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That the Intaki Assembly responded directly to Julianus Soter's and other's request for information regarding Ishukone and Mordus Legion around Intaki Prime? For more, read here

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Author Topic: How can I be a Loyalist?  (Read 17765 times)

Pieter Tuulinen

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Re: How can I be a Loyalist?
« Reply #15 on: 23 Nov 2013, 23:23 »

You could try not slagging Patriot bloc loyalists off in public, KatKat?

Seriously. I worked hard to keep Pyre and I-Red blue. Managed to do it for six months - but the truth is that there is a deep divide in the CalRp Community along Liberal/Patriot lines and nobody seems particularly bothered about fixing it.

Now, I'm not sure how to fix the FW/Non-FW grudge. It's not that most people think FW is the ONLY way to show loyalty to the State, it's just that I killed 125 enemies of the State this month and was promoted to Strike Commander. Those things are real, they happened to 125 FDU pilots and the State Protectorate gave me a canon rank that is assessed based on my contribution. Is the Forever War a bit ridiculous? Well, yes it is. But it's the only war in town, where you can unambigiously say you're serving the State!

Come up with some metrics for how I-Red is helping Ishukone! Quote them if anyone gives you shit! Ask Falcon if there's some way to get some IG love from Ishy?

So, I say, you should IGNORE trying to prove you're a nationalistic loyalist! Serve your Corporation first, like a good Caldari. Give preference to your Corp over all the others. Give preference to other Caldari over the Jaijii. You could try being a bit less acidic to people trying to build bridges, maybe? But to be honest, Kat can still be a bit cold and biting and still be a good Caldari, AFAIK.

Now, here's the question. With Heth gone, what IS the State? Short of a general attack on a wide front, who is really thinking in terms of the State anymore? Pyre ought to be thinking about Kalaakiota, shouldn't they? IRED should be thinking about Ishukone, shouldn't they?
« Last Edit: 23 Nov 2013, 23:28 by Pieter Tuulinen »

Erys Charantes

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Re: How can I be a Loyalist?
« Reply #16 on: 23 Nov 2013, 23:30 »

Considering the matter further, a resource trade might be a way of forming a more tangible bridge.  It would certainly give the facwar bunch a reason to mind their words a bit more...  That said, I'd say stand your ground when it comes to somebody pushing the bad Caldari card.  A boatload of killmails does nothing to lend credence to a character who does nothing but deride others for doing their part ICly for the State in another venue.  If anything, it's completely anathema to a meritocracy that recognizes everyone's contributions.
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Re: How can I be a Loyalist?
« Reply #17 on: 24 Nov 2013, 01:48 »

Considering the matter further, a resource trade might be a way of forming a more tangible bridge.  It would certainly give the facwar bunch a reason to mind their words a bit more...  That said, I'd say stand your ground when it comes to somebody pushing the bad Caldari card.  A boatload of killmails does nothing to lend credence to a character who does nothing but deride others for doing their part ICly for the State in another venue.  If anything, it's completely anathema to a meritocracy that recognizes everyone's contributions.

The only reason Pyre is in FW was because it was conceived as a Kaalakiota aligned PMC -- what's the point of being a corporate merc if you're not doing merc things like shooting people in the face and getting kills as the metric of your success? That and it was never intended down the track to be, "Good Caldari Loyalists" as much as, "Grimdark Kaalakiota boat violencers." Is implying other Caldari corporate citizens outside the Patriot bloc just aren't good enough, tough enough, and don't have the best interests of the State at heart for not prescribing to Patriot political and economic corporate agendas now anathema?

To me, being part of Kaalakiota is to follow a line of thinking that frankly anyone not Kaalakiota, Wiyrkomi, or Lai Dai to be held with a degree of contempt because you're the best and they're not. Doesn't matter if they're fellow Caldari or not.

Lyn Farel

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Re: How can I be a Loyalist?
« Reply #18 on: 24 Nov 2013, 03:47 »

Tell them to stfu. I-RED and CAIN have been the target for much flak recently, mostly done by ignorant characters that can't even imagine what these entities have done way before FW was in place. Those entities have accomplished million times what most nowadays "loyalists" have accomplished in all their pilot lives in FW (which is, may I remind you, a stupid nonsensical mechanism, IC wise). CAIN have held for the state entire constellations in nullsec. CVA has lived for so many years holding providence. I-RED has done a bit of all this too, either as allies or by itself. Nobody would shit EM for that people just know they are Matari loyalists, and that better not to fuck with them. It would be like asking CVA how the hell they could be Amarr loyalists when they have not even touched FW. That's properly ludicrous, you just have all the argument in your favor here really.

It has always been the case between FW supporters and old RP alliances anyway. It was the same between EM and the TLF, it was the same between CVA and the 24IC when I still was in KotMC, and it was already the same between I-RED and the Caldari Militia either. Most of the time, it was a matter of conflict between NRDS stances of the former alliances against all the rogue pirate elements of the militias, thus creating a lot of "alliance loyalists vs militia of the same side" incidents in space. Especially since at that time alliances could not even enter FW.

As for the Caldari Prime titan, let them talk. Most characters will try anything to make their black and white tainted glasses work everytime and spread lies or whatever to paint people as race traitors... I would say, it's expected now from the Eve RP milieu, the same way the Eve universe expects you to deal sooner or later with OOC betrayal, drama, ruthless and uncouth actions, etc. All of this also exists ICly and it has to be experienced and dealt with eventually.

I have faced the same thing in my time in KotMC against PIE Inc for playing a character different from the mainstream (and still occasionally do, but now I have faced it with success it has just turned into mutual indifference or just some kind of cold war). Somehow I would even say that's maybe not such a bad thing for Kat to have that false reputation, where all her friends probably know better. Can be interesting ICly to play with. I know I have a lot of fun at times to play the same thing myself. Sometimes you face successes, sometimes you meet public humiliation...

Also, as Nico pointed out, you can also start your own loyalist wing. If it succeeds like KotMC did for us, you will be able to rival everything. At least, at its golden age, KotMC rivaled PIE Inc and was the main Amarrian RP vector above everyone else that was basically able to tell even the older corps to stfu considering its achievements and popularity. Granted, it was a FW corp doing stuff in FW... But it was a liberal oriented corp, and those usually have the big advantage to draw a lot of friends, even in foreign factions or independent characters. It gives a lot more support than usually expected.

So your advice is join them or fight them? There's no working with the other side?

It's tricky but you can. Question their authority on the matter. Who the hell are they ? Independant capsuleers ? Not even military capsuleers ? What a joke of loyalists, really.

Of course, all i'm offering is conflict, since it's the only thing I have done in the same case in all my eve career... The trick is just to show that your side is not a fickle one, with solid backings and arguments behind, and that it has to be reckoned as such, and serves the same interests, just in a different way.

I have unfortunately no precise idea of events to do. But you can still organize a lot of parties axed around IC caldari fluff, like duty ceremonies (so say we all!), like Malkalen you already do, megacorp meetings or press conferences with foreigners, whatever. Attract people to your own caldariness and spread that caldariness everywhere. I can guarantee you that if that gets active enough, people will have to reckon your character as a pillar of Caldari fluff. You already do that with Malkalen, or your own background corp for your character. Include people in these, or in new ones. See the PIE ball ? It's all about prestige. Create your own prestige.

Even better, start to show your character at most important events. Represent Caldari instead of others. Steal them the occasion to do so every time. Kat should show herself more. Orange is trying to organize something on the Caldari mindset on another thread here. Go there and make an impression. Stomp her feet on the faces of her enemies in the process. Reap the profit.

You don't have to do lip service to the patriot bloc if your own bloc is influential enough. Your recent attacks on the patriots on the IGS were awesome. That's what I have been expecting to see again after FW, which is sub factional inner conflict. Politics. Fuck the unity.
« Last Edit: 24 Nov 2013, 04:00 by Lyn Farel »

Repentence Tyrathlion

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Re: How can I be a Loyalist?
« Reply #19 on: 24 Nov 2013, 04:39 »

For what it's worth, I consider Kat to be a pretty hardcore loyalist. :cube:

Morwen Lagann

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Re: How can I be a Loyalist?
« Reply #20 on: 24 Nov 2013, 08:45 »

You could try not slagging Patriot bloc loyalists off in public, KatKat?

This isn't a fair suggestion or request to make when the visible Patriot bloc loyalists consist mostly of Vikarion, a broken record turnstile (Diana), and a corp that, save you, rarely posts anything that isn't thinly-veiled troll/satire posts specifically designed and intended to incite that reaction.

Come up with some metrics for how I-Red is helping Ishukone! Quote them if anyone gives you shit! Ask Falcon if there's some way to get some IG love from Ishy?

I'll be over here in line with the other "never gonna happen" requests, like fixing the Sansha storyline, repairing the Malkalen or Yulai stations, etc.
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Katrina Oniseki

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Re: How can I be a Loyalist?
« Reply #21 on: 24 Nov 2013, 09:19 »

You could try not slagging Patriot bloc loyalists off in public, KatKat?

That wasn't aimed at "Loyalists". It was aimed at people, regardless of affiliation, who couldn't stop snipe-trolling those who attended the event. It also carried an additive that said Pyre should be above that sort of behavior. Well, Katrina was wrong on that last part. They aren't.

I think you may be trying to say avoid speaking out against Patriots in public, and you'll note that for the most part Katrina does avoid making anti-Patriot posts as part of a previously arranged agreement that was roleplayed out in private between you and Veik and Kat. This was a fairly isolated incident as far as I know. Apparently, it was one incident too far.

Seriously. I worked hard to keep Pyre and I-Red blue. Managed to do it for six months - but the truth is that there is a deep divide in the CalRp Community along Liberal/Patriot lines and nobody seems particularly bothered about fixing it.

I know you did, hon. I keep telling you I know you did, and I keep praising you for the effort. I used to do that too when I first joined I-RED. I even tried to get blue standings with Vikarion, and for a while I did too. We were even there over his starbase during what would eventually turn into the infamous Battle of Asakai. So believe me, I know your frustration that it doesn't work.

Come up with some metrics for how I-Red is helping Ishukone! Quote them if anyone gives you shit!

That's been tried, to the frequent reaction of, "Oh yeah? Prove it with ingame means!" or simply being dismissed as nullsec antics. We make billions in profit every month just from the moons alone, not including other means. Supposedly it goes to Ishukone. Truthfully it goes to our SRP programs. In either case, it's giving out free intel to talk about exact numbers.

Everything else is fighting piracy or text-RP that isn't reflected ingame.

Also, the few times we do shoot Gallente for you guys, it's rarely noticed if ever except by the Gallente. DnD used to threaten us on a daily basis to stop helping CalMil, back when they were in Gallente. They'd drop our towers in retaliation for it, they'd put spies in our corp, they'd do the whole number to try and keep us away from the warzone because we kept flying up there to fuck with them. Perhaps we should have been more vocal to the Caldari side about how much we were helping without asking you.

Oh, and we're apparently fighting Duty. now. I'm not sure if Andreus wants to use that IC or not, but it's an OOC fight down in Syndicate for sure. It could be spun to be a fight between Ishukone and Federation influence over Syndicate?

Ask Falcon if there's some way to get some IG love from Ishy?

I'm not even going to bother asking Falcon for a glance in our direction.

So, I say, you should IGNORE trying to prove you're a nationalistic loyalist! Serve your Corporation first, like a good Caldari. Give preference to your Corp over all the others. Give preference to other Caldari over the Jaijii. You could try being a bit less acidic to people trying to build bridges, maybe? But to be honest, Kat can still be a bit cold and biting and still be a good Caldari, AFAIK.

I do serve I-RED first, else I'd be in FW as I said in the original OP. I do give preference to my corp above others, else Kat wouldn't be spending evenings at the office instead of in bed with her wife. The Caldari over Jaijii thing I can and will work on though. Just need to hang around Caldari more often.

Also, look, Pieter. No homo, but being acidic with you or PieterT is not what I'd do if given the option. *eyebrow waggle* It was just an RP gone negative. It wasn't an intended attack on you or Pyre the way it ended up being.

Now, here's the question. With Heth gone, what IS the State? Short of a general attack on a wide front, who is really thinking in terms of the State anymore? Pyre ought to be thinking about Kalaakiota, shouldn't they? IRED should be thinking about Ishukone, shouldn't they?

Again, that's always been what we do. We've always given the finger to FW in favor of serving Ishuklone direcetly. Nothing new there. What is the State though? Like others said in this thread, I'm not sure. It seems like the State is holding its breath.

Katrina Oniseki

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Re: How can I be a Loyalist?
« Reply #22 on: 24 Nov 2013, 09:34 »

Tell them to stfu. I-RED and CAIN have been the target for much flak recently, mostly done by ignorant characters that can't even imagine what these entities have done way before FW was in place. Those entities have accomplished million times what most nowadays "loyalists" have accomplished in all their pilot lives in FW (which is, may I remind you, a stupid nonsensical mechanism, IC wise). CAIN have held for the state entire constellations in nullsec. CVA has lived for so many years holding providence. I-RED has done a bit of all this too, either as allies or by itself. Nobody would shit EM for that people just know they are Matari loyalists, and that better not to fuck with them. It would be like asking CVA how the hell they could be Amarr loyalists when they have not even touched FW. That's properly ludicrous, you just have all the argument in your favor here really.

Well I owe you a pres butan for that post. But, yeah. That was my thought. Also, as much as can be 'held', I-RED holds a couple constellations in NPC null. So to speak. Sortof. Though Andreus' group is giving it some good contest!

It has always been the case between FW supporters and old RP alliances anyway. It was the same between EM and the TLF, it was the same between CVA and the 24IC when I still was in KotMC, and it was already the same between I-RED and the Caldari Militia either. Most of the time, it was a matter of conflict between NRDS stances of the former alliances against all the rogue pirate elements of the militias, thus creating a lot of "alliance loyalists vs militia of the same side" incidents in space. Especially since at that time alliances could not even enter FW.

That's how I-RED lost standing with the FW group in the first place, is we were following our standard RoE. What ended up being Caldari FW pirates getting shot became a huge huge huge mess that happened long before my time. Dealing with the militia as a whole on a standings level is an absolute nightmare, because it's so disorganized. Someone will shoot you, that someone gets shot back, they have friends, the friends get mad and retaliate too. Egos flare on BOTH sides, and shit happens. Nothing I can do about that, nor do I want to try.

As for the Caldari Prime titan, let them talk. Most characters will try anything to make their black and white tainted glasses work everytime and spread lies or whatever to paint people as race traitors... I would say, it's expected now from the Eve RP milieu, the same way the Eve universe expects you to deal sooner or later with OOC betrayal, drama, ruthless and uncouth actions, etc. All of this also exists ICly and it has to be experienced and dealt with eventually.

I have faced the same thing in my time in KotMC against PIE Inc for playing a character different from the mainstream (and still occasionally do, but now I have faced it with success it has just turned into mutual indifference or just some kind of cold war). Somehow I would even say that's maybe not such a bad thing for Kat to have that false reputation, where all her friends probably know better. Can be interesting ICly to play with. I know I have a lot of fun at times to play the same thing myself. Sometimes you face successes, sometimes you meet public humiliation...

That's mostly how I am handling it. Accepting it as something people will believe and just carrying the weight of the rumors.

Also, as Nico pointed out, you can also start your own loyalist wing. If it succeeds like KotMC did for us, you will be able to rival everything. At least, at its golden age, KotMC rivaled PIE Inc and was the main Amarrian RP vector above everyone else that was basically able to tell even the older corps to stfu considering its achievements and popularity. Granted, it was a FW corp doing stuff in FW... But it was a liberal oriented corp, and those usually have the big advantage to draw a lot of friends, even in foreign factions or independent characters. It gives a lot more support than usually expected.

I can't without leaving I-RED, unless you meant an informal group which I may decide to do. Perhaps a militant Wayist group or something. Militant monks.

It's tricky but you can. Question their authority on the matter. Who the hell are they ? Independant capsuleers ? Not even military capsuleers ? What a joke of loyalists, really.

That argument goes both ways, as Katrina is also an independent capsuleer. Not a good cover to shoot from, glass houses and all.

I have unfortunately no precise idea of events to do. But you can still organize a lot of parties axed around IC caldari fluff, like duty ceremonies (so say we all!), like Malkalen you already do, megacorp meetings or press conferences with foreigners, whatever. Attract people to your own caldariness and spread that caldariness everywhere. I can guarantee you that if that gets active enough, people will have to reckon your character as a pillar of Caldari fluff. You already do that with Malkalen, or your own background corp for your character. Include people in these, or in new ones. See the PIE ball ? It's all about prestige. Create your own prestige.

Even better, start to show your character at most important events. Represent Caldari instead of others. Steal them the occasion to do so every time. Kat should show herself more. Orange is trying to organize something on the Caldari mindset on another thread here. Go there and make an impression. Stomp her feet on the faces of her enemies in the process. Reap the profit.

Player events sound like a great idea, but I'm not sure if -I- want to be the host for anything big. That's like doing level fours with negative standings. I'll think about it.

You don't have to do lip service to the patriot bloc if your own bloc is influential enough. Your recent attacks on the patriots on the IGS were awesome. That's what I have been expecting to see again after FW, which is sub factional inner conflict. Politics. Fuck the unity.

Well at least somebody enjoyed that nuclear bomb of a thread.

Lyn Farel

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Re: How can I be a Loyalist?
« Reply #23 on: 24 Nov 2013, 10:31 »

It's tricky but you can. Question their authority on the matter. Who the hell are they ? Independant capsuleers ? Not even military capsuleers ? What a joke of loyalists, really.

That argument goes both ways, as Katrina is also an independent capsuleer. Not a good cover to shoot from, glass houses and all.

But Katrina is not pointing fingers and telling who is loyalist and who is not, is she ? The only hypocrites are them.

Katrina Oniseki

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Re: How can I be a Loyalist?
« Reply #24 on: 24 Nov 2013, 10:39 »

It's tricky but you can. Question their authority on the matter. Who the hell are they ? Independant capsuleers ? Not even military capsuleers ? What a joke of loyalists, really.

That argument goes both ways, as Katrina is also an independent capsuleer. Not a good cover to shoot from, glass houses and all.

But Katrina is not pointing fingers and telling who is loyalist and who is not, is she ? The only hypocrites are them.

She has recently called out various actions by other Caldari as being shameful, so... it could be twisted.


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Re: How can I be a Loyalist?
« Reply #25 on: 24 Nov 2013, 12:03 »

First realize that the Stitcher spent a year and a half in Re-awakened Technologies, a corporation that is definitely not aligned with State interest.  To those who lack knowledge of the 6+ year old history of the character, they may not see him as a Caldari loyalist.

For the Patriot bloc, neither the liberal nor practical bloc will ever be Caldari-enough.  Add to this the not-so-backroom deals that Ishukone was pursuing alongside the Federation and Ishukone seems to be in it for just Ishukone and not the Caldari as a whole to the Patriots.

Quote from: Katrina Oniseki
Oh, and we're apparently fighting Duty. now. I'm not sure if Andreus wants to use that IC or not, but it's an OOC fight down in Syndicate for sure. It should be spun to be a fight between Ishukone and Federation influence over Syndicate?

Edited could to should.  Increased Ishukone influence is increased State influence.  I-RED bills itself as a partner with Ishukone, play up your actions as such.

Quote from: Katrina Oniseki
Quote from: Pieter Tuulinen
Now, here's the question. With Heth gone, what IS the State? Short of a general attack on a wide front, who is really thinking in terms of the State anymore? Pyre ought to be thinking about Kalaakiota, shouldn't they? IRED should be thinking about Ishukone, shouldn't they?

Again, that's always been what we do. We've always given the finger to FW in favor of serving Ishuklone direcetly. Nothing new there. What is the State though? Like others said in this thread, I'm not sure. It seems like the State is holding its breath.

The State is what it has always been.   ;)  Eight ethnic mega-corporations, which sought independence from the Luminaire culture that spawned them. Thus they turned to their shared ethnic past to build a sense of unity during the war for independence and a way to create some kind of cohesion after the war.  But that is the crux of a future IC debate.   8)


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Re: How can I be a Loyalist?
« Reply #26 on: 24 Nov 2013, 12:56 »

Please twist those actions by those fucked up hypocrites. I'll be looking forward to see that.

In spirit with the board you'll get some honest feedback from me, though:

*Patpat.* You're doing fine.

Also Lyn, you're doing very well with analysing the situation. =)

Lyn Farel

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Re: How can I be a Loyalist?
« Reply #27 on: 24 Nov 2013, 14:40 »

Of course I forgot the disclaimer, not sure if that was really clear at first glance. I exposed it the best I could but in a very subjective way, putting myself in Kat shoes at times...


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Re: How can I be a Loyalist?
« Reply #28 on: 24 Nov 2013, 14:50 »

*Patpat* You're doing fine.

Katrina Oniseki

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Re: How can I be a Loyalist?
« Reply #29 on: 24 Nov 2013, 14:52 »

It's tricky but you can. Question their authority on the matter. Who the hell are they ? Independant capsuleers ? Not even military capsuleers ? What a joke of loyalists, really.

That argument goes both ways, as Katrina is also an independent capsuleer. Not a good cover to shoot from, glass houses and all.

But Katrina is not pointing fingers and telling who is loyalist and who is not, is she ? The only hypocrites are them.

She has recently called out various actions by other Caldari as being shameful, so... it could be twisted.

Please twist those actions by those fucked up hypocrites. I'll be looking forward to see that.

Nooo. I meant that the big fight recently between Kat and Pyre could be 'twisted' (read: perceived) to sound like Kat was attacking Patriots because they are Patriots. She was just attacking something she saw as shameful. It had nothing to do with them being Patriots.

Also, I don't think I am calling anybody 'fucked up hypocrites'. :P
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