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Khanid Kingdom fanfiction and other shenanigans

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Gaven Lok ri:
Amarr intellectually is what I would call something like "pre-racist" by the modern definitions of racism. IE I think they would have a lot of trouble with understanding the concept of racism as developed in the last couple centuries (especially things like a nation-state). But I also think they would take many of the conclusions of early 20th century racism for granted, of course the True Amarr are better in all ways, ect.

They are still racist assholes by any defensible metric. Its just racism justified by religion and religious rhetoric rather than eugenics. Though, since you can't separate the scientific thought from the religious thought in Amarrian religion, the eugenics is probably there somewhere.

Publius Valerius:

--- Quote from: Gaven Lok ri on 02 Feb 2014, 15:37 ---They are still racist assholes by any defensible metric. Its just racism justified by religion and religious rhetoric rather than eugenics.

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My point. And the article is about Justification. So that is the my major point. I cant see why the Kingdom should derive its justification form the imperial justification. I would full heartedly disagree on some points with Arista Shahni: I cant also imagne that as he/she said, the King would invent a new "racial supremacy ideology". It is for me a to far leap from the basic explanation. Moreover, that already a justification exist (so why do the work? When there is already a justification.). The chronicle even states so:

--- Quote ---http://community.eveonline.com/backstory/chronicles/the-khanid-kingdom/
"The Khanid Kingdom in many ways resembles the Amarr Empire. "
"Other features, such as the importance of religion and slavery, are also very much alike in the two states."
"denied many of their traditional slave sources, take slaves wherever they can find them."

--- End quote ---

It is for me a to far leap from the basic explanation**. I would even go so far to say that as justification the white supremacy movement as it exist in NA wouldnt fit at all (as it works around racial cleavages. Example: White-male-voter vs. other group...etc....). By the way can someone explain to me. How can someone be so whine and call me a racist because of a harmless joke (by the way I havent know that "American" is a race now.), and in the same time be a wannabe bad ass cotton slaver? I think, someone people overreacting comes from the Idea, that I wanted to hit their white-power-lollipop out of their mouth. Which I of course havent. They only think which I say is, that the core justification isnt: Racism is the legitimation for slavery. Moreover I think as I mention above: RELIGION IS THE LEGITIMATION OF RACISM. So If someone ones wants to play a bad-ass slaver (which isnt a crying gentle flower): HE/SHE/IT CAN. The only thing I say is that his roleplay will be legitimized by religion. I still cant belive the "anti" about this idea, and the "anti" about the asian majority thingy. :(

--- Quote from: Gaven Lok ri on 02 Feb 2014, 15:37 ---They are still racist assholes by any defensible metric.

--- End quote ---

My point also. But as I said, I dont give a value jugdment, just state how stuff is legitimized.

**It is for me a to far leap from the basic explanation, as it exist in the Empire. What would be the basic explanation for the new Kingdom paradigm. Like: Why has it change form the imperal ones? What those it states? If it is darwinistic, what is measurement? Example: Praying harder is better? Or knowing more about the scriptures is better? Or White-Male is better as everyone, even towards white-females? Or more arian is better, as darian (blue eyes, dark hair)? Or it is even not social darwinistic? You people see it brings a whole new level of justification with it.


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