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When level 4s first came out, they used the Belt NPCs and not the lesser Complex NPCs?

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Author Topic: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 2.0  (Read 40901 times)


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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 2.0
« Reply #45 on: 04 Aug 2014, 00:23 »

 Nomad's Campsite
Short Description:
 A VR room located in a tent somewhere in a desert, used for those who wish to form connections or learn.
Channel Type*:
 VR room
Connection Type*:
 Kentt Em'asep
 Kentt Em'asep
 Neka Petsamet
[spoiler]((The Nomad's Campsite is a limited V/R room that is operated at a nomadic campsite deep in the Greater Sobaki Desert of Coricia on Matar.  It is a Roleplaying channel.  Due to the frequent moving of the campsite, it is unlikely for anyone to find it in person, unless given the location by capsuleers who send supplies its way.))

If you logged in through the V/R system, you would appear in a circular tent of Vherokior design.  Your projected avatar seems to flicker more often then usual due to the holoprojectors being that of an older model.  The only thing you could hear is a low hum of a gas-powered generator outside, and some music from outside that is playing various tunes.

Looking around, you see handmade dream catchers and trinkets made from bones of small animals hanging by twine from various places within the tent.  There are insense candles lighting the corners, creating a light dim haze that is sometimes disrupted by the light wind entering from crackes of the tent's closed entrance.  The floor is padded by handwoven rugs and pads of simple design that overlap each other to cover the sand underneath.  On a low wooden table, there is a bowl of peanuts and bottled water.

If you had looked through the crackes to see outside, it is sunny and hot.  A light coat of sand blows in the wind, covering everything with a tan tint.  There are a handfull of other tents outside.  People mingle about their daily duties, ignoring your stares.  Amoung the working, there are others playing a game in the sand using carved bones that act as dice.  Three men and a female play music while lounged around some small cargo containers under a square open tent.

Through the half-open entrance of a nearby tent, you would see barrels of what looks to be water inside.  A big object is covered with a sand-beaten canvas in the center of the camp.  You guess it to be a shuttle from the shape of it.

Back inside the tent, upon the table next to the peanuts, there is a note written in a standard writing.

~The waters are quiet, for there are no ships a'sailing.
For they rest sleeping in the harbor.~

~The harbor is quiet, for there are no crews.
The rails unmanned and the decks unscrubbed.~

~But the local tavern, of the name Corellian Dream.
It's lights are lit and insides are full of life.~

~The crews of the ships all sit inside, of many different nations.
Their mugs full and their faces full of smiles.~

~If all could be drunk and merry, nations could unite.
Life could be so simple.~

Anyanka Funk

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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 2.0
« Reply #46 on: 25 Sep 2014, 19:46 »

Name: Blood Radio XL
Short Description:
  • Radio Station. Notification of broadcast will randomly appear in Intergalactic Summit channel. Channel is only open to all when broadcasting.
Faction: Blood Raiders
Channel Type: Radio
Connection Type: Audio/video, text, etc.
Owner: Anyanka Funk
Operators/Mods: No one.
  • (( IC ONLY ))


    This is Blood Radio XL
    Listen Live!
Additional Info:
  • Playlists for each broadcast will be archived here.

Gaven Lok ri

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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 2.0
« Reply #47 on: 26 Sep 2014, 14:05 »

Name: PIE Public
IC/OOC: IC Informal
Short Description:PIE's public channel. Any Amarr Empire friendly discussion encouraged.
Faction: Amarr
Channel Type: Neocom channel
Connection Type: User Choice.
Owner: PIE the Corp. Who knows at this point who actually owns the channel officially, it's 10 years old.
Operators/Mods: PIE Captains, Commanders, ect.

    ((Out Of Character:
    This is an In Character, "IC", channel.
    Formality is not required, however, and game mechanics discussions/help/advice and such can be considered in character.
    For out of game topics, or general Out Of Character discussion of lore,
    go to "Amarr.OOC"))


    For recruitment information, please read this:
    PIE Ethos, Oath and Employment procedures

    Note that pilots to whom PIE has negative standings will be barred from this channel.

    Comments that are disloyal to the Holy Amarrian Empire, or to our Divinely Appointed Empress will not be tolerated.


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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 2.0
« Reply #48 on: 05 Oct 2014, 10:17 »

Circle of Tribes have been dead for years. Keel plz.


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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 2.0
« Reply #49 on: 07 Oct 2014, 15:17 »

Name: Down Below
IC/OOC: IC Informal
Short Description: Underground Metal joint. Seedy, allows criminals, terrorists etc.
Faction: Anti-Amarr, otherwise open to everyone.
Channel Type: Physical location.
Connection Type: Analog only. No comms function except hardwired terminals on the walls.
Owner: Unknown. Rumored to belong to Miz, but that's doubtful.
Operators/Mods: Miz, Jin, Hav, so far.

MOTD: (Going to be changed, this is just a placeholder until I adjust it properly.)

If you know where to look, you'll find this place in every station. The demographics may change and so may the music and decoration, but it's the very same place every time. Wander the tight and hidden access corridors in the bowels of a station, past the hissing pipes and drooping power lines, and you'll find yourself in the industrial maintenance area where no one goes unless they work here, or if they know of this place.

This particular place serves the seedier kinds of Minmatar or anti-Empire demographic. The walls are bare unpainted metal, half the floors are metal grids where anything dropped that is smaller than a lighter is lost in the pipe maze beneath and the other half are simply bare. The decoration is haphazard and simple, ranging from the U'K fist through amarrian hull plating with penetration wounds, and tribal symbols of various kinds. One wall says Sarzh'na Matari.

Criminals and low life are welcome, and small arms are accepted but any violence just might end up fatal for the instigator and this place has no tolerance for slavers of any kind. Empire loyalists show their faces knowing they might leave without it.

Step into Down Below, stranger. Get a drink from the bar and enjoy the loud metal and interesting clientelle. Just keep watch for the law and don't do anything to bring the law down here, or you might find there are consequences for that.
« Last Edit: 07 Oct 2014, 15:21 by Mizhara »


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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 2.0
« Reply #50 on: 11 Oct 2014, 12:15 »

Morlag Bhal plz.

Down Below isn't Minmatar faction. It's independent/anti-amarr.

Lunarisse Aspenstar

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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 2.0
« Reply #51 on: 12 Dec 2014, 12:20 »

Channel’s been around for a year and has been well used by word of mouth.  I guess I should finally get around to posting this!  Busiest times tends to be USTZ evenings.

Name: The Holy Grape


Short Description: A wine bar and restaurant located in the commercial sections of the Emperor Family Academy Station

Faction: Amarr Empire, but most assuredly open to those not actively or visibly hostile to the Empire and the Faith. As a general rule of thumb, if you can icly dock and walk through Emperor Family station without being arrested by the authorities, you'd be okay :)

Channel Type: Physical place. Located at Emperor Family Academy Station in the Amarr System of the Amarr Empire.

Connection Type: N/A.  No holo connection is available.

IC Owner: Vincentus Azizora, a retired paladin baseliner who served with Lunarisse Aspenstar

OOC Owner: Lunarisse Aspenstar.  She doesn’t “own” or “run” the place though.  She is a regular patron, however.

Operators/Mods: Lunarisse Aspenstar, Maria Daphiti, others as needed.

A surprisingly comfortable space in the Emperor Family Station in the Amarr system.The walls are paneled with dark wood. Periodically there are cross-hatched sections that serve to store wine bottles horizontally. The temperature is cool. There are multiple tables and booths with sumptious velvet red cushions. Stained glass lanterns and lights providing soft lighting. Each table has a wine & beverage list with a range of wines, ales, liquors and non-alcoholic drinks such as tea. A simple menu is also on each table that indicates that complimentary bread and assorted cheeses and fruits are provided to those who order by the bottle. Along one wall is a suit of golden armor with ceremonial sword and a tabard for the theology counsel that is cut for a femine figure along with a Picture. A square parquet dance floor is in the center of the room. The proprietor Vincentus Azizora and attentive wait staff are all baseliners. A Dinner Menu is available. A small sign on the bar says "Proudly serving Lodovica's Vitae."

.**OOC - No holointerface is available. All who can dock at Emperor Family Station are welcome provided that they behave and are not disrespectful to the Empress, the Faith, or the Empire; those not doing so will be forcefully removed by the pair of bouncers by the door.  Lurking is ok as long as private conversations are respected**
« Last Edit: 12 Dec 2014, 12:54 by Lunarisse Aspenstar »

Samira Kernher

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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 2.0
« Reply #52 on: 12 Dec 2014, 12:31 »

Correction: Channel name is 'The Holy Grape'.

Lunarisse Aspenstar

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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 2.0
« Reply #53 on: 12 Dec 2014, 12:55 »

Thank you! Done.  Brain is fuzzy today.


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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 2.0
« Reply #54 on: 14 Dec 2014, 09:39 »

Name: The Elysion [Landing channel: Elysion - Security]
Short Description: A sort of club/venue
Faction: Neutral
Channel Type*: Physical Location
Connection Type*: Physical Only
Owner*: Halcyon Ember
Operators/Mods*: Ulaya Valentin
MOTD*: The Elysion
Additional Info*: Dress code is smart. Security check in is essential on first visit (moderation reasons)
« Last Edit: 29 May 2017, 14:38 by Halcyon »


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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 2.0
« Reply #55 on: 20 Dec 2014, 09:55 »

Name: Cathedral of the Red God
Short Description:
  • A cathedral, on Kaztropol, for Sani sabik to visit and worship
Faction: Blood Raider?
Channel Type: Location
Connection Type: Personal presence
Owner: Synthetic Cultist
Operators/Mods: Valerie Valate, Evelyn Valate
  • Cathedral of the Red God

    A large cathedral, built on the planet Kaztropol, for the members of the Sani Sabik faith to meet for worship and to discuss the Faith.

    A Holy Statue stands behind the altar.

    Lining the main vault of the cathedral are statues of the many Sani Sabik saints, each with a small shrine for worshippers to offer a prayer, or to leave trinkets.

    A staircase at the far end leads up to the tower, and also down to the catacombs, where members of the Faith may be interred.
The Explanatory Leaflet is a Leaflet that Explains.


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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 2.0
« Reply #56 on: 24 Dec 2014, 15:49 »

It occurs to me I never added Deck23 here.

Name: Deck23
Short Description:
  • Pro-Minmatar hangout, owned and operated by Ushra'Khan.
Faction: Minmatar and supporters.
Channel Type: Physical location.
Connection Type: Personal presence
Owner: Mizhara Del'thul
Operators/Mods: None, after being cleared of inactives.
  • The blast doors serving as entry has had it's former designation sanded off and now a red and rough paintjob proclaims that you're entering Deck23.

    The place seems to have gone through some changes. Less dilapidated and dusty, it still has a rough edge to it, much due to the armor and hull plating torn off Amarrian wrecks that are hung on the walls, showcasing fairly gargantuan holes made by Matari projectiles. Smaller pieces of wreckage has been craftily turned into a statue serving as the centerpiece of the room, the Bloody Fist of Ushra'Khan, seen immediately upon entry.

    From 25.11, the place is decorated lavishly and filled with cheering and celebrating capsuleers and crew, honoring the oldest living alliance in New Eden. Ten years of raising the Bloody Fist of Ushra'Khan high and fighting the scum of the cluster.

    There's a few booths providing privacy for those who want it, but the main congregation area seems to be the long and utilitarian looking bar. Over the bar itself hangs a few signs detailing rules of behaviour, amongst them that discharging a live weapon or brandishing a melee weapon will get you shot. If you do not shoot or maim any slavers or Empire supporters that manage to sneak in here, you will also get shot... out of an airlock.

    The music is rhythmical, the beats of the drums, the bellows of the horns, the rapping of the sticks, it is almost musical, beautiful. It is the sound of Matari warriors, deafening drums, horns, chanting, it is the last sound any Amarrian wishes to hear.

    On one wall there's a list of Warzone systems. Currently, Arnstur is struck off the list.


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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 2.0
« Reply #57 on: 15 Mar 2015, 08:49 »

Name: Noch Ramud
Short Description:
      An eatery and general place to RP for any Ni-Kunni or people visiting Mishi IV

Faction: Most are welcome, heretics and obvious pirates would not be so welcome.
Channel Type: Physical location
Owner: The Anahitan Society
Operators/Mods: None currenty appointed
  Noch Ramud is a small complex which stands opposite of the Bazaar in Al-Ahwa on the Ni-Kunni homeworld of Mishi IV.

The main room where guests eat, relax and socialise is centered around a large stone fountain carved with a traditional mishi motif and topped with a sculpture of a mythological water creature. Around the fountain, low tables and comfortable chairs with a mass of varied coloured and patterned cushion are laid out - teas, coffee and water-pipes may be ordered by speaking to one of the nearby attending staff.

A restaurant sits just on the other side of a low partitioning wall. The waiting staff ready to serve strong flavoured tea, grilled meats and an array of curry, flat breads, desserts and not to mention platters of fine cheese, or the famed Ni-Kunni platter for idle fingers.

In one corner is a partially concealed bath, should patrons whish to relax in a less formal setting.

Traditional Ni-Kunni music can be heard softly through out the area, slow rhythms using drums, wind flutes and string instruments. The smokey sweet smell from water-pipes wafts around and the staff hurry about their work with a refined grace, your stay should be serene here.

Arkon Sarain

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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 2.0
« Reply #58 on: 18 Mar 2015, 00:23 »

Name: The Ashtad
IC/OOC: In-character
Short Description: The primary offices, courtrooms, and also meeting place for the Kor-Azor Roving Tribunal (K-ART).
Faction: Amarr Empire
Channel Type: Physical location, and K-ART's official channel.
Connection Type: Personal presence with holo support.
Owner: Arkon Sarain
Operators/Mods: Eli Sariah
The Ashtad is a specially modified Bestower-class vessel with its cargo capacity sacrificed to accommodate the special requirements of the Kor-Azor Roving Tribunal. The Ashtad serves as the moving offices, courtrooms, and prison of the Kor-Azor Roving Tribunal.

The court rooms themselves are impressive creations, suitably imposing edifices worthy of the justice that is meted out in them. The tribunal, and any cases it sees, is presided over by the Chief Judge, the Honourable Dr. Arkon Sarain.

Most cases are public, and all individuals of good standing with the Amarr Empire are welcome to view them. When not in session the large court room serves as the primary place of conversation and meeting on board the Ashtad. With slaves attending to visitors needs setting up tables and providing refreshments as requested.

Regardless of whether the tribunal is in session or the court room is being used as a social meeting place a significant number of Kameiras are always present. The facilities of the Ashtad are only available when the ship is docked. With holo-drones available for virtual interfacing.

Present status:

Additional Info: When not in session the main court room is used as a social area, with slaves setting up tables and chairs and bring refreshments as needed, people in the channel are free to RP this (with the small caveat that the slaves will be dutiful and attentive, and that mistreating them will result in serious IC reactions from K-ART).

All are welcome in the channel providing that they remain civil and decorous, in manners and appearance, and are not known enemies of the Amarr Empire (If you are curious as to whether your character would be seen as such by K-ART shoot me an OOC mail and I will let you know). So the curious Caldari or wandering Gallente is more than welcome, as is a Minmatar or two :)


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Re: In-game RP & OOC Channel List 2.0
« Reply #59 on: 10 Dec 2016, 21:11 »

It looks like the list hasn't been updated in a couple of years. Are these sorts of channels still a thing?
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