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That "Perfection ain't all it's cracked up to be" is an Angel Cartel saying? (Region Description)

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Author Topic: How much of your character is left without a faction?  (Read 8887 times)

Makoto Priano

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Re: How much of your character is left without a faction?
« Reply #30 on: 11 Jun 2013, 13:01 »


That said, there are some character types that simply don't do well without an allegiance. I couldn't see, for instance, a Caldari loyalist doing well without a corporation to be loyal to, even if the character's personality and tendencies are gelled outside of that.

Of course, using Makoto as an example: she's been jumpy with Heth's provocative statements against Ishukone, and I've been wondering what'd happen if the story actually ended up with further Provist militarism against elements of the State. The long and short is that it's a bit messy to go rogue, but she'd likely end up in the Kingdom -- though there's a very small chance that she could end up going Sansha, Mordu's, or Guristas. This is sort of swapping one allegiance for another -- but the character's changes follow: bitterness, increased militarism, and a slow slide into collusion.


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Re: How much of your character is left without a faction?
« Reply #31 on: 11 Jun 2013, 13:06 »

I'm surprised so many people think it's all or nothing with faction loyalty (ICly). Anslo get's slammed for not 'picking a side.'

Anslo likes some of the Fed policy and what the Fed can be to the normal people, but dislikes what it does to others and in the backroom and what they did to him. Oh and nationalists. Oh and the xenophobic attitudes.

He likes the Minmatar because :winmatar:, culturally rich history and people, FOOD, and he just gets along with them. He doesn't like Shakor or how the Minmatar were pushing during the Trials which lead to a fight. That made him see some Minmatar hypocrisy for what it was.

He likes the Caldari for being to the point but fun, strict but adaptable, and appreciates their religion and culture. He really, REALLY hates the CPD and nationalists mucking things up when a rather peaceful coexistence could occur between the State and Federation.

He's not to keen on the Amarr but understands that just because you're Amarrian does not mean you are inherently evil. There are good people and bad people in every Empire.

In the end, he treats good people with respect. People who are willing to chill will be chilled with copious amounts of friendly alcohol...perhaps forcefully.

People he doesn't like?

Saede Riordan

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Re: How much of your character is left without a faction?
« Reply #32 on: 11 Jun 2013, 13:40 »

Saede doesn't have a faction, so I'd say she manages to be a complete person without a faction.
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Re: How much of your character is left without a faction?
« Reply #33 on: 11 Jun 2013, 14:49 »

As a good deal of activity within EvE occurs in relation to faction affiliation, I think its understandable that faction is important.  Considering the capricious nature of capsuleers mixed loyalties are to be expected.  I do however find it interesting that occasionally I find myself looking at James thinking, “now how did this happen”.

Karmilla Strife

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Re: How much of your character is left without a faction?
« Reply #34 on: 11 Jun 2013, 14:53 »

Makkal said if you removed the faction, her character would just be a shell. In my case, I think the faction is the shell. Karmilla has developed over time to be a rather complicated and fully fleshed out person. Going faction-less for a while didn't really affect the character, and while changing allegiances recently may have burned a few bridges, I feel overall it's opened up plenty of opportunities. The trick of course is convincing others IC that the character is more than the factional allegiance.

Sakura Nihil

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Re: How much of your character is left without a faction?
« Reply #35 on: 11 Jun 2013, 19:14 »

Kind of a tricky question.

If the empires disappeared overnight, I'm pretty sure nothing would be lost with Sak, and if anything, she'd be overjoyed at the ability to raid places like Dodixie or Jita, especially in the early days with the collapse of highsec.  Delicious carebear loot awaits! :yar:

Her sisters, while a bit more dependent on the empires financially, generally don't associate with the ideology of the places they live, so the impact would probably be minimal on their personalities.  I think the sole exception to that would be Ereka, who's arguably the most pro-faction of the lot with her support for the Fed, especially considering how much her people have thrown a wrench* into the whole thing.  She'd probably end up cynical and jaded, realizing that nothing lasts forever, even though she should have known that from the beginning.

* Think about this, for a second.  Imagine the Caldari had found a way to play nice with the Gallente, Intaki, Mannar, etc. as members of the Federation.  Imagine the progress that could have been made instead of the decades of war, the integrated Fed could have been a bulwark of peace and common interests in the galactic north, as powerful or moreso than the Amarrians.  Instead, the Caldari did what Caldari do best, and look after their own self-interests, fucking up the whole attempt at "many cultures, one government".  Ereka Nihil, arguably one of the most Caldari-hating Caldari out there, trying to make things right.


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Re: How much of your character is left without a faction?
« Reply #36 on: 12 Jun 2013, 11:02 »

Almost nothing would be left of Safai without her faction. :|

Shintoko Akahoshi

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Re: How much of your character is left without a faction?
« Reply #37 on: 12 Jun 2013, 11:46 »

I've had to deal with this early on with Shin. While never strongly supporting one faction or another, she did go from pro-Federation terrorist to free space terrorist. That's probably the faction she most closely identifies with. I've stated and/or alluded in my fiction the reasons why she left the free space movement and started flying for the State. Needless to say, it was the beginning of a long mercenary period for her (with an interlude of about a year flying for Electus Matari, which she did because she sympathized with the Republic's plight).

Which both says "Shin would be fine without a faction to identify with", and also "if your faction-supporting character starts feeling like a dead end, there are options beyond either going fully OOC or biomassing and starting over".

Samira Kernher

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Re: How much of your character is left without a faction?
« Reply #38 on: 12 Jun 2013, 12:00 »

Two camps on this in regards to Samira.

If you removed faction from her, she'd cease to really exist as a character. Her entire personality has been molded by the way she was raised in the Empire. If you took away that upbringing, she'd be an entirely different person.

On the other hand, if you simply removed Empire loyalty from her now, she'd still function the same as she has. She's conditioned to respect authority, period, and to not stand out. She could easily adapt to any culture, and would endeavor to do so in order to avoid any danger to herself. Just like she did when she was living in the Republic.

Pieter Tuulinen

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Re: How much of your character is left without a faction?
« Reply #39 on: 12 Jun 2013, 14:54 »

Faction Loyalty forms and informs all of Pieter's baseline reactions and interactions but you might say that some of the more interesting things about him are where he has departed from that beginning to make his own decisions and establish his own values.

If you completely excised the Caldari State Faction from him, you'd be left with a much lesser character, imho - and that will hold true whether he emerges to become a major force in Caldari Nationalist forces, a Pirate or something stranger entirely. A tree without roots is just garden rubbish.


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Re: How much of your character is left without a faction?
« Reply #40 on: 03 Aug 2013, 14:26 »

Don't mind if I do.

Without the Minmatar as an excuse for all of the nasty shit he's done/will do, Havohej would still be cold, calculating, methodical and quite mad.  If there were no factions at all, he would merely twist other peoples' words and logic until he had a seemingly rational "motive" for destroying things that other people have/enjoy.  If the rationale behind this "motive" is able to draw other similarly insane (even better if sane) people to support and fight for the "cause", then that's great.  If not... well, that means more potential targets.

At the end of the day, Enkil Akheteru sees himself as a predatory creature that is no longer even remotely human but is struggling to continue giving a damn what happens to those poor little buggers down on the planet surfaces and in the dark, nasty-smelling, overly-hot crew areas of his ships where the hard work gets done, because... what happens when an infomorph really doesn't care at all about humanity anymore?

That, as the core character, doesn't depend on any faction at all.

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Repentence Tyrathlion

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Re: How much of your character is left without a faction?
« Reply #41 on: 04 Aug 2013, 02:16 »

Reppy without the Kingdom?

At first, I thought that she'd probably be the same, and to some extent, she would.  There's still Rules if you're in Empire space, and she's comfy there.  She's toyed with retiring to the Federation someday, though whether she actually would or not is another question.

Then I realised that no - if you took away that Kingdom at this point in time, she would become a scary, scary person.  She maintains a comfortable facade of civilisation, honour and amiability.  Throw her into the shark infested space of no loyalties or rules, and she'd probably turn into the next Silas.  If not worse.

Steffanie Saissore

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Re: How much of your character is left without a faction?
« Reply #42 on: 07 Aug 2013, 11:25 »

Been doing some more thinking about Steff and her attachment (or lack thereof) to the Federation.

Admittedly, some of her backstory is heavily flavored because of my perception of ancient Gallente and the romanticized ideal of what the Federation ought to be.  That said, given her beliefs and what she perceives to be happening within the Federation, she doesn't need the Federation to be who she is.

I may be re-examining her ideologies at some point; trying to be a neutral party and paying more than just mere lip service to the laws/traditions of the four nations (though to be honest, she's had very little to do with the Republic...not on purpose really, just been trying to keep Amarr and Caldari standings at a place where I won't get shot at) is likely going to cause more issues in the long run.  That said, could just go full swing and go completely independent and be loyal to only friends and the ideals of honour.  Not quite sure how well that would work out and being solo, not likely very well.
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Re: How much of your character is left without a faction?
« Reply #43 on: 08 Aug 2013, 02:11 »

Myyona and Ataraxia Pharmacies in general does not align with any particular faction already, so nothing would be lost in that regard.

I guess in mine/our case it is more about being on the side of law and order contrary to anarchy and piracy. Advocating humanitarian values in an universe which is mostly ruled by violence and exploitation.
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Re: How much of your character is left without a faction?
« Reply #44 on: 29 Aug 2013, 08:05 »

My guy is pretty devoid of factions. Certainly doesn't take a side unless he's paid to. Not too attached to the State, or any ideas of patriotism. Short of counting the GHSC as its own tiny faction, I don't think it applies to ol' I.S.
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