General Discussion > The Speakeasy: OOG/Off-topic Discussion

Star Citizen - from the producer of Wing Commander

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lallara zhuul:
The demigod thing wasn't in the picture originally.

Player propaganda brought it into CCPs marketing which kind of skewed the whole thing...

But, hell yeah, proper space exploration and pew pew.

Been waiting for that since Elite.

Looks interesting, but there is a considerable amount of skepticism around as to whether they can actually produce what they are promising. So I'll remain cautiously hopeful until I can actually see they are making what they said they would :)

Katrina Oniseki:
I donated $10,000.

What? No, I already told you, the house burnt down because I left the toaster on! Ask the insurance people!

You're the insurance people?

... I'd like to call my lawyer.

NISYN Aelisha:
I will be watching this development closely and will fund when I know more about the potential output.  If all goes well, I'd hope that they have an economic system at least as complex as eve's. 

If that happens, I'd be happy to help form a market savvy core to an organised, mature backstage community effort. 

Silas Vitalia:
Having spent a good portion of my childhood wrapped around a joystick blasting Kilrathi on my 486, reading all the Wing Commander novels, etc.....I will be watching this one closely.


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