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Author Topic: Previously Archived Transhumanity Today Audio Released (Writing Contest Entry)  (Read 635 times)


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The following transcripts were recently compiled from the Origin public network. The author of this work, Caera Clarke, has given me permission to publish her work for the benefit of those outside the Origin system. These articles were originally aired as audio broadcast.

Heritage Day in New Hyjn
30/6/118 Record setting crowds are expected for the Matari exposition in the Promenade this evening as an un-assuming children’s 7th level class prepares to make history. Earlier this month the 115th Sector Classroom petitioned the Festival Committee for the honor of reading the Tales at this year’s Cultural Festival. I spoke with the head-boy for the class, 12 year old Estith Cuurnes who both proposed the idea and who was ultimately given the honor of reading the first Tale, I asked him what had given him the idea and he had this to say; “It took a lot of courage for my parents to come [into Origin]. It took a lot of courage for the Coordinator to share these Tales. I only want to show as much courage as [they] did.” I further asked what Estith would say if he could meet the Coordinator; “I.. I don’t know. But I want to run a corporation just like her one day.”

New Hyjn, as its namesake implies was originally settled by refugees fleeing Amarrian oppression. This will be the first time since the Tales were handed down by the Coordinator herself that they will be read publicly and you can positively feel the excitement reverberating from the towers.

Officials of the Festival Planning Committee expressed concern as to the impact this may have on those also celebrating their Amarr heritage; “Well, the reading of The Scriptures have always been met with some resistance in a city whose primary demographic has typically suffered under Amarr oppression, some quite recently…  …It is important to remember that we are all the People of Origin now, but that we all came from somewhere else.”

The Committee has come under fire in that past few years for their management of the week-long event. Prominent clergy claim that Chairman Hrathyn’s alleged associations with the Angel Cartel should have disqualified him from leading the committee while the Committee for Corporate Cultivation, the primary contributor to the Festival, has challenged the lack of Caldari representation.
Looking around at the brightly festooned gayety here in the Promenade, all politics seem to have been put aside and for now, an air of anticipation fills those gathering here today.

Reporting from Kinzer Cultural Promenade on day two of the Cultural Festival, this is Caera Clarke for Transhumanity Today.

Editor’s note: Sources within De Ecclesia in Sceptrum, a local chapel, requested not to be named. ThT does not share nor promote any particular set of religiously held beliefs.

Massacre at Tearnix Launch
14/7/118 The Dockside Market at Icarus Station is quiet this morning as officials continue to sift through the remains of this once vibrant bazaar. Little is known yet as to the group responsible for the deaths of over 120 local merchants, residents, and travelers. What began as a peaceful demonstration in protest of Alexylva Paradox’s most recent launch; the Tearnix, quickly escalated first into an all out brawl, and then into mass homicide as every sentient within 200 meters of dock 34A succumbed to a sort of berserker rage.

Investigators are releasing little as they probe for clues but they have released that a nanoagent appears to have been directly responsible for the invasion of brain and processor alike. Researchers are unwilling to comment further as to the danger this new agent may pose to Origin but already speculation has taken it’s hold among locals; “This time it was a couple of shops and a few dock’ers ya’ know? What if next time this sort of thing is released into a Council Meeting or, Gods forbid, into The Network itself? I don’t much like the idea of one billion kilograms of berserker eggjockey crashing down on me an’ mine right?”

Sources within the Paradox insist that last night’s massacre was perpetrated by an ultra radicalized group using the protests as a cover; ultimately bent on disrupting the Indigo City renovations which got underway just last month. In an unofficial statement from the corporation, they disclosed that they’ve begun their own investigation and that quote; “There will be no repeat” of last night's attack.
While residents here in Icarus are appreciative of Alexylva’s involvement, others take exception. One merchant, grieving for his son who had been working the family stall prior to the massacre went so far as to blame them for the tragedy; “This was a peaceful protest against the most notorious member of the group. Do you think [they] didn’t just release the poison themselves? Their prize new ship survived didn’t it? Do you see any eggheads dead either?”

While we wait for more details, no group has yet emerged to claim responsibility. Barricades are expected to remain up around Dockside through the week with a vigil already planned for tomorrow night, to be held just outside dock 34A. Reporting from Icarus Station, this is Caera Clarke for Transhumanity Today.

Editor's note: Officially, ALXVP does not comment on ongoing investigations.

Horde Incursion Obliterated
13/8/118 A fireworks display of festival proportions illuminated Origin early this morning as the Paradox obliterated more than twenty pods, frigates and, destroyers throughout the system. What began as an unwarranted infiltration from Empire space by the notorious Pandemic Horde became a multi-ship, multi-system manhunt that lasted most of the morning. Officials within ALXVP are not releasing any information at this time but the dazzling display has many citizens wondering what could have provoked such an invasion of Origin space.

One local shop owner, I01get describes what it saw; “I looked up eighteen degrees and the western sky was flashing like a… well like a rave-strobe then on and off again for hours, even reaching fifty-eight point four degrees by the end of it. The star wasn’t full up yet so it was there, clear as a beacon. I mean, I’ve seen some stuff in my time but never so… prolonged.” Others reacted differently, like dock foreman Avin Seccin; “It’s just one more example of how ALXVP and the Board are doing their jobs and keeping us safe. This was just some piffle-ships, imagine if it were twenty or so battleships. Yeah, then what? The Second Council needs to get off their collective arse and let our pilots, crews, and dock-workers do their jobs. Support the Pilots yo!” Avin was referring; of course, to the recent Council proposals to divert even further funding from Military Operations into Commercial Enterprises for Indigo City, a proposal which threatens to cut support staffing in half.

While public speculation continues, here at Transhumanity Today, our military experts are baffled by the complete lack of coordination seen in the Horde’s response to the Paradox’s counterinsurgency attack; “See, normally when pinned down by a counterinsurgency tactic as was used by our local defense commanders, conventional wisdom is to condense and accelerate, using your speed and agility to overwhelm the initial tackle. Barring that, a strategic retreat to your exit is likely to save at least most of your ships while sacrificing only a few. What we saw this morning was a complete nova from the moment Paradox ships arrived… ….rather than an organized retraction of forces, [Pandemic Horde] chose to scatter about, and remain in, the system”. Such tactics have left our experts baffled as to the ultimate goal of the assault even as Indigo City enters the final stages of renovation and repositioning. Speculation ranges from the station itself as the target, to a secret covert intelligence extraction, to even a failed defection from the Legion itself. Only one thing is certain as the flashes subside this afternoon, Origin is again safe, for now. 

From our headquarters in Foundation City, this is Caera Clarke reporting for Transhumanity Today.
« Last Edit: 14 Oct 2016, 18:10 by Xepharious »
ALEXYLVA PARADOX | Sub-Coordinator | Recruiter
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