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Team Annoying Bastard


Arnulf Ogunkoya:
Back in the day there was a game called Tribes 2. It was an FPS game where you could pick a wide range of equipment and vary it in-play. Mostly it got played as two-sided capture the flag matches.

One guy came up with the concept of Team Annoying Bastard. His orginal entry on the topic is here: http://www.dansdata.com/t2bastard.htm

The basic idea is to get the opposition so annoyed at one target that they loose site of the overall objective of the fight, in that case to capture flags & get them back to your base.

I think that this has potential for EVE combat but could be thought of as griefing by some.

What do the rest of you think?

They are called Falcon pilots...

Honestly, the annoying bastards of EVE are the login trapping, logoff when in danger, neutral remote repping, noob alt scouting, alt spying, docking port fighter type of people.

In RP circles you being annoying on IGS, RP in local and similar avenues helps too.

Rodj Blake:
I believe that the very first case of someone in Eve trying to make their opponent angry and thereby cloud their judgement happened on 6th May 2003.


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