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Author Topic: Am Working on a Machinima and Could Use Some Voice Acting Help  (Read 1813 times)


  • Clonejack
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Hi, and thanks all for reading this. Just like the title says, I'm working on a machinima (a fan-made movie set in a video game's universe) that's set in EVE Online's world of New Eden, and will be using game play footage that I recorded from the game (via NVIDIA Shadowplay). It will be, using green screens, edited into custom-made sets made in DAZ Studio, for which I have purchased science fiction-themed assets to make.

I had a few people whom I contacted in the in-game EVE chat link this forum to me and said to post a thread here, and so, here I am. As goes the project, here's a basic overview of the story that I'm trying to tell:

The story of the video follows a pair of Minmatari students from Pator Tech, the popular school stations in Minmatar space. The two, Zerisi Madeveda (my toon in EVE) and her younger half-brother Eimar (whose family and clan name are unknown) attend the Pator Tech campus in the Embod system, in Metropolis space. There they study engineering of various sorts (Eimar studies cybernetics and medical engineering, and Zerisi studies various sorts of spaceflight-based engineering from ship design and maintenance to how jump clones work), and also do their equivalent of "work study" in which they hunt down and destroy rogue drones and low-level pirates who interfere in their home system's space. One day they find a rogue drone unlike any other; a sentient Amarrian-built drone that had travelled through The Vale of the Silent near the edge of the Jovian Empire, and had pilfered Jove tech. At the same time an Amarrian Ambassador with full diplomatic immunity arrives at Pator Tech, using the false guise of peace talks and "examining the Minmatar educational system to provide aid to the Republic" to retrieve the drone, take it back to Amarrian Space, and reverse engineer the stolen Jove technology so the Amarrians can invade all of New Eden with a fleet of nigh-indestructible ships built around self-repairing Jove nanobot-based ship modules. Zerisi and Eimar see through this ruse, and with the help of the drone (now calling herself Tea, short for Galatea), who has now become self-aware, they fly out through Minmatar and Amarrian space, being chased by the Ambassador and her mercenaries who have framed the two as pirates, to find an FTL comms relay they can use to broadcast the Ambassador's plot to the whole of New Eden, stopping the Amarrians and clearing their names at the same time.

If you wish to see more on the subject, I've already written a page up on the official EVE forums about it, but so far no one has responded:


The big things that I have to do is this:

A: Finish the script

B: Finish the last bit of the set and character models.

C: FIND VOICE ACTORS, especially voice ACTRESSES, at least two of them who either are, or sound, like they're in their mid twenties.

I have had a few people in-game in EVE now volunteer to help out in the future, and when I get more people on board I'll start up a group chat on Discord and we'll figure out, as a team, who is best for what role. The thing of it is this; needless to say, Zerisi, Tea, and the Amarr Ambassador are female characters, and so I really must find female voice actors, especially if they either sound like they are in their early-to-mid twenties or are in their early-to-mid twenties as that's how old Zerisi is, and also how old Tea/Galatea sounds (as she partially models her voice off of Zerisi's).

D: Find a few people with Amarrian toons and ships who would be willing to do some stunt flying. I don't need that many people as most of the combat footage I already have (me versus some Amarrian 'rats that I went up against on security missions). It would be nice however if some people with Amarr ships would be willing to meet up with me in hi-sec and do some stunt flying for the vid (no combat, just stunt flying).

If anyone would be interested in this, I'd really appreciate it. Either contact me here, on the EVE Forums, or in-game (just look up Zerisi Madeveda; I'm usually online in the weekends and evenings somewhere in between 10:00 pm, 22:00 hours to midnight or perhaps 1 am, 00:00 to 01:00 hours, USA Eastern Time).


Garion Avarr

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I remember with fondness being part of a machinima chronically the stories of some of the characters in the RP community of a past game I played.  So I'm at least somewhat interested in this, and can provide male voice acting (while not a professional, I have trained as an actor) and can pilot a wide variety of Amarr ships.


  • Clonejack
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I remember with fondness being part of a machinima chronically the stories of some of the characters in the RP community of a past game I played.  So I'm at least somewhat interested in this, and can provide male voice acting (while not a professional, I have trained as an actor) and can pilot a wide variety of Amarr ships.

If you can fly an Augoror, as well as its Navy Issue, that'd be great. I had planned to use an Augoror for the Ambassador's personal ship seeing as how there was an NPC rat that I fought about a week ago that was flying a Augoror Navy Issue. I ended up shooting it down, but if you'd be willing to go to Minmatar Space and chase me around a bit through the system of Embod with me filming it, that'd work out great. If possible, if you could load up some very low-power lasers and fire on me a few times (we'd have to go to low-sec for that, but still low-sec 'matar space for the sake of the skybox so I can still say that "oh, they're in Embod/surrounding systems, just look at the skybox"; Clear Skies 1 did the same thing; they filmed in a few different locations but said that it was all the same system. You can tell if you look in the background but only by just; it's not something that you can instantly tell. In one scene the characters said they were in Yrmori, but during filming, the cast and crew were actually filming in Yrmori, Hek, a few other surrounding systems ).

But yeah; my one idea for the "fight scene" between the Razor Moth and the Ambassador's ship is that the Ambassador's ship is an Augoror, which has now gotten an impromptu jury-rigged upgrade with Jovian technology. The change is that it goes from a regular Augoror into what looks like an Augoror Navy Issue on the outside, and on the inside the Amabassador, as well as her crew, have been essentially mutated by these jury-rigged Jove nanites into grotesque mutants that just vaguely resemble their former selves that are integrated, cell-by-cell, into the ship, and the interior looks like it's now made out of twisted gold foil with wires and bits sticking out of everything in such a way that the bridge now resembles the inside of someone's ribcage, with the crew resembling twisted internal organs, only everything is still made out of white and gold-plated metal.

I'll handle making the internal shots though; you'd just have to do the stunt flying at first in just a regular Augoror and then later on in an Augoror Navy Issue, if that's possible.

In terms of voice acting, well, I'm going to, once I get the script done, open up a Discord channel and invite everyone once I know their time tables and schedules (thankfully over the past few days I've talked to nearly half a dozen people who are interested now).

Once I have everyone's time schedule, I'm going to set up a group Discord chat, we all join in, I'll read off some lines, and those who are auditioning for a part will do their best to say a character's lines as the character they want to play. When we're all done with that, we'll have a group vote on who did best at each role.

When that's all done, I'll pass out the complete script for everyone to read over, whether they're doing a voice or not, everyone will look it over, possibly edit a few things here and there that I might have messed up or could be better somewhere else, I'll edit it, pass out the revised copies, and then afterward when we're all roughly satisfied we'll set up recording sessions that I'll manage as director and record audio via Audacity.

When that's done I'll do the audio and video editing in VSDC, render all the interior scenes in DAZ Studio, edit those, edit the in-game recordings I took in EVE, green screen it all together in VSDC, stick in the audio, play it back a few times to see if everything matches up, and then up it goes on Youtube, the EVE forums, and here.

Then we wait for feedback and hope that most people who watch it end up liking it.


Arnulf Ogunkoya

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You might want to consider doing this on the test server. Less chance of some muppet intervening.
Kind Regards,
Arnulf Ogunkoya.

Lunarisse Aspenstar

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Be happy to be an "in space" actor!

Morwen Lagann

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I'm willing to help with both, have done a little VA for Kyoko/Midmotion in the past.

As I mentioned ingame and you might have missed, you should prod Elinari Rhodan if you get a chance, she does a bunch of VA work.
Lagging Behind

Morwen's Law:
1) The number of capsuleer women who are bisexual is greater than the number who are lesbian.
2) Most of the former group appear lesbian due to a lack of suitable male partners to go around.
3) The lack of suitable male partners can be summed up in most cases thusly: interested, worth the air they breathe, available; pick two.


  • Omelette
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If you're doing this on Sisi, I can fly just about anything you might need if you still need someone.  I can get some time in most evenings CST.  If you really need another female voice, I can ask some people outside of Eve, but I can't guarantee anything.  Let me know though. 


  • Clonejack
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If you're doing this on Sisi, I can fly just about anything you might need if you still need someone.  I can get some time in most evenings CST.  If you really need another female voice, I can ask some people outside of Eve, but I can't guarantee anything.  Let me know though.

As goes the plan thus far, I'm going to have a group of people meet up on Discord once I have everyone's time schedules (what days/what times they are in EVE and are available to record).

If you wish to ask a friend or two if they're interested, I'd appreciate it but only if they really want to; I don't want anyone to feel pressured into doing this, especially since chances are they don't know me (kind of weird to have a total stranger ask something like this; perhaps that's why few have volunteered).

If you wish, you can send me an EVEmail in-game with your time/availability data on it (just send a letter to Zerisi Madeveda; I'm usually in EVE somewhere between 18:00 and 23:00 (6 pm to 11 pm) USA Eastern Standard Time, otherwise known as East Cost USA Time or UTC - 5).