M50s for some racing in the future; early xmas pressie to myself. My wallet will hate me :bash:

I can confirm the absolute most fun I've had in the demo so far was when they let everyone fly M50's for a week.  This coming from someone who hates fast ships and prefers big lumbering death machines.

The ship does no damage with any of the currently available weapons, it's extremely hard to hurt anything you shoot at, but you feel absolutely invincible. The thing is on rails, turns on a dime, blazing top speed.  You really feel like an agile gazelle against the lumbering lions in multiplayer.  Juking back and forth its nearly impossible to be shot, you can even outrun missiles sometimes.

Some of the best pilots are flying M50s and I think they are going to be real trouble in wolf packs.

After they release more of the shotgun type weapons though this will tone down as the best way to kill an M50 is just to be in something slow and wait for them to come to you instead of trying to dogfight them.  They have to get close to hurt you and if you are patient enough you can blap them on the way in.

If you are purely into racing also look at the 350R, which has the highest top speed but turns like a turd.  I think once you get used to 'drifting' with the sliding back end of it you can beat m50's consistently on the race tracks.

Victoria Stecker

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Re: Star Citizen - from the producer of Wing Commander
« Reply #288 on: 26 Nov 2014, 07:49 »

Can confirm, M50s are awesome fun to fly. Killing them isn't as hard as people make it out to be - a hornet with full power to shields angled towards the M50 essentially can't be killed. M50s die as soon as anyone manages to land a few good hits.

But god damn that speed is fun.

re: $2,500 javelin. People have spent some ridiculous amounts of cash on this game. I know of at least one person who's dropped $20,000 and isn't the highest spender (although he might be close). Disposable income + game that offers to scratch that itch = $$$$$

There's a pole on the concierge forum asking how many people there are planning to get one, and at last check it was in the neighborhood of 150 people who had confirmed that they were planning to try to get one.

So I expect that batch of 200 to sell out pretty easy. I'm hoping to offload a couple ships via grey market to pick up the Carrack next week.

Anyone in the market for an LTI caterpillar or hornet tracker package?

Silas Vitalia

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Re: Star Citizen - from the producer of Wing Commander
« Reply #289 on: 03 Dec 2014, 21:42 »

This Month's Monthly Report:

Some good stuff here, this is the last monthly report before (Hopefully) Arena Commander 1.0, which will have several more ships, a lobby system, and more.

Well based on their track record I'll tell you how awesome it is next July. :P

Still excited though


Silas Vitalia

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Re: Star Citizen - from the producer of Wing Commander
« Reply #290 on: 05 Dec 2014, 10:30 »

A big release of drawings and in-engine locations:  Please take a look they have a TON of images on the link.   The last few are in-game already so very promising.

As someone who has often complained about the generic 'feel' of much of the Star Citizen IP I'm very happy with the variety of locations and aesthetics I'm seeing here.

Some of these are very very good.


« Last Edit: 19 Dec 2014, 11:11 by Silas Vitalia »

Victoria Stecker

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Re: Star Citizen - from the producer of Wing Commander
« Reply #291 on: 05 Dec 2014, 12:48 »

IIRC, they broke 66 mil in funding last night, raising something like 4 mil in the last two weeks.

Feeling excited again, I'll probably waste some time in AC again soon. My wife convinced me to leave the new HOTAS in the box until I get done with classes for the semester - only another week!

Silas Vitalia

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Re: Star Citizen - from the producer of Wing Commander
« Reply #292 on: 05 Dec 2014, 13:01 »

IIRC, they broke 66 mil in funding last night, raising something like 4 mil in the last two weeks.

Feeling excited again, I'll probably waste some time in AC again soon. My wife convinced me to leave the new HOTAS in the box until I get done with classes for the semester - only another week!

Nice ;) What'd you get?  I got a very inespensive thrustmaster hotas X or whatever for like $40 or something crazy, works just fine.

Problem with AC right now is the key binding options are still a bit limited IIRC?  Once they started tracking stats and I only had the gimped 300i 'trainer' to fly I stopped doing multiplayer; was tired of being thrown into matches and constantly dying to broken and unfair mechanics.

After Cutlass launches in a few weeks (my purchased ship) I'll start spending real time in multiplayer and learning it's ins and outs.

See you in there soon I hope on the lobby system!

Victoria Stecker

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Re: Star Citizen - from the producer of Wing Commander
« Reply #293 on: 05 Dec 2014, 15:37 »

I picked up the warthog while it was on sale on amazon. Ofc, now I'm kicking myself for not waiting another couple weeks and getting the warthog + a good pair of pedals on newegg for another $40. Whoops.

This is why it's bad for me to have disposable income.

I actually haven't flown the 300i in AC, (I think I melted mine at one point in favor of a hornet?) only flown the M50 (sex in ship form) and Hornet (boring little brick).

I will defo be playing, currently hanging out with the FHC bittervet crew.

As for keybindings, they've gotten better about letting you reset controls in the game. It's also possible to do custom xml files to make things work, but I haven't messed with that yet.

I actually haven't done multiplayer yet, just didn't feel like it (and the balance is terrible). Instead I've been racing against myself and shooting scythes. Drop me a line if you want to beat up some vandul bastards  :twisted:

Silas Vitalia

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Re: Star Citizen - from the producer of Wing Commander
« Reply #294 on: 05 Dec 2014, 16:29 »

300i stock is complete, utter garbage.

It's what they give you for your Cutlass right now temporarily.

It's too slow to avoid getting shot like the M50

It's too low damage to make up for that by killing things.

It's too weak to trade shots with anything not an m50.

I look forward to murdering these in my Cutlass, I hate this ship more than anything. 

Let's hook up after 1.0 patch when we get lobbies!

Yes balance is awful, they will eventually do alliance tournament point systems for e-sporting


Silas Vitalia

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Re: Star Citizen - from the producer of Wing Commander
« Reply #295 on: 05 Dec 2014, 21:12 »

Huge design document out today about ship crews and what you'll be doing as crew members. Very neat, and surprisingly detailed.

Silas Vitalia

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Re: Star Citizen - from the producer of Wing Commander
« Reply #296 on: 09 Dec 2014, 14:01 »

Someone managed to smuggle out an early version of one of the larger 'salvage' ships and get the model imported into cryengine.

Very neat!

This ship def has more of an appropriately 'grimdark' gritty salvage vessel vibe, I like it.

Best part about these larger ships though is that it's all modeled for human scale, so you'll get to experience it in first person, flying around, crewing it with friends, etc.

Also regarding ships, they are doing something similar to Eve in that each 'faction' has their own distinct design philosophy and characteristics.  In this case it's each 'manufacturer' that puts it's own spin on things.   

Unlike EVE they aren't doing a lot of the same ship by all the different manufacturers (like each eve faction has 1 of every ship class), more that some manufacturers build heavy fighters, some build traders, etc.


Victoria Stecker

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Re: Star Citizen - from the producer of Wing Commander
« Reply #297 on: 19 Dec 2014, 07:25 »

Seems they've accepted a limited number of people to test what's being called PTU 1.0 (public test universe), which certainly makes it sound like we're going to see Arena Commander 1.0 launch this weekend. Reports from people in it (taken from reddit because I can't get to RSI's website from work) suggest that it's freaking awesome. People are flying the Avenger and Cutlass and saying that they are awesome fun.

So I need the next 7-8 hours to go by as quickly as possible so I can go home.


Silas Vitalia

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Re: Star Citizen - from the producer of Wing Commander
« Reply #298 on: 19 Dec 2014, 07:52 »

Livestream in  few hours!

I'm always hesitant to believe things on reddit but will take a look!

*Edit* Looks legit.

Praise be on to CR, our overhyped, dark lord.

« Last Edit: 19 Dec 2014, 08:59 by Silas Vitalia »

Mitara Newelle

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Re: Star Citizen - from the producer of Wing Commander
« Reply #299 on: 19 Dec 2014, 10:28 »

Silas, please edit your post with all the pics in them and toss them in a spoiler tag, this page is killing me to load.

Section 3) Shitposting. "The cluster would be a much better place if all Amarrians were set on fire"
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