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Overreaching fan fiction


Saxon Hawke:
I get it. When I role play I shouldn't do anything or say anything that can't be proven by three PF sources. I shouldn't make anything up that other people have to remember or interact with. It's not clean and it superimposes my will on others.

You know what? I played that way for over three years. And I saw Intaki RP have little fits and starts, but it never really took off the way I'd hoped. I looked at the situation and I realized that the problem with the "sandbox" was that there was a whole lot of sand and not many castles.

So now I'm building sandcastles. Big ones. Really elaborate ones. Ones you can crawl around in and climb on top of. Am I taking up the whole sandbox? No, but I'm sure as hell hogging one corner.

As I said when I published my first Intaki colony piece, I knew some people weren't going to like it or accept it. I'm not asking anyone to. If you feel the need, publicly refute everything I say, (Hell, Hussain has made a habit of that!)

I know my work isn't flawless. But I have been designing playing environments for role playing games for more than 20 years and I do give my work serious consideration and attention before I put it out for public consumption.

I also take suggestions and incorporate them. When I started the colony project, people said "It's too neat and tidy, where's the conflict?" If you look now, none of the colonies has a history that's all sunshine and roses. If you don't like something I've done, add to it. Or even counter it.

You don't follow the Intaki calendar or observe Kumhbelaa? Great! Write something from that point of view.

As Ken pointed out it makes little sense for Intaki, even those born on the prime world, to use the Intaki Calendar for anything other than local time tracking. The Eve Standard Calendar is omni-present.

As for the holiday, there are lots of Christians who "bah-humbug" the "Christmas season" as a waste of time and a glorification of consumerism. It's no stretch of the imagination to see Intaki who would feel the same way about Kumhbelaa.

((A note to the Mods, this topic is one that I know people will disagree with me on. I know I have opened myself up to "U R doin' it wrong" comments. Please be sparing in your moderation of responses.))

Bong-cha Jones:

--- Quote from: Saxon Hawke on 14 Oct 2010, 10:09 ---I get it. When I role play I shouldn't do anything or say anything that can't be proven by three PF sources. I should make anything up that other people have to remember or interact with. It's not clean and it superimposes my will on others.
--- End quote ---

I'm sorry I came across as saying that.  I actually like the Idama quotes that people have been putting out, I like the soccer-type game.  Frankly, I like your writing and have a lot of praise for it and respect for your roleplay.  I suppose, having slept on it, that I feel, in my own (very) small way, that I'm a contributer to the Intaki fan material and it hit a soft spot to read material that seemed to not allow for the possibility of what I've quietly been creating.  I spoke as much out of reaction to those feelings as I did in more objective concern and I should have waited a bit to separate the two out so my tone would be less combative.

Saxon Hawke:
Simon, I didn't take your tone as combative. And the point you raised was a valid one.

I don't work for CCP, so who the hell am I to tell other Intaki how their calendar works, what their holidays are or who the leader of a colony is (or that the colony even exists for that matter)?

I understand that argument totally. It's just not going to stop me from doing what I'm doing.

Also, what have you been doing and why the hell haven't you shared it with me?

It probably says something about my brain works that I first saw this topic and thought "oh, hell.  Saxon must have read something of mine and is freaking out".


Carry on, sir.   I love your work.  I'd damn sure be bringing over hammer, nails and an armload of tapestries to hang up in your sandcastle if I was puttering about in that corner of the sandbox (and possibly a nice Intaki spicy poultry and noodle dish).

Bong-cha Jones:

--- Quote from: Saxon Hawke on 14 Oct 2010, 10:52 ---Also, what have you been doing and why the hell haven't you shared it with me?

--- End quote ---

Heh, it's mostly all publicly available.  I've been detailing a small, backwards chunk of Intaki Prime off and on since I started playing.  There's some color for it in my irregularly updated blog, and some more scattered around in a handful of chatlogs saved to my hard drive, and probably on the IGS too.  I traded some evemails with a member of your corp awhile back on the Intaki language.  It's not much and it's not great, but I do try on occasion.  I've got a couple of word files on my computer that I'm finishing up as well, but I've been 'finishing' them for about six months so who knows?

Anywho, consider my objections largely withdrawn.  Outside of a personal wish for more explicitly outlined 'outs', I really shouldn't, and can't, complain.


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