General Discussion > Moderation Discussion

How to become a mod?

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Esna Pitoojee:
Is there a method or paractice to assigning new mods (i.e., internal ballot among the current modship, an application thread, something like that?)

And yes, before anyone asks, I'm wondering because I'd like to be a mod, but also to prevent this section from being clogged with "I can haz mod?" threads.

Silver Night:
Internal poll. It is, so far, more of a we'll call you kinda thing. Maybe if we are looking to expand at some point, we will announce that we are looking for volunteers. There is nothing wrong with making it known you are interested in being a mod, though, ofc.

Primarily we are trying to be careful that we pick people who have a very good grip on what we are trying to do with this forum. Enforcing rules is one thing, trying to encourage a specific culture is altogether trickier.

Silver Night:
I want to add that participation helps indicate who might make a good candidate for us.

lallara zhuul:
Seems logical, if your demeanor while using the forums is compatible with that of the mod team it is easier to break you in if you are offered the job.

Ashar Kor-Azor:
Ooh, there's a breaking-in procedure?

Do you have to do that as part of the initiation? I'll bet you have to knock over a pawn shop or something.


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