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Author Topic: [Character] Vector Kichiro  (Read 1545 times)


  • Clonejack
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[Character] Vector Kichiro
« on: 29 Jul 2010, 03:55 »

Caldari State Citizen Records
Subject Name: Kichiro, Vector
Age: 26
PoB: New Caldari Prime
DoB:  1.13YC086
Citizenship Status: Granted, Full
Citizenship ID: 3630-5932-XKCD-24BC
Ethnicity: Tube Child (Creche 368B)
Bloodline: Deteis
Licenses: POD, YC112
Clearance:  Limited
Political Affiliations: Patriot
Employment History:
   Caldari Navy Marines YC102-YC112
   Caldari Navy YC112-Present
Current Assignment:
   Supply transport escort in support of operations on Caldari Prime.
Physical Description:
   Vector is rather short, coming in at an unimposing 5’8” (~1.7m).  When he is not wearing a cap becoming of his rank in the Caldari Navy his light brown hair is combed back revealing a rather large forehead, revealing the beginning of a receding hairline. His head is rectangular in feature with sharp cheekbones and a square chin.
   Always one for appearances, Vector is seen most often in the crisp uniform of a pilot in the Caldari Navy.  There are two service medals on his left breast; one designating his service as a Caldari Navy Corpsman and the other for gallant action taken during the liberation of Caldari Prime.  When not in uniform he wears a dark blue tunic and black trousers.
   Besides the neural jacks at the base of his skull and lower back there are no visible signs of physical augmentation; despite Vector possessing numerous implants. He has a small barcode tattoo below his left eye.


Personal History:
   Raised in the heart of the State on New Caldari Prime, Vector grew up in a government run orphanage.  He is a tube child. While he was artificially created via mechanical insemination, he was not grown in a tube like previous generations, the later having falling out of favor after the Gallante-Caldari war ended and the need for population ceased to be as pressing an issue. He has a mother, though purely in a biological sense. Any connection between them is purely coincidental. She had a duty to fulfill and she did. Presently Vector knows of his mother and where she lives but that is about it. He has no idea as to the whereabouts or state of his father.
   His childhood was very regimental and ordered. Life was harsh but tolerable for those who stayed in line and did their jobs. After he reached 16 he was selected for Navy training. He tested into the medical program and graduated as a Corpsman in YC102.
   After graduation he was assigned to various outposts, capital ships, and planetside duties. After the Malkalen Incident Vector was assigned to what was to become the Caldari invasion fleet into the Luminaire system. He was among the first waves of Caldari troops to land on the planet and saw some of the fiercest fighting on the planet. Eventually Vector suffered a grievous wound while combating guerilla fighters in Arcurio. Unable to continue service in the Marines and in light of his outstanding service to the State, Vector was selected for Capsuleer training.
    Vector now serves in the Caldari Navy piloting frigate class ships. His primary mission is to escort supply transports through Gallante space and onto Caldari Prime.  He views his capsuleer training as an honor and a privilege that he is so lucky that he can do so much for his fellow Caldari.


Just thought I would say hello and introduce myself and my character. So, hello! and this is Vector Kichiro, Caldari Navy Marine and Patriot of the State. While on the outside he might appear pretty standard issue Caldari State nationalist I plan on developing him over time to become more moderate and liberal in his views. The things he saw on Caldari Prime have somewhat quenched his zealous support of the State without question. He also has what I think is a rather unique view among capsullers on being a pod pilot. He views it as a privilege and an honor rather than a means to wealth/power/glory.

I plan on writing a few short stories about the Caldari occupation of Caldari Prime that feature what it was like for the soldiers and people fighting on the ground. I've looked around for information reguarding this but came up somewhat lacking. I would love to know what fighting on the ground is like in New Eden and what places of interest were fought over heavily on Caldari Prime and might still continue to be places of conflict after the invasion.

Opinions? Thoughts?

I'm glad I've found this community, it looks like it is pretty developed and full of all sorts of interesting characters. See you in game!

Ghost Hunter

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Re: [Character] Vector Kichiro
« Reply #1 on: 29 Jul 2010, 04:02 »

   Vector is rather short, coming in at an unimposing 5’8” (~1.7m).

Hohohohohoho my sister would love to have a word with you.

People in that range are considered giants by people in her height range.

Also, hello, welcome to the forum.
Ghost > So yes, she was Ghost's husband-
Ashar > So Ghost was a gay Caldari and she went through tranny surgery
Ghost > Wait what?
Ashar > Ghosts husband.
Ghost > No she was - Oh god damnit.

He ate all of them
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  • Clonejack
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Re: [Character] Vector Kichiro
« Reply #2 on: 29 Jul 2010, 04:19 »

   Vector is rather short, coming in at an unimposing 5’8” (~1.7m).

Hohohohohoho my sister would love to have a word with you.

People in that range are considered giants by people in her height range.

Also, hello, welcome to the forum.

*shrugs* Most people are described as "tall" at 6'. I"m about 5'8" and get called short all the time >_>.