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EVE Forum updates hit for wrecking damage?

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Karmilla Strife:
I'm not a fan. I can get over the emojis and random links. Not being able to easily figure out who characters are and what groups they are with is frustrating.

Utari Onzo:

--- Quote from: Karmilla Strife on 22 Aug 2017, 08:46 ---I'm not a fan. I can get over the emojis and random links. Not being able to easily figure out who characters are and what groups they are with is frustrating.

--- End quote ---

Whole lot of this along with the usual frustrations of noise to signal ratio


--- Quote from: Karmilla Strife on 22 Aug 2017, 08:46 ---I'm not a fan. I can get over the emojis and random links. Not being able to easily figure out who characters are and what groups they are with is frustrating.

--- End quote ---

Yeah, I think this is a pretty common complaint about them. But, as always, with CCP, it's like  :bash:

Karmilla Strife:
In regards to noise/signal ratio, I think that's more to do with the new functionality than players. It seems to me that the new setup is  made to be used more like a chat channel or slack. Only a few people are having the old style announcements or debates. I'm kind of on an activity downswing and the activity on the new forums isn't helping to draw me back into the game the way it used to. It's kind of nice since I have a massive backlog of steam games to play.

Looks like posting on the IGS is at an all time low.

I'm sure it's something completely unrelated.


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