EVE-Online RP Discussion and Resources > The Summit (IG Channel Discussion)

First: Simmer down Second: slavery Discussion

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Silas Vitalia:
Howdy folks!

As I'm new to the Moderator Kill-team, I wanted to have an even-handed discussion regarding things in the summit that piss off other people in the summit, and how our policy is determined.

So, lots of things happen IC in the summit that plenty of us would not be cool with IC.   So, religious Amarr types might be wholly annoyed with heretics being tolerated in channels, or heathen minmater talking about killing Imperials, or Sansha folks talking about uplifting civilians, etc.  And I imagine Matari probably additionally equally annoyed with conversations regarding slavery or mention of such things, or the occasional slave wench or servant, etc.

What I'd like to imagine is that 'casual' references that are relatively benign, say Leo's grape feeding rage bait (sorry, Leo :P ) are actually pretty harmless.  Plenty of us are ebil overlords with hundreds of servants built on a lot of evil-type shit.  I imagine all sorts of Jabba the hut / Leah situations going on.

I think we'd have to be extra careful where we draw that line though.  I, personally, don't mind the occasional visual reference to how these people operate. What I'd be much, much less interested in is any reference to mistreatment, or violence, or gratuitous anything.  I don't want to see Sabiks draining people on the summit, I don't want to see excessive force, etc etc.

Obviously I will enforce summit official rulings but I'd like to discuss this.


Tiberious Thessalonia:
I'd prefer it was worded as "Don't do shit for the sole purpose of causing drama".  For a while, there was no issue with slavery in the Summit, but then some people long banned decided to cause a massive amount of drama about it.  The moderation team around at the time discussed it and found very few instances where characters were bringing in NPC slave characters (and in some cases PC slave characters) for any reason other than to cause a massive truckload of drama and to rile people up.

So we stopped it.

Its the same reason we don't let people murder NPC's 'on camera' in the Summit, because it never leads to anything good.

Silas Vitalia:

--- Quote from: Tiberious Thessalonia on 12 Nov 2012, 13:43 ---I'd prefer it was worded as "Don't do shit for the sole purpose of causing drama". 

--- End quote ---

I would get behind this ruling.

Tiberious Thessalonia:
I mean, long story short, the summit can have strict rules about that sort of thing because ideally people would use it to find other people to RP with and then pull likeminded sorts into private rooms.  Want slavery in your BarP?   Go for it.  We aren't going to stop you.  We couldn't if we wanted to.  However, by virtue of being a neutral meeting ground, the Summit has to prevent the worst potential excesses.  Talk about slavery, fine.  Be pro-slavery?  Fine.  Be anti-slavery?  Fine.  Bringing your slaves there?  Its been shown that this is not fine, because 95% of the people instigating it can't act like adults and were doing it just to piss off a significant chunk of the Summit, going "Look at how hardcore I am".

It's too bad for the 5% that could handle it like adults, but I have faith in their ability to adapt.

That ruling as such is extremely loose.
After all, what is drama, baby don't hurt me, don't h...

Is there good drama and bad drama?
And after all, don't you need more than one side for solid drama, especially with the topic of slavery?
Solid philosophy right there.

In the light of the summit - maybe it should be handled in the way it always was handled: Cause retarded drama for drama's sake, get moderated.


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