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Tell Me About: Bubbles

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Related to that trick with dropping the warp bubble after they already clicked it, a similar thing works with T3. If you drop a bubble after it's already clicked warp, a bubble immune T3 still needs to re-initiate warp, even though it is technically immune. May not kill the speed fully, haven't tested as I haven't bothered to buy a T3 ship yet. :P

I'm not sure why that happens, but that's how it works in practice anyway.

That was supposedly fixed a couple patches ago; I don't fly my T3 enough to be able to verify the fix worked or not though (I don't fly enough in general heh)

* Casiella hates bubbles.  :bash:

Melichor Duraldi:
May want to add that bubbles work in wspace as well (as anyone would know if they have run into random old bubbles that seem to be left in EVERY c3 I have seen)

Whoops, I forget about WHs sometimes because I rarely use them myself. Fixed, thanks for pointing it out.


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