EVE-Online RP Discussion and Resources > Non-EVE Fiction

A genre I'm trying to narrow down.

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Ashar Kor-Azor:
I talked to Cia about this months ago. It was mainly centered on a list of works that I (and then we) felt had a common theme, but no clear genre. Let me tell you what they are:

-Palanahuick's works, esp. Fight Club but also others;
-Hunter Thompson's Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
-Tongkat or Tonguecat, by Peter Verhelst
-Vurt, by Jeff Noon, Cia's suggestion

Possibly also books by Kurt Vonnegut. Not sure.

All of these feature a sort of common thread to do with bombarding the reader constantly with powerful imagery that is sufficiently moving and yet sufficiently varied, or well-spaced, or whatnot, not to be overpowering in its, uh, thrust. Which sounds like intercourse, but there you have it - these books are sexy.

Wat yew think?

They all feature large quantites of hallucinogens, so perhaps Naked Lunch belongs on there?

Ashar Kor-Azor:
I really can't say. I know the prose in some of these is often described as 'nearly psychedelic.'

Natalcya Katla:
Would you include The Doors Of Perception by Aldous Huxley in that same genre as well? It's not a work of fiction (though Fear and Loathing isn't entirely fictive either), but the subject matter is related and, iirc, the language is, too.

Tiberius Wenchel:
There's already a classification for that stuff. It's called Juvenalian Satire, and it has been around since, well, Juvenal.


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