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CCP finally sells out fully (literally).

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Silas Vitalia:

El oh fucking el

Not gonna lie, looking forwards to the Hello Kitty skins.

Looking less forwards to the account-bound skins that adds a 'camo bonus' which removes you from local chat and d-scan for 39.99 a pop.
(this is, by the way, pretty much exactly an item you can buy in BDO. Massively reduces your visibility, P2W item.)

Morwen Lagann:
Not sure if sarcastic, concern trolling, or just ignorant AF.

First... it's been stated by both sides that PA won't have their fingers into CCP's process to the extent needed for those kinds of changes. CCP will be making its own decisions while learning development processes from PA and sharing their own in the other direction. It's borderline concern trolling at this point. CCP's made some questionable decisions in the past w/r/t microtransactions but they aren't quite as outright retarded as people are making them out to be with all their pearl-clutching.

Second... if you're going to try to come up with some ridiculous hyperbolic example, try to at least make it a properly analogous one instead of one that falls apart at the ground floor.

Black Desert doesn't even have "local" like EVE does to begin with. It has a minimap with about 50-60 meter detection range for players and npcs. You still appear on it, you're still game to be flagged upon by other players outside of safezones. The only way to disappear from the minimap is either to literally not be there, or crouch or go prone, which, while it can be done at any time, ghillie suit or not, it restricts your motion heavily and leaves you basically defenseless—you can't escape if someone finds you like that.

The only things that the two ghillie suits do in PVP is hide your name and guild from view—and that is a toggle. Frankly, EVE's cloaking devices, as-is, are more powerful—because in Black Desert you can still see what's there and where it is. Just not who, and if you're ever not making the assumption that someone in a ghillie is more likely hostile than not, you're fooling yourself. (Also, the anonymity function is disabled during territory wars. So it's not even useful there.)

In EVE you just know they're there. You don't know what they're in. You don't know where they are.  BDO doesn't really have cynos, either, so hot-drops aren't a thing. Yes, there's a guild skill called "call to gather" but it's a once a day thing, it costs money, and only the guild leader can activate it. Nobody with half a brain is gonna waste it on a PVP scrap.

The only other thing that ghillies do in Black Desert, is offer a passive bonus depending on which one you pick. One offers increased resistance to heatstroke and hypothermia, and the other adds a level to your gathering skill.

tl;dr - If you're going to talk shit, know what you're talking about first. Because speaking as someone who's played the game for the better part of the last two years, you don't have a damn clue.

So salty. The PA business model, salty rants aside, remains firmly in the P2W category and you can buy something that'll massively reduce your visibility. CCP hasn't exactly been trustworthy in the things they've said for years now as it is, but this time they should be taken at their word, for some reason. Pearl Abyss now literally owning the company means that they can go back at their word whenever they want and can do basically whatever they want. They also forked over 425m, which means they expect to make back that money somehow. How remains to be seen, and is something people have a legitimate reason to be concerned about.

It can go any which way at this point, so you'll have to forgive those of us who take the piss out of P2W Korean grindfests, their owners, and now our Waifu Overlords. Especially given how CCP has been inching steadily closer and closer to crossing lines that shouldn't be crossed.

Silas Vitalia:

--- Quote from: Mizhara on 13 Sep 2018, 07:22 ---It can go any which way at this point, so you'll have to forgive those of us who take the piss out of P2W Korean grindfests, their owners, and now our Waifu Overlords. Especially given how CCP has been inching steadily closer and closer to crossing lines that shouldn't be crossed.

--- End quote ---


These companies are very good about squeezing vital money fluids out of anything at the expense of making a good game first.  The current model that gives the big bucks also gives games that are generally terrible and twisted/misshapen to shoehorn in money making opportunities in-game. 

I guess the dance these days is just how brazen the developers can be or get away with and how much shit players choose to eat to get their fix.  Lots of very smart people out there working for these companies who know exactly what dials to push and pull to hit the right dopamine centers and get you to pay money for candy crush, or whatever version of candy crush mobile eve is going to turn into.

To each their own I guess!


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